What are guidelines on preparing the lesson "Hội thi thổi cơm" for grade 7 students in Vietnam? How many sessions are included in grade 7 Literature in Vietnam?

What are guidelines on preparing the lesson "Hội thi thổi cơm" included in grade 7 Literature (Cánh diều curriculum) for students in Vietnam? How many Literature periods do grade 7 students in Vietnam have to study per week?

What are guidelines on preparing the lesson "Hội thi thổi cơm" for grade 7 students in Vietnam?

"Hội thi thổi cơm" is a piece of work featured in grade 7 Literature (Cánh diều curriculum). The text introduces the unique and distinctive elements of rice cooking competitions organized at different locations, helping readers understand the rules and regulations of traditional rice cooking contests.

Refer to the following guidelines on preparing the lesson "Hội thi thổi cơm" included in grade 7 Literature (Cánh diều curriculum) for students in Vietnam:

Guidelines on preparing the lesson "Hội thi thổi cơm"

1. Type of Document, Method of Expression

- Type: Informational Document

- Method of Expression: Argumentative

2. Composition

The work can be divided into 5 parts as follows:

+ Part 1: From the beginning to “vừa đi vừa nấu cơm”: introduction of the rice cooking contest;

+ Part 2: Next to “dùng để cúng thần”: Rice cooking competition at Thi Cam festival (Tu Liem - Hanoi);

+ Part 3: Next to “Ai thổi được nồi cơm thơm dẻo, ngon, xong trước là người thắng cuộc”: Rice cooking competition at Chuong village festival (Hanoi);

+ Part 4: Next to “Kết thúc cuộc thi, ai có nồi cơm hoặc chõ xôi chín dẻo, ngon là người thắng cuộc”): Rice cooking competition at Tu Trong festival (Hoang Hoa - Thanh Hoa);

+ Part 5: The remaining part: Rice cooking competition at Hanh Thien festival (Nam Dinh).

3. Similarities and Differences in Rice Cooking Competitions of Different Localities

3.1. Similarities

- Cooking rice in difficult conditions

- The team that cooks chewy, delicious rice first wins

3.2. Differences

Each locality has different rules and implementation methods as follows:

- Rice cooking competition at Thi Cam festival (Tu Liem - Hanoi):

+ Location: Tu Liem - Hanoi

+ Origin: reenacts the story of Phan Tay Nhac.

+ Rules: Each group of 10 people grinds rice themselves to cook. The team that cooks delicious rice first wins. Rice is used to worship the god.

- Rice cooking competition at Chuong village festival (Hanoi):

+ Location: Chuong village - Hanoi

+ Rules: divided into men's competition and women's competition.

- Rice cooking competition at Tu Trong festival (Hoang Hoa - Thanh Hoa):

+ Location: Hoang Hoa - Thanh Hoa

+ Rules: cooking rice on a boat

- Rice cooking competition at Hanh Thien festival (Nam Dinh)

+ Location: Nam Dinh

+ Rules: Competition for men, each team consisting of two people, cooking rice within the time of a single incense stick

4. Significance of Rice Cooking Competition

- It is a traditional beauty of the Vietnamese nation. It aims to honor the strength, agility, and ingenuity of Vietnamese people

- Through rice cooking competitions, I understand more about history, about the ancient festivals of our ancestors, passed down through generations, aiming to honor the cultural beauty of the nation and the wet rice farming profession.

Note: The above content is for reference only.

What are guidelines on preparing the lesson "Hội thi thổi cơm" for grade 7 students in Vietnam? How many sessions are included in grade 7 Literature in Vietnam?​ (Photo from the Internet)

How many sessions are included in grade 7 Literature in Vietnam?

Based on the General Education Programme for Literature issued together with Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT, the duration of program implementation is as follows:

- Duration of program implementation in each grade (in number of periods):

Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12
420 350 245 245 245 140 140 140 140 105 105 105

Additionally, at the upper secondary school level, each class has 35 more periods for elective learning topics.

- Duration for educational content:

+ Duration for educational content is organized by the textbook authors and teachers based on the requirements achieved in each grade and actual teaching conditions. However, it is necessary to ensure a reasonable ratio between the following components:

+ Between equipping knowledge and practicing skills (with a focus on practicing practical skills and application).

+ Between types of text reading, writing, speaking, and listening (with more time dedicated to reading literary texts).

+ Between the skills of reading, writing, speaking, and listening (with more time dedicated to practicing reading skills); specifically, the ratio of time devoted to skills in each class is as follows:

Grade Group Reading Writing Speaking and Listening Periodic Assessment
From Grade 1 to Grade 3 approximately 60% approximately 25% approximately 10% approximately 5%
From Grade 4 to Grade 5 approximately 63% approximately 22% approximately 10% approximately 5%
From Grade 6 to Grade 9 approximately 63% approximately 22% approximately 10% approximately 5%
From Grade 10 to Grade 12 approximately 60% approximately 25% approximately 10% approximately 5%

Thus, grade 7 Literature has 140 periods, with reading content accounting for approximately 63%, writing content for approximately 22%, speaking and listening content for approximately 10%, and periodic evaluation content for approximately 5%.

What are the minimum teaching devices for Literature in Vietnam?

According to the General Education Programme for Literature issued with Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT, the minimum teaching devices for Grade 7 Literature include a reference library, comprising various major texts such as literary texts, argumentative texts, informational texts; and all forms of book stories, comic books.

- Each major text type includes enough subtypes:

+ Literary texts include stories, poems, plays, and notes; argumentative texts include literary arguments and social arguments; informational texts include explanatory texts and common-use texts.

+ Some pictures such as portraits of major writers included in the program; illustrations for content and artistry of major works such as Nam quốc sơn hà, Hịch tướng sĩ, Bình Ngô đại cáo, Truyện Kiều, Văn tế nghĩa sĩ Cần Giuộc, Tuyên ngôn Độc lập, etc.

- Schools with conditions need to connect to the Internet, have computers, screens, and projectors; provide additional Vietnamese language teaching software; CDs, video clips introducing scenic spots and historical sites of the country and the hometowns of writers (to teach and learn explanatory texts).

- Some animated films and movies adapted from literary works or CDs, video clips recording some plays from literary scripts; CDs recording music set to selected poems as teaching materials or extended reading texts, exchanges, and specialized talks by writers, literary researchers, and critics; Vietnamese textbooks, literature books, and electronic literature education materials.

Thus, the minimum teaching devices for Grade 7 Literature include a reference library with various major texts. Additionally, if the school has the necessary conditions, it needs to connect to the Internet, have computers, screens, and projectors, and provide additional Vietnamese language teaching software.

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