What are principles for developing a preschool education program in Vietnam?
Is preschool education the first educational level in Vietnam?
Based on Article 23 of the Law on Education 2019 which stipulates the position, role, and objectives of preschool education as follows:
Position, Role, and Objectives of preschool education
1. preschool education is the first level of the national education system, laying the foundation for the comprehensive development of Vietnamese people, performing the nurturing, caring, and educating of children from 03 months old to 06 years old.
2. preschool education aims to develop children comprehensively in terms of physical, emotional, intellectual, aesthetic aspects, forming the initial elements of character, and preparing children for entering first grade.
Thus, according to the above regulation, preschool education is the first level of the national education system, laying the foundation for the comprehensive development of Vietnamese people, performing the nurturing, caring, and educating of children from 03 months old to 06 years old.
What are principles for developing a preschool education program in Vietnam?
First, the preschool education program is stipulated in Clause 2, Article 2 of Circular 49/2020/TT-BGDDT as follows:
preschool education Program
2. The preschool education program includes the nursery program and the kindergarten program, used uniformly nationwide and organized flexibly, suitable to the specific conditions of the localities and preschool education establishments.
In addition, the development of the preschool education program must adhere to the principles stipulated in Article 3 of Circular 49/2020/TT-BGDDT specifically:
(1) Thoroughly understanding the guidelines and viewpoints of the Communist Party and complying with the Constitution and laws; ensuring consistency between the issuance of the program and related regulations.
(2) Ensuring scientific accuracy; harmonizing protection, care, nurturing, and educating children; uniformly implemented nationwide while ensuring development suitable to the practical conditions of preschool education establishments, localities, and regions.
(3) Ensuring synchronous development, connectivity between age groups, developmental fields, and linkage with the general education program.
(4) Inheriting the strengths of the current program while selectively referencing and adopting the experiences of countries with developed education systems; meeting international integration requirements.
What are principles for developing a preschool education program in Vietnam? (Image from Internet)
What will be the summary of the required standards for an preschool education program in Vietnam?
Based on Article 4 of Circular 49/2020/TT-BGDDT, the standards for an preschool education program are stipulated as follows:
Standard 1. The viewpoint on developing the preschool education program follows the provisions of the Law on Education 2019, the directives of the Communist Party and the State on renovating the preschool education program.
Standard 2. The objectives of the preschool education program must ensure the comprehensive development of preschool children in terms of physical, emotional, intellectual, aesthetic, and language aspects, forming the initial elements of character and preparing children for entering first grade.
Standard 3. The content of the preschool education program must ensure core values applicable to all children while creating opportunities for children to access educational content that addresses diverse educational needs, suitable to the conditions and socio-economic development of the localities and schools to enhance education quality; ensures no societal biases based on gender, ethnicity, religion, occupation, age, or social status; ensures suitability with the psychological development of children.
Standard 4. Methods of caring, nurturing, and educating in the nursery must provide favorable conditions for children to actively engage, play, and share emotions with adults; stimulate the development of sensory, emotional, and psychological functions; in kindergarten, methods must create conditions for children to engage in play, experience, explore the surrounding environment in various forms, meet children’s needs and interests.
Standard 5. The required achievements of children at the end of each age group must concretize the program’s objectives, ensure scientific accuracy, and suitability to children’s psychological development characteristics.
Standard 6. The duration of the preschool education program is designed to suit the economic, cultural, and social conditions of Vietnam.
Standard 7. The preschool education program must have guidelines on educational activities, forms of organizing educational activities, educational environment, and evaluating children’s development.
Standard 8. The preschool education program must stipulate the conditions to ensure the quality implementation of the program at preschool education establishments, including: school organization and management; management staff, teachers, and employees; facilities, educational equipment, teaching aids, materials; cooperation between preschool education establishments, families, and communities.
Standard 9. Regulations on the development of the school’s education program in alignment with the culture and practical conditions of preschool education establishments and localities.
Standard 10. Key terms (if any) must be explained; the format and technical presentation must ensure current regulations.

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