08:56 | 21/09/2024

What are regulations on assessment of student educational outcomes in the subject of History in Vietnam?

According to new curriculum, what are regulations on assessment of student educational outcomes in the subject of History in Vietnam?

What are regulations on assessment of student educational outcomes in the subject of History in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Section 7 of the General Education Program for the History Subject issued with Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT, the assessment of student educational outcomes in the subject of History in Vietnam under the General Education Program 2018 is as follows:

The purpose of assessing history education outcomes is to determine the extent to which students meet the requirements for historical knowledge and competencies in each topic and each grade. This, in turn, helps adjust teaching and learning activities to achieve the program's objectives.

Assessment activities should encourage students' enthusiasm for studying, exploring, and discovering historical issues. It should help students gain confidence, creativity, and proactiveness in their learning.

The content of the assessment should focus on the ability to creatively apply learned historical knowledge in specific situations, rather than merely testing the ability to recall, memorize, and mechanically reproduce historical information.

Through assessment, teachers can understand the learning situation and the degree of differentiation in students' academic levels within the class. This enables them to take measures to assist students who do not meet the knowledge and competency requirements, identify and nurture students with historical talents, and simultaneously adjust and perfect methods of history education.

Regarding the Assessment format, it should combine regular assessments with periodic assessments, incorporate both teacher assessments and student self-assessments, and mix oral tests, written tests, practical exercises, and research projects. The assessment should also integrate both objective tests and essays.

How Is the Educational Outcome of Students in the History Subject Evaluated?

What are regulations on assessment of student educational outcomes in the subject of History in Vietnam? (Image from Internet)

For which grades in Vietnam is the new History program applied?

Based on the provisions in Article 2 of Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT, the implementation schedule of the General Education Program is as follows:

The general education program is implemented according to the following schedule:

1. From the 2020-2021 school year for grade 1.

2. From the 2021-2022 school year for grades 2 and 6.

3. From the 2022-2023 school year for grades 3, 7, and 10.

4. From the 2023-2024 school year for grades 4, 8, and 11.

5. From the 2024-2025 school year for grades 5, 9, and 12.

According to Section 4 of the overall General Education Program issued with Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT (amended by Article 1 of Circular 13/2022/TT-BGDDT) regarding the educational plan:


The general education program is divided into two phases: basic education phase (from grade 1 to grade 9) and career-oriented education phase (from grade 10 to grade 12).

The system of subjects and educational activities in the general education program includes compulsory subjects and educational activities, elective subjects based on career orientation (referred to as elective subjects), and optional subjects.

The actual teaching time in a school year is equivalent to 35 weeks. Educational institutions can organize teaching in either one session per day or two sessions per day. Institutions that organize one session per day and those that organize two sessions per day must both implement the compulsory content uniformly applied to all educational institutions nationwide.


2. Career-Oriented Education Phase

2.1. Educational Content

Compulsory subjects and educational activities: Literature; Mathematics; Foreign Language 1; History; Physical Education; National Defense and Security Education; Experiential Activities and Career Guidance; Local Education Content.

Elective subjects: Geography, Economic and Legal Education, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Technology, Information Technology, Music, Fine Arts.

Students choose 4 subjects from the elective subjects.


The new History program will be applied to students in grades 10, 11, 12 starting from the 2024-2025 school year.

Additionally, students have been exposed to history and have studied the subject "History and Geography" starting from grade 4.

What are the characteristics of the new History program in Vietnam?

According to Section 1 of the General Education Program for the History Subject issued with Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT (download), the new History program under the General Education Program 2018 has the following characteristics:

- History is a subject belonging to the Social Sciences group, chosen based on career orientation at the upper secondary level.

- The History subject has the mission to help students form and develop historical competency, a component of scientific competency, while contributing to the formation and development of key qualities and general competencies identified in the overall program.

- The History subject plays a key role in educating patriotism, national pride, historical and cultural traditions, helping students understand and apply historical lessons to solve real-life problems, develop vision, and reinforce humane values, community spirit, tolerance, and kindness. It contributes to developing the qualities of Vietnamese citizens and global citizens in the current era.

- The History subject helps students develop historical thinking, systematic thinking, critical thinking, skills in exploiting and using historical sources, recognizing and presenting history in chronological and thematic logic, connecting the past with the present.

- The History subject helps students realize the scientific and practical values of historical studies in modern social life, understand and love the history, culture of the nation and humanity. It also helps orient students in choosing careers such as social and human sciences research, diplomacy, management, tourism activities, cultural industries, information and communication, etc.

- The History subject program systematizes and consolidates general historical knowledge in the basic education phase while helping students delve deeper into core historical knowledge through topics and special study modules on world history, Southeast Asian history, and Vietnamese history.

The teaching methodology for the History subject is based on fundamental principles of historical science and modern educational methods.

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