10:44 | 03/12/2024

What are guidelines on writing the Commitment in 2024 in Vietnam?

What are guidelines on writing the Commitment in 2024 in Vietnam according to latest regulations?

What are guidelines on writing the Commitment in 2024 in Vietnam?

Currently, the law does not stipulate a sample commitment form for students. A commitment for students is typically used when a student has violated school regulations and commits not to repeat the offense.

This form does not have a fixed template and is usually designed by schools as follows:

Sample Commitment Not to Reoffend Form

>>> Download the latest sample of Commitment for 2024.

Guidelines on writing the Commitment


Personal Information: Fill in the student's personal information accurately and completely.

Details of the Violation: Describe specifically and clearly the violation that occurred. This helps the student recognize their mistake and demonstrate honesty.

Commitment Section:

Specificity: Students need to specifically commit to actions that they will take to correct their mistakes and not reoffend. For example: "I commit to fully complying with the school's regulations, especially regarding...; I will actively study and complete all homework assignments..."

Seriousness: The commitment must show the student's seriousness and determination to change.

Feasibility: The commitments need to be practical and achievable for the student to fulfill.

Signature: Both the student, the parent/guardian, and the homeroom teacher must sign the commitment form. The signatures serve as evidence of agreement and commitment.

Date: Clearly state the date on which the commitment form is made.

Example of a Commitment Form:


Student's Name: Nguyen Van A

Class: 9A

Details of Violation: I did not complete my homework and lied to my teachers.

Consequences: My actions have negatively impacted my academic performance and damaged the class's reputation.

Apology: I apologize to the teachers, my classmates, and the school for my wrongdoing. I acknowledge my mistake and promise not to repeat it.

Commitment: From now on, I will strive to study harder, complete all assignments, and be honest. I will strictly adhere to the school's regulations and actively participate in class and school activities.

Student: Nguyen Van A

This sample commitment form can be used for various grade levels.

*Note: Information is for reference purposes only./.

Detailed Guidance on How to Write a Sample Commitment Not to Reoffend 2024?

What are guidelines on writing the Commitment in 2024 in Vietnam?​ (Image from Internet)

Is cheating during exams a prohibited act in Vietnam?

According to the provisions of Article 37 of the Regulation on lower secondary schools, upper secondary schools, and multi-level schools issued together with Circular 32/2020/TT-BGDDT, the following acts are not allowed for lower secondary school students:

[1] Insulting the dignity, honor, or infringing on the body of teachers, staff, other individuals, and fellow students.

[2] Cheating in learning, exams, tests, and admissions.

[3] Buying, selling, using alcohol, beer, tobacco, addictive substances, stimulants, fireworks, and explosive substances.

[4] Using mobile phones and other devices during class not serving learning purposes and without teacher's permission.

[5] Fighting and causing disorder or insecurity in the school and public places.

[6] Using or exchanging cultural products containing violence or pornography, or playing harmful games affecting personal development.

[7] Students must not commit acts prohibited by law and school regulations.

Therefore, cheating during exams is one of the prohibited actions.

What are the regulations on rewards and discipline for lower secondary school students in Vietnam?

Based on Clause 2, Article 38 of the Regulation on lower secondary schools, upper secondary schools, and multi-level schools issued together with Circular 32/2020/TT-BGDDT, the regulations on rewards and disciplines are as follows:

- Students who achieve academic and conduct accomplishments are praised by teachers, schools, and educational management levels in the following forms:

+ Commendations in front of the class or entire school.

+ Recognizing student titles in accordance with regulations.

+ Awarding certificates or commendations for outstanding achievements or significant progress in certain areas of study, competitions, and contests per regulations and permits by the Ministry of Education and Training.

+ Other commendation forms.

- Students who make mistakes in learning and conduct are educated or disciplined by the following methods:

+ Reminders, support, and direct assistance to help students correct their mistakes.

+ Reprimand, notify parents to cooperate in helping students correct mistakes.

+ Temporarily suspend from school with a time limit and implement other educational measures according to regulations of the Ministry of Education and Training.

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