What are samples of 8-syllable poems for grade 9 students in Vietnam? What are requirements for the teaching methods for grade 9 Literature in Vietnam?

What are 10 samples of 8-syllable poems for grade 9 students in Vietnam? What are requirements for the teaching methods for grade 9 Literature in Vietnam?

What are samples of 8-syllable poems for grade 9 students in Vietnam?

Writing an 8-syllable poem is one of the requirements of the grade 9 literature program.

Thus, students may refer to the following sample 8-syllable poems for grade 9 students:

Samples of 8-syllable poems for grade 9 students

1. On Friendship:

Theme: Beautiful, sincere friendship.

Sample lines:

Bạn ơi, tình bạn đẹp biết bao

Như ánh nắng mai chiếu rọi vào lòng

Chân thành, thủy chung, luôn ở bên nhau

Cùng nhau vượt qua bao gian khó

Expansion suggestion: You can write about a beautiful memory with friends, valuable lessons in friendship, or a lesson learned from friendship.

2. On Family:

Theme: Family love, parents' gratitude.

Sample lines:

Mẹ là biển cả mênh mông

Cha là ngọn núi vững chãi

Con yêu gia đình, yêu mái nhà

Nơi con tìm thấy bình yên

Expansion suggestion: You can write about a childhood memory with family, lessons from parents, or dreams for your family.

3. On Homeland:

Theme: Love for homeland, country.

Sample lines:

Quê hương ơi, một nẻo trời xanh

Dòng sông quê hương êm đềm trôi

Con yêu từng ngọn cỏ, bông hoa

Yêu từng con đường, góc phố thân quen

Expansion suggestion: You can write about the beautiful scenery of your homeland, familiar people, or childhood memories tied to your hometown.

4. On Nature:

Theme: The beauty of nature, the change of seasons.

Sample lines:

Mùa xuân đến, muôn hoa khoe sắc

Chim hót líu lo, nắng vàng tươi

Thiên nhiên đẹp biết bao nhiêu

Ta yêu từng cánh rừng, dòng sông

Expansion suggestion: You can write about your favorite season, a type of flower, an animal, or a natural phenomenon.

5. On Dreams:

Theme: Dreams and aspirations of youth.

Sample lines:

Ước mơ là cánh chim trời cao

Bay xa bay mãi đến muôn phương

Con sẽ cố gắng từng ngày

Để biến ước mơ thành hiện thực

Expansion suggestion: You can write about the dream of becoming a useful person for society, the dream of exploring the world, or simpler dreams like traveling.

6. On Love:

Theme: Adolescent love, unrequited love.

Sample lines:

Tình yêu đến thật nhẹ nhàng

Như làn gió mát giữa trưa hè

Lòng ta xao xuyến, bồi hồi

Vì một người mà ta thầm thương

Expansion suggestion: You can write about feelings when in love, beautiful memories with the loved one, or the sorrow of being apart from the loved one.

7. On Youth:

Theme: Joys, sorrows, experiences of youth.

Sample lines:

Tuổi trẻ như một giấc mơ

Đầy những ước mơ và khát khao

Ta hãy sống hết mình

Để không phải hối tiếc về sau

Expansion suggestion: You can write about what you love about youth, the challenges faced, or lessons learned from youth.

8. On Teachers:

Theme: Teachers' gratitude, teacher-student affection.

Sample lines:

Thầy cô ơi, người lái đò

Chở chúng con đến bến bờ tương lai

Con xin ghi nhớ ơn thầy

Sẽ cố gắng học thật giỏi

Expansion suggestion: You can write about a memorable experience with teachers, a lesson they taught, or words of gratitude you want to send to them.

9. On the Country:

Theme: Love for the country, citizen responsibilities.

Sample lines:

Việt Nam ơi, đất nước tôi

Đẹp biết bao, hùng vĩ bao la

Con sẽ cố gắng học tập

Để xây dựng đất nước giàu mạnh

Expansion suggestion: You can write about Vietnam's scenic spots, heroes and martyrs, or the nation's achievements.

10. On Life:

Theme: Thoughts on life and its meaning.

Sample lines:

Cuộc sống là một hành trình

Đầy những khó khăn và thử thách

Nhưng cũng đầy những niềm vui

Hãy sống thật tốt mỗi ngày

Note: Information is for reference only./.

- If you want to write an 8-syllable poem in your own style, you may follow the outline below:

Outline for Writing 8-syllable poems (Octasyllabic)

I. Choose a Topic:

Identify the topic: Choose a topic you love and have many emotions for. It can be about friendship, family, homeland, nature, dreams, love, youth, teachers, the country, life...

Narrow the topic: Choose a specific and clear topic so the poem is focused and profound.

II. Make an Outline:


Give a general introduction to the topic.

Use a rhetorical question, a simile, or a quote to attract the reader.


"Tình bạn là gì, ai hay biết?"

"Quê hương ơi, một nẻo trời xanh"


Express emotions: Describe in detail your emotions and thoughts about the chosen topic.

Use imagery: Create poetic, vivid images to highlight the poem's theme.

Comparison, personification: Use rhetorical devices to make the poem more lively and attractive.

Emotions: Clearly express your feelings through each line.

Divide into segments: Divide the body into several segments for coherence and clarity.


Summarize the main ideas of the poem.

Leave a deep impression on the reader.


"Tình bạn là mãi mãi, không bao giờ phai"

"Con sẽ mãi yêu quê hương"

III. Write the Poem:

Adhere to poetry disciplines: Each verse has eight words, with rhythm and rhyme.

Use rich imagery: Choose evocative and rich language to make the poem more vibrant.

Diversify sentence structures: Combine different sentence types (narrative, exclamatory, rhetorical questions) to avoid monotony.

Revise and perfect: After writing, read the poem again and revise any parts that are not smooth or reasonable.

IV. Some Notes:

Read a lot of poems: Read many poems to learn different ways of using words, rhyming, and building imagery.

Practice writing often: Write poems regularly to cultivate creativity and expression.

Don't be afraid to be creative: Confidently express your personality and thoughts through the verses.

An Example of an 8-syllable poem on Friendship:


Tình bạn là gì, ai hay biết?

Là sợi dây gắn kết tấm lòng

Là chỗ dựa vững chắc khi ta ngã

Là ánh nắng xua tan bóng tối


Cùng nhau chia sẻ niềm vui nỗi buồn

Cùng nhau học tập, cùng nhau tiến lên

Tình bạn đẹp như một giấc mơ

Luôn ở bên nhau, mãi mãi không quên


Tình bạn là mãi mãi, không bao giờ phai

Hãy trân trọng những người bạn thân

Note: Information is for reference only./.

Best Eighth-Word Poems for 9th Grade? What is the teaching method requirement for 9th-grade literature?

What are samples of 8-syllable poems for grade 9 students in Vietnam? What are requirements for the teaching methods for grade 9 Literature in Vietnam?​ (Image from the Internet)

What are requirements for the teaching methods for grade 9 Literature in Vietnam?

According to Section VI of the Literature curriculum issued with Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT, the requirements for the teaching methods for grade 9 Literature in Vietnam are as follows:

- Writing Instruction Method

The goal of teaching writing is to train thinking and writing skills, thereby educating character and developing students' personalities. Therefore, when teaching writing, teachers focus on encouraging idea generation and presenting ideas clearly, creatively, and persuasively.

Teachers focus on guiding students through the steps of creating texts, practicing writing according to the steps and characteristics of each type of text. Through practice, teachers guide students to analyze texts in the comprehension section and supplementary texts to understand the characteristics of different types of texts, the process of creating texts; using questions to help students identify the purpose and content of writing; introducing sources of materials, guiding how to find ideas and outline; guiding students to write texts; self-edit and share based on writing evaluation criteria.

In primary school, there are two writing instruction goals: teaching writing techniques and teaching paragraph and text writing. Teaching writing techniques (handwriting, spelling) mainly uses the practice method according to samples. Teaching paragraph and text writing is more flexible, using methods such as model practice, questioning, group discussion, creative writing...

In lower secondary school and upper secondary school, teachers require students to perform more complex tasks such as gathering information for writing from multiple sources (printed materials, online materials, interviews, real-world data collection); discussing, analyzing evaluation criteria for writing; self-editing, group sharing for improving writing and drawing lessons after each time writing... At these levels, besides continuing the model analysis method for text types, teachers focus on guiding active writing techniques to help students both master the creation skills of each text type and develop critical thinking, problem-solving abilities, and creativity expressed through writing. Besides conventional texts, students are also trained to create electronic texts and multimodal texts.

Teachers use methods such as model analysis, questioning, problem-posing, and elicitation to guide students in forming outlines, choosing ways to develop and express; organizing practice writing segments or entire texts: introductions, conclusions, one or more body paragraphs.

Teaching paragraph and text writing usually includes activities like: assigning tasks to students; requiring students to work individually, in pairs, or groups; organizing presentations of work results, discussing assigned tasks and drawing lesson conclusions; giving feedback, evaluation,...; after writing, students need opportunities to speak, present what they wrote.

What literary materials are referred to in grade 9 Literature in Vietnam?

According to Section IX of the Literature curriculum issued with Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT, the literary materials that are referred to in grade 9 literature are as follows:


Stories, Novels

- Bắt sấu rừng U Minh Hạ (Sơn Nam)

- The Last Leaf (O. Henry)

- Chiếc lược ngà (Nguyễn Quang Sáng)

- Chuyện chiếc ấm sứt vòi (Trần Đức Tiến)

- Đá trổ bông (Nguyễn Ngọc Tư)

- Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea (J. Verne)

- The Little Prince (Antoine de Saint-Exupéry)

- Tinh thần thể dục (Nguyễn Công Hoan)

- Làng (Kim Lân)

- Lão Hạc (Nam Cao)

- Chuyện người con gái Nam Xương (Nguyễn Dữ)

- Những ngôi sao xa xôi (Lê Minh Khuê)

- Robinson Crusoe (D. Defoe)

- Sherlock Holmes (A. Doyle)

- Tôi đi học (Thanh Tịnh)

- Tuổi thơ dữ dội (Phùng Quán)

- Vũ trung tuỳ bút (Phạm Đình Hổ)

- ...

Poetry, Folk Songs, Nom Stories

- Bánh trôi nước, Mời trầu (Hồ Xuân Hương)

- Bếp lửa (Bằng Việt)

- Folk songs about people, society

- Chân quê, Không đề (Nguyễn Bính)

- The Wolf and the Lamb, The Ant and the Grasshopper (J. La Fontaine)

- The Road Not Taken (R. Frost)

- Đây mùa thu tới (Xuân Diệu)

- Đồng chí (Chính Hữu)

- Hoàng Hạc lâu (Thôi Hiệu)

- Hội Tây, Khóc Dương Khuê (Nguyễn Khuyến)

- Khúc hát ru những em bé lớn trên lưng mẹ (Nguyễn Khoa Điềm)

- Lục Vân Tiên (Nguyễn Đình Chiểu)

- Mộ (Chiều tối - Hồ Chí Minh)

- Mùa xuân nho nhỏ (Thanh Hải)

- Nam quốc sơn hà (Thời Lý)

- Nói với con (Y Phương)

- Ngôn chí số 20, Thuật hứng 24 (Nguyễn Trãi)

- Ông đồ (Vũ Đình Liên)

- Qua Đèo Ngang (Bà Huyện Thanh Quan)

- Sang thu (Hữu Thỉnh)

- Thuốc đắng (Mai Văn Phấn)

- Mẹ Tơm (Tố Hữu)

- Tống biệt (Tản Đà)

- Truyện Kiều (Nguyễn Du)

- Vịnh khoa thi Hương (Trần Tế Xương)

- ...

Plays, Chèo (Traditional Operas)

- Bắc Sơn (Nguyễn Huy Tưởng)

- Monsieur Jourdain Dressed in Formal Attire (Moliere)

- Quan Âm Thị Kính (chèo dân gian)

- Quẫn (Lộng Chương)

- Romeo and Juliet (W. Shakespeare)

- ...


- Social essays: discussing an issue in life

- Literary essays: analyzing literary works

- Bàn luận về phép học (Nguyễn Thiếp)

- Bàn về đọc sách (Chu Quang Tiềm)

- Bình Ngô đại cáo (Nguyễn Trãi)

- Chiếu dời đô (Lý Công Uẩn)

- On Traveling (Excerpt from Emile or Education by J. Rousseau)

- Hịch tướng sĩ (Trần Hưng Đạo)

- Phong cách Hồ Chí Minh (Lê Anh Trà)

- ...

Informational Texts

- Explanation text about a natural phenomenon or an introduction to a book or movie seen.

- Explanation text about a social phenomenon or explaining the procedure of conducting an experiment.

- News articles (print and online); reports, advertisements, interviews.

- ...

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