What are guidelines on making an outline on an expressive essay for students in Vietnam? What materials are used for grade 7 Literature in Vietnam?

What are guidelines on making an outline on an expressive essay for grade 7 students in Vietnam? What materials are used for grade 7 Literature in Vietnam?

What are guidelines on making an outline on an expressive essay for students in Vietnam?

To write an expressive essay about a person or an event for the grade 7 Literature subject, it is essential to create an outline for the essay.

Therefore, grade 7 students may refer to the following guidelines on making an outline on an expressive essay:

Guidelines on making an outline on an expressive essay

I. Introduction:

General introduction: Introduce the subject you wish to express feelings about (person, thing, event, phenomenon).

Opening hook: Use a rhetorical question, a famous saying, or an evocative image to draw the reader’s attention.

Present general feelings: State your general feelings about the subject (adoration, admiration, respect, etc.).

II. Body:

Detailed Description:

Appearance: Describe outstanding physical features of the subject (if a person or thing).

Personality: If a person, describe their personality, strengths, and weaknesses.

Context: Describe the circumstances, space, and time related to the subject.

Recounting Memories:

Recount memorable stories or memories related to the subject.

Emphasize details that leave a deep impression.

Analysis and Commentary:

Analyze outstanding features and personality of the subject.

Express personal thoughts and feelings when interacting with the subject.

Compare and contrast with other people, objects, events.

Thoughts and Evaluation:

General evaluation of the value and meaning of the subject.

State lessons learned.

III. Conclusion:

Reaffirm feelings: Reaffirm your feelings towards the subject.

Hopes and wishes: Express hopes and wishes related to the subject.

Concluding sentence: Use a beautiful sentence or an impressive image to close the essay.

*Example: expressive essay about Mother

Introduction: Mẹ em là người phụ nữ tuyệt vời nhất mà em từng biết. Em yêu mẹ nhiều lắm.


Describe mother's appearance: Mẹ có đôi mắt sáng, nụ cười ấm áp, mái tóc đen mượt...

Recount memories: Mẹ thường thức khuya để may vá, nấu ăn cho cả nhà. Mẹ luôn động viên em học tập.

Analysis: Mẹ là chỗ dựa vững chắc cho em, mẹ luôn yêu thương và quan tâm đến em.

Conclusion: Em sẽ cố gắng học tập thật tốt để không phụ lòng mẹ. Mẹ ơi, con yêu mẹ nhiều lắm!


Choose perspective: You can write in the first person (tôi, em) or the third person (anh ấy, cô ấy).

Use emotive language: Choose evocative words that clearly convey your feelings.

Combine various expressive methods: Combine narration, description, and expression to make the essay more lively.

Be creative: Don’t be afraid to show your personality and unique thoughts.

*Some Suggested Topics:

Sentiment about relatives (grandparents, parents, siblings)

Sentiment about teachers

Sentiment about best friends

Sentiment about a pet

Sentiment about a gift

Sentiment about a memory

Sentiment about hometown

Sentiment about nature

Sentiment about a literary work

*Note: The above information is for reference only./.

Detailed Guide on How to Outline a Sentimental Essay? How is the material used for 7th-grade Literature?

What are guidelines on making an outline on an expressive essay for students in Vietnam? What materials are used for grade 7 Literature in Vietnam?​ (Image from the Internet)

What literary knowledge is included in grade 7 Literature in Vietnam?

Based on subsection 2 of Section 5 of the General Education Program for Literature issued with Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT, the literary knowledge for grade 7 students in Vietnam includes:

- The cognitive value of literature

- Topics and themes of texts; the relationship between details and themes, how to identify the theme of a text; the author's attitude and emotions expressed through the text.

- Text summaries

- The form of proverbs

- Topics, events, situations, plot, space, time, characters in fables and science fiction stories

- First-person and third-person narrators; the effect of each type of narrator in storytelling

- Some formal elements of four-character and five-character poetry: number of lines, syllables, rhymes, rhythm

- Emotional quality, personal voice, and language of essays and prose

- Life experiences and understanding of literature.

What materials are used for grade 7 Literature in Vietnam?

According to regulations in subsection 2 of Section 5 in the General Education Program for Literature issued with Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT, the materials used for grade 7 Literature include the following texts:

(1). Literary Texts

- Fables, short stories, science fiction stories

- Poetry, four-character, five-character poems

- Essays, prose

- Proverbs

(2). Argumentative Texts

- Social argumentative texts

- Literary argumentative texts

(3). Informative Texts

- Texts introducing rules or regulations in games or activities

- Reports

How many periods does the grade 7 Literature subject in Vietnam have?

Based on the General Education Program for Literature issued with Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT on scheduling the curriculum for the Literature subject:

Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12
420 350 245 245 245 140 140 140 140 105 105 105

Thus, the duration of grade 7 Literature is 140 periods, with 63% focusing on reading, 22% on writing, speaking and listening at 10%, and periodic evaluation at 5%.

What is the age of grade 7 students in Vietnam?

Based on Article 33 of the Regulations for lower secondary schools, upper secondary schools, and multi-level schools issued with Circular 32/2020/TT-BGDDT, the age of students in lower secondary schools is as follows:

Age of students in lower secondary schools

  1. The age of students entering 6th grade is 11 years. The age for students entering 10th grade is 15 years. For students who have been accelerated in previous levels or enter a level at an older age than the stipulated age, the age for entering 6th and 10th grade is adjusted based on the previous grade level’s completion age.
  1. Minority students, students with disabilities, students in special difficult circumstances, or students returning from abroad can enter a level at an age higher than 3 years compared to the stipulated age.
  1. Students are not allowed to repeat a grade more than 3 times in one level.
  1. Students with good physical condition and early intellectual development can be admitted before the stipulated age or skip grades within the level. Evaluation for each specific case is implemented with the following steps:

a) Parents or guardians propose to the school.

b) The principal forms a Survey and Advisory Council consisting mainly of school leaders and the Parents’ Representative Council of the school; teachers of the student's current class.

c) Based on the Survey and Advisory Council’s evaluation, the principal reviews and decides.

  1. Students within the regulated age who return from abroad, and children of expatriates working in Vietnam, can study in lower secondary schools at their residence or other lower secondary schools if they can accommodate them. Each case is evaluated with the following steps:

a) Parents or guardians submit a request to the school.

b) The principal organizes an assessment of the student's level and places them in an appropriate class.

Thus, the age for grade 7 students in lower secondary schools is 12 years. For students who have advanced grades, repeated grades, or enter a level at an older than the stipulated age, the age for entering grade 7 is adjusted based on the previous schooling year.

Additionally, minority students, students with disabilities, students in special difficult circumstances, or students returning from abroad can enter a level at an age higher than the stipulated age.

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