11:21 | 05/12/2024

What are methods for participating in the Contest on Eye Care and Prevention of Visual Impairment for students in Vietnam? What is the implementation period of lower secondary education program?

What are methods for participating in the Contest on Eye Care and Prevention of Visual Impairment for students in Vietnam? What is the implementation period of lower secondary education program?

What are methods for participating in the Contest on Eye Care and Prevention of Visual Impairment for students in Vietnam?

- Students (contestants) take an online test consisting of 30 multiple-choice questions on the website software at: http://matsanghochay.moet.gov.vn.

- Contestants must register and log in to participate in the Competition.

- Contestants think and directly answer the 30 multiple-choice questions provided by the system software.

- The maximum time for taking the test is 30 minutes, and each contestant is allowed to take the test once (01).

- The system will automatically record the results, the number of correct answers, and the actual time taken once the contestant completes the test.

Students can refer to more information about how to participate in the Eye Care and Visual Impairment Prevention Competition for Students below.

Methods of participating in the Contest on Eye Care and Prevention of Visual Impairment for students in Vietnam?

1. Organization Time:

- Competition Launch: from November 15, 2024, to November 25, 2024.

- Competition Time: from November 25, 2024, to December 15, 2024.

- Grading Time: from December 15, 2024, to December 25, 2024.

- Summary and Award Ceremony: from December 25, 2024, to December 31, 2024.

2. Reference Materials

- Eye Care and Blindness Prevention Materials for Primary and lower secondary school Students and Teachers issued under Decision No. 1078/QD-BGDDT dated April 29, 2020, by the Minister of Education and Training.

- School Eye Care Guidance compiled by the Department of Preventive Medicine, Ministry of Health.

- Guidance materials for school health staff on eye care and prevention of visual impairment for children in preschool educational institutions issued with Decision No. 56/QD-BGDDT dated January 9, 2023.

- Other related eye care documents issued by the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Education and Training.


1. Evaluation Method

- The exam is automatically graded online by the system and the results are updated at the website http://matsanghochay.moet.gov.vn.

- Group awards for Departments of Education and Training (DOET) are selected by the system based on the following criteria:

+ The DOET with the highest student participation rate.

+ The DOET with the highest test result rate.

- Individual awards for students are selected by the system based on the following criteria:

+ The test with the highest score.

+ The test completed in the shortest time.

+ The test which is valid (as per the Organizing Committee's regulations).

- The Organizing Committee's decision to award prizes is final.

2. Award Structure

- The Organizing Committee will award prizes to units and contestants who achieve the following results:

2.1. Group Awards for DOET

1) 05 First Prizes valued at 2,500,000 VND and a Certificate from the Fred Hollows Foundation Vietnam.

2) 10 Second Prizes valued at 2,000,000 VND and a Certificate from the Fred Hollows Foundation Vietnam.

3) 15 Third Prizes valued at 1,500,000 VND and a Certificate from the Fred Hollows Foundation Vietnam.

4) 20 Consolation Prizes valued at 1,000,000 VND and a Certificate from the Fred Hollows Foundation Vietnam.

2.2. Individual Awards for Students

a. Primary School Level

1) 05 First Prizes valued at 2,000,000 VND and a Certificate from the Fred Hollows Foundation Vietnam.

2) 10 Second Prizes valued at 1,500,000 VND and a Certificate from the Fred Hollows Foundation Vietnam.

3) 15 Third Prizes valued at 1,000,000 VND and a Certificate from the Fred Hollows Foundation Vietnam.

4) 20 Consolation Prizes valued at 500,000 VND and a Certificate from the Fred Hollows Foundation Vietnam.

b. Upper secondary educatiol level

1) 05 First Prizes valued at 2,000,000 VND and a Certificate from the Fred Hollows Foundation Vietnam.

2) 10 Second Prizes valued at 1,500,000 VND and a Certificate from the Fred Hollows Foundation Vietnam.

3) 15 Third Prizes valued at 1,000,000 VND and a Certificate from the Fred Hollows Foundation Vietnam.

4) 20 Consolation Prizes valued at 500,000 VND and a Certificate from the Fred Hollows Foundation Vietnam.

Note: Information is for reference only.

How to Participate in the Eye Care and Visual Impairment Prevention Competition for Students?

What are methods for participating in the Contest on Eye Care and Prevention of Visual Impairment for students in Vietnam? What is the implementation period of lower lower secondary education program?​ (Image from Internet)

What is the implementation period of lower lower secondary education program in Vietnam?

According to Article 28 of the Education Law 2019 stipulating the levels of education and age for general education:

Levels of Education and Age for General Education

1. The levels of education and age for general education are specified as follows:


b) lower secondary education is conducted over 04 academic years, from grade six to the end of grade nine. Students entering grade six must have completed the primary education program. The age of entry for grade six students is 11 and is calculated by year;


Thus, based on the above regulation, 4 years are the duration for students to undertake the lower secondary education program.

What is the content of legal education in educational institutions of the national education system in Vietnam?

According to Article 23 of the Law on Dissemination and Education of Law 2012 stipulating the content of legal education in educational institutions of the national education system:

[1] The content of legal education in educational institutions of the national education system is constructed suitably for each level of education and level of training, consistent with educational goals, professional training, ensuring consistency, uniformity, generality, fundamental principles, practicality, and systematic organization.

[2] The content of legal education for each level of education and level of training in the national education system is regulated as follows:

- The content of legal education in preschool and primary education programs is integrated into ethics education content, forming habits suitable with societal ethical standards, discipline awareness, solidarity spirit, self-awareness, creating a foundation to form legal consciousness;

- The content of legal education in lower secondary school and upper secondary education programs provides initial knowledge about citizens' rights and obligations, cultivating habits, awareness of respecting and complying with the law;

- The content of legal education in vocational and higher education programs provides fundamental knowledge about the state and law, legal knowledge related to the trained profession.

>>> Competition Rules for Eye Care and Visual Impairment Prevention for students in Vietnam

>>> Guide to Register for an Account to Participate in the Eye Care and Visual Impairment Prevention Competition for Students?

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