What do geographic coordinates mean? In Vietnam, at which grade are geographic coordinates included in the History and Geography curriculum?

What do geographic coordinates mean? In Vietnam, at which grade are geographic coordinates included in the History and Geography curriculum? How many lessons does the 6th-grade History and Geography curriculum have?

In Vietnam, what do geographic coordinates mean?

Geographic coordinates are a system of numbers used to determine the exact location of any point on Earth. They function like a unique "address" that helps us find a specific place on a map or globe.

Main components of geographic coordinates:

Longitude: Represents the east-west position of a point relative to the prime meridian (Greenwich). Longitude is measured from 0° to 180° East or West.

Latitude: Represents the north-south position of a point relative to the equator. Latitude is measured from 0° at the equator to 90° North or South.

Writing geographic coordinates: Generally written in the format: Longitude, Latitude. For example: 105.8412° East, and 21.0278° North are the coordinates of Hanoi.

*Note: The information on geographic coordinates is for reference only./.

What are Geographic Coordinates? At what grade level will geographic coordinates be included in the geography curriculum?

What do geographic coordinates mean? In Vietnam, at which grade are geographic coordinates included in the History and Geography curriculum? (Image from the Internet)

In Vietnam, at which grade are geographic coordinates included in the History and Geography curriculum?

Under Section 5 of the General Education Program for the History and Geography issued together with Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT:

- The system of meridians and parallels. Geographic coordinates of a location on the map

- Basic elements of the map

- Common types of maps

- Memory sketch map

- Ability to identify on the map and on the globe: the prime meridian, equator, the hemispheres; record the geographic coordinates of a location on the map.

- Ability to recognize some grid lines of meridians and parallels on the world map.

- Ability to read map symbols and administrative map explanations, topographic maps.

- Ability to determine a map's direction and calculate the distance between two locations on the map according to the map scale.

- Ability to read maps to determine the position of geographical objects on the map.

- Ability to find routes on a map.

- Ability to draw memory sketch maps showing familiar geographic objects for individual students.

Thus, geographic coordinates will be included in the 6th-grade History and Geography curriculum.

How many lessons does the 6th-grade History and Geography curriculum in Vietnam have?

In the General Education Program for History and Geography issued together with Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT there is a provision for the time allocated for the subject as 105 lessons/grade/school year. The percentage of lessons allocated to different contents is in the following table:

Content Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade 9 Overall
Geography 45 42 41 40 42
General Physical Geography 45       11
Geography of Continents   42     11
Physical Geography of Vietnam     41   10
Economic - Social Geography of Vietnam       40 10
History 45 42 41 40 42
World 22 20 20 19 20
Vietnam 23 22 21 21 22
Common Themes   6 8 10 6
Periodic Assessment 10 10 10 10 10

Thus, the 6th-grade History and Geography curriculum has 45 lessons, common themes have 0 lessons, and periodic assessment has 10 lessons.

What are the regulations on minimum teaching equipment for 6th-grade History and Geography in Vietnam?

Under the General Education Program for History and Geography issued together with Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT, the minimum teaching equipment for History and Geography includes the following types:

- Educational wall maps (of the world, regions, Vietnam) suitable for the content of each theme of each grade level and suitable for the student's cognitive characteristics;

- Collections of general physical geography atlases, continent geography atlases, and Vietnam geography atlases, history map collections;

- Models of artifacts, historical paintings, photographs, audio recordings of historical figures' speeches,...;

- Natural specimens;

- Pictures (printed on paper, digital images, both static and dynamic), diagrams, sketch maps, and video clips edited for educational purposes, suitable for the content of each theme;

- Study worksheets with source materials; practice worksheets (maps, sketch maps, charts, diagrams);

- Usual tools and equipment for observing nature (compasses, thermometers, hygrometers, barometers);

- Some practical, field study tools;

- Digital libraries containing teaching resource repositories for History and Geography;

- Teaching software.

In localities with conditions, specialized classrooms should be organized.

The primary purpose of using teaching equipment is to provide technical material conditions to organize learning activities, allowing students to actively and creatively explore historical and geographical knowledge.

What are the regulations on assessing educational outcomes in the History and Geography curriculum in Vietnam?

Under Section 7 of the General Education Program for History and Geography issued together with Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT:

Assessing educational outcomes in the History and Geography curriculum must ensure the following requirements:

- The assessment objective is to provide accurate, prompt, and valuable information on the degree to which program requirements in History and Geography are met and the progress of students to guide and adjust teachers' teaching activities and students' learning activities.

- The assessment basis is the required achievements in essential qualities, general competencies, and specific competencies in History and Geography as stipulated in the Overall Program and the History and Geography curriculum;

- In addition to the theoretical content, increase the assessment of student's skills such as working with maps, atlases, charts, diagrams, data tables, and pictures, observing, collecting, processing, and systematizing information, using outdoor learning tools, using technology and communications in learning,... assess the ability to apply knowledge to specific situations rather than focusing on testing the ability to reproduce historical or geographical knowledge as the center of assessment;

- Diversify assessment forms, increasing the regular assessment of all students through different forms: assessment through observation of classroom activities; assessment through study records, learning products; assessment through reports on learning project results, practical session results, and presentations on learning task results. Allow students to participate in the process of evaluating educational outcomes.

- Educational outcomes are assessed using both qualitative and quantitative forms through regular and periodic assessments, forming a comprehensive assessment of students' qualities, competencies, and progress.

Download the General Education Program for History and Geography.

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