10:05 | 19/09/2024

What are requirements for the Vietnamese Language subject in grade 4 under the 2018 curriculum in Vietnam?

What are requirements for the Vietnamese Language subject in grade 4 under the 2018 curriculum in Vietnam?

What are requirements for the Vietnamese Language subject in grade 4 under the 2018 curriculum in Vietnam?

First, Program 2018 follows Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT.

Additionally, in Article 2 of Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT, the roadmap for implementing General Education Program 2018 (or Program 2018) is stipulated as follows:

- From the 2020-2021 school year for grade 1.

- From the 2021-2022 school year for grades 2 and 6.

- From the 2022-2023 school year for grades 3, 7, and 10.

- From the 2023-2024 school year for grades 4, 8, and 11.

- From the 2024-2025 school year for grades 5, 9, and 12.

In the school year 2024-2025, the remaining three grades (5, 9, and 12) will officially apply Program 2018 instead of General Education Program 2006 (Program 2006) as per Decision 16/2006/QD-BGDDT as in the school year 2023-2024.

Therefore, from the school year 2024-2025, all grades in general education will apply Program 2018.

Hence, the requirements to achieve for Vietnamese Language subject, grade 4, Program 2018, according to Section V of the General Education Program for Literature issued with Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT, are as follows:

*Requirements for Essential Qualities and General Competencies

The Literature subject contributes to forming and developing in students the essential qualities and general competencies according to the levels appropriate to the subject and grade level as stipulated in the overall Program.

Additionally, according to Section IV of the General Education Program for Literature issued with Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT, the specific competencies required upon completing the Vietnamese language curriculum for grade 4 include:

[1] Necessary Language Competency:

- Read correctly, fluently, and expressively; understand the main content of the text, primarily explicit content; initially understand implicit content such as the theme and lessons from the text read.

- At the primary level the reading requirements include both reading technique and reading comprehension skills. For students in the early grades (grades 1, 2), focus on both reading accuracy at an appropriate speed and understanding the simple content of the text.

For students in grades 3, 4, and 5, focus more on comprehending specific content, understanding the theme, and lessons drawn from the text.

- From grades 1 to 3, write correctly in spelling, vocabulary, and grammar; write a few sentences and short paragraphs; in grades 4 and 5, start writing short, complete essays, mainly narratives, descriptions, and simple introductions.

- Write texts retelling stories read, events witnessed and participated in, or imagined stories; describe familiar objects and phenomena; introduce objects and activities close to the student's life.

- Write paragraphs expressing feelings and thoughts when reading a story or poem, witnessing an event that evokes strong emotions; express opinions on simple issues in learning and life; write various types of texts such as autobiographical notes, messages, invitations, schedules, applications, etc.; initially know how to write according to process; the essay needs to have three parts (introduction, body, conclusion).

- Present ideas and emotions clearly; initially know how to use appropriate gestures and expressions when speaking; retell a story read or heard clearly; know how to share and exchange feelings, attitudes, and thoughts about discussed issues; explain an object or a simple process.

- Listen and understand with a suitable attitude and grasp the basic content; recognize the speaker's emotions; know how to respond to what has been heard.

[2] Required Literary Competency:

- Distinguish between narrative and poetry texts (prose and verse); recognize the content and the attitude, feelings of the writer; initially understand the effect of some formal elements of literary texts (language, characters, plot, verses, comparisons, personification). Know how to imagine and express literary-like quality in writing and speaking.

- For students in grades 1 and 2: recognize who or what the text is about; identify characters in stories, verses in poetry; recognize stories and poems.

- For students in grades 3, 4, and 5: know how to read literary texts expressively; retell and summarize the main content of stories and poems; comment on characters and events and the attitudes and feelings of the writer; recognize time and place, some types of verse, rhyme, beautiful and unique words and images, and the effect of figurative devices like personification and comparison.

- Understand the meaning or lessons from texts. Write paragraphs or stories that express feelings and the ability to imagine.

>>>In summary, the requirements for the Vietnamese Language subject, grade 4, Program 2018, include two main parts: essential qualities and general competencies, and specific competencies.

Requirements for Vietnamese Language Subject, Grade 4, Program 2018

What are requirements for the Vietnamese Language subject in grade 4 under the 2018 curriculum in Vietnam? (Image from the Internet)

What are regulations on selection of texts for grade 4 Vietnamese Language subject?

According to Section IX, Appendix of the General Education Program for Literature issued with Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT, suggested text selection for grade 5 when teaching grade 5 Vietnamese Language subject is as follows:

- Based on the criteria for text selection (stated in Section V) and requirements for text selection (stated in Section VIII), the Program builds a suggested list of texts (language materials) for each grade.

This text list is not all the materials for all grades but only illustrations of genre, text type, topic, and suitability with cognitive and psychological age characteristics; to meet the requirements for reading, writing, speaking, and listening in each grade.

To facilitate flexibility in selecting materials, texts are suggested by grade groups: Grades 1, 2, and 3; Grades 4 and 5; Grades 6 and 7; Grades 8 and 9; Grades 10, 11 and 12 (text titles in all grades are arranged in alphabetical order).

Textbook authors can use this list to select and find additional texts of equivalent genre and difficulty, ensuring they meet the criteria (stated in Section V) and requirements for text selection (stated in Section VIII).

- The suggested texts (materials) in this list are arranged by text type (stories, poems, plays, memos, arguments, information).

The number of texts for each type varies depending on the Program requirements.

The list includes new texts and those currently used in existing textbooks (reallocated to suit each grade's requirements), ensuring a balance between inheritance and innovation. For informational texts, the list does not specifically name the texts but only indicates the topic and text types, allowing textbook authors to select freely.

Authors listed in this list only appear once across all three educational levels, except for some mandatory works specified in the Program.

To guide textbook authors in selecting suitable texts for the grade groups, this list provides distribution directions even for mandatory works.


*Stories, Prose

- Chuyện của Thần Nông (Vietnamese Folktale)

- Con yêu bố chừng nào (Guess how much I love you) (Picture Book - Sam McBratney, A. Jeram)

- Có con giun đất (Vietnamese Folk Humor)

- Điều ước của vua Midas (King Midas and his golden touch) (Greek Mythology)

- Kì diệu rừng xanh (Nguyen Phan Hach)

- Một người chính trực (Quynh Cu, Do Duc Hung)

- Mua kính (Vietnamese Folk Humor)

- Những ngày thơ ấu (Nguyen Hong)

- Những tấm lòng cao cả (Heart) (E. Amicis)

- Phân xử tài tình (Vietnamese Folktale)

- Quê nội (Vo Quang)

- Sự tích cây nêu ngày Tết (Vietnamese Folktale)

- Thái sư Trần Thủ Độ (Ngo Si Lien)

- Thư gửi các học sinh (Ho Chi Minh)

- Thương nhớ ngón tay (Excerpt from Vừa nhắm mắt vừa mở cửa sổ - Nguyen Ngoc Thuan)

- Tottochan cô bé bên cửa sổ (Totto-chan: The Little Girl at the Window) (K. Tetsuko)

- Trong rừng rậm (Excerpt from "The Jungle Book" - R. Kipling)

- ...

*Poetry, Proverbs, Riddles

- Bài ca về trái đất (Định Hải)

- Bè xuôi sông La (Vũ Duy Thông)

- Biển (Khánh Chi)

- Bến cảng Hải Phòng (Nguyễn Hồng Kiên)

- Ca dao về tình cảm gia đình

- Cao Bằng (Trúc Thông)

- Câu đố dân gian về sự vật, hiện tượng

- Chợ Tết (Đoàn Văn Cừ)

- Dòng sông mặc áo (Nguyễn Trọng Tạo)

- Em nghĩ về trái đất (Nguyễn Lãm Thắng)

- Lượm (Tố Hữu)

- Sắc màu em yêu (Phạm Đình Ân)

- Tiếng đàn ba-la-lai-ca trên sông Đà (Quang Huy)

- Trẻ em hôm nay, thế giới ngày mai (Phùng Ngọc Hùng)

- Truyện Kiều (Nguyễn Du)

- Truyện cổ nước mình (Lâm Thị Mỹ Dạ)

- Trước cổng trời (Nguyễn Đình Ảnh)

- ...


- Cáo bị rơi xuống giếng (The Fox Fell Into the Well) (Aesop)

- Con chim xanh (The Blue Bird) (M. Maeterlinck)

- Hoàng tử - Công chúa và chín vị thần... bị bắt (Minh Phuong)

- Lòng dân (Nguyen Van Xe)

- Người công dân số Một (Ha Van Cau - Vu Dinh Phong)

- ...

*Informational Texts

- Texts introducing books, films.

- Instructional texts (simple) outlining the steps to perform a task or use a product.

- Thank you or apology letters, greeting letters; requests (for leave, admission); invitations, work reports, activity programs.

- Texts explaining a natural phenomenon.

- Texts introducing a process.

- Advertisement texts (flyers, posters,...).

- ...

What are 3 goals of learning grade 4 Vietnamese Language subject?

Vietnamese is the name for the subject from grades 1-5; from lower secondary and upper secondary school it is called Literature.

According to Section 3 of the Appendix of the General Education Program for Literature issued attached to Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT, there are 3 general goals in learning the Literature subject as follows:

{1} Helping students continue to develop the good qualities formed in primary school; enhancing and expanding quality development requirements with specific manifestations such as:

+ Pride in national history and literature;

+ Dreams and aspirations, self-learning spirit, and self-respect;

+ Civic awareness, respect for the law.

{2} Continuing to develop general competencies, language competencies, and literary competencies formed in primary school with higher requirements. Developing language competencies with requirements such as:

+ Distinguish between literary, argumentative, and informational texts;

+ Comprehend both explicit and implicit content of text types;

+ Write coherent, logical, complete narrative, descriptive, expressive, argumentative, explanatory, and practical essays, following the process and integrating methods of expression;

+ Speak clearly, coherently; have a confident attitude appropriate to the communication context; listen and understand with a suitable attitude.

{3} Developing literary competencies with requirements such as:

+ Distinguish between genres like stories, poems, memoirs, plays, and some specific sub-genres;

+ Recognize the characteristics of literary language, recognize and analyze the effects of formal elements and artistic devices associated with each literary genre;

+ Identify the expressive, cognitive, aesthetic values; analyze the imagery, content, and form of literary works;

+ Be able to create literary-like products.

>>> DOWNLOAD the General Education Program for Literature issued attached to Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT.

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