What are core contents of of the History subject in the career-oriented stage in Vietnam?

What are the core contents of the History subject in the career-oriented stage of the 2018 general education program in Vietnam?

What are the core contents of the History subject in the career-oriented stage of the 2018 general education program in Vietnam?

Based on Subsection 1, Section 5 of the History Education Program issued with Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT, the core contents of the History subject during the career-oriented stage in the 2018 general education curriculum are as follows:

Content Stream Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12
- History and Historiography x    
- Role of Historiography x    
- Some ancient and medieval world civilizations x    
- Industrial revolutions in world history x    
- Bourgeois revolutions and the development of capitalism   x  
- Formation and development of socialism   x  
- The world during and after the Cold War     x
- Economic and social development of the USA from 1945 to present     x
- China's reform and opening-up process from 1978 to present     x
- Southeast Asian civilizations x    
- The process of national independence in Southeast Asian countries   x  
- ASEAN: Historical milestones     x
- Some ancient civilizations in Vietnam (before 1858) x    
- Community of Vietnamese ethnic groups x    
- National defense wars and liberation wars in Vietnamese history (before the August Revolution of 1945)   x  
- Vietnamese villages in history   x  
- Some major reforms in Vietnamese history (before 1858)   x  
- History of defending sovereignty, rights, and legitimate interests of Vietnam in the East Sea   x  
- The August Revolution of 1945, the national liberation war and national defense war in Vietnamese history (from August 1945 to present)     x
- The Renovation (Doi Moi) process in Vietnam from 1986 to present     x
- History of Vietnam's foreign relations     x
- Ho Chi Minh in Vietnamese history     x

What are the core contents of the History subject during the career orientation phase?

What are the core contents of the History subject in the career-oriented stage of the 2018 general education program in Vietnam? (Image from the Internet)

What are topics of History subject during the career-oriented stage in Vietnam?

Based on Subsection 1, Section 5 of the History Education Program issued with Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT, the History subject learning topics during the career-oriented stage are as follows:

(1) Objectives

Besides the core educational content, in each school year, students inclined towards social sciences and humanities can choose to study several specialized topics. The objectives of these topics are:

- To broaden and deepen knowledge and historical capabilities to meet the requirements of deep differentiation at the high school level.

- To help students understand more deeply the role of historiography in real life, the professions related to history so that students can have a foundation for career orientation later, as well as enough capability to solve issues related to history and continue self-studying history for life.

- To enhance practical experience activities, helping students develop love, passion, and interest in learning about Vietnamese national history and world history.

(2) Content of study topics

Content Stream Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12
Topic 10.1: Fields of Historiography x    
Topic 10.2: Conservation and promotion of cultural heritage values in Vietnam x    
Topic 11.1: History of traditional Vietnamese art   x  
Topic 12.1: History of beliefs and religions in Vietnam     x
Topic 10.3: State and law in Vietnamese history x    
Topic 11.2: War and peace in the 20th century   x  
Topic 11.3: Famous figures in Vietnamese history   x  
Topic 12.2: Japan: Historical journey from 1945 to present     x
Topic 12.3: Vietnam's international integration process     x

What are regulations on allocation of time of the History subject program in Vietnam?

Based on Section 8 of the History Education Program issued with Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT, the duration for each grade is 105 periods/school year, taught over 35 weeks.

In which, the duration allocated for the core content topics is 70 periods. The estimated percentage of time for each content stream is as follows:

Content Stream Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12
- History and Historiography 8%    
- Role of Historiography 8%    
- Some ancient and medieval world civilizations 10%    
- Industrial revolutions in world history 10%    
- Bourgeois revolutions and the development of capitalism   10%  
- Formation and development of socialism   10%  
- The world during and after the Cold War     8%
- Economic and social development of the USA from 1945 to present     7%
- China's reform and opening-up process from 1978 to present     7%
- Southeast Asian civilizations 8%    
- The process of national independence in Southeast Asian countries   8%  
- ASEAN: Historical milestones     8%
- Some ancient civilizations in Vietnam (before 1858) 16%    
- Community of Vietnamese ethnic groups 10%    
- National defense wars and liberation wars in Vietnamese history (before the August Revolution of 1945)   12%  
- Vietnamese villages in history   10%  
- Some major reforms in Vietnamese history (before 1858)   12%  
- History of defending sovereignty, rights, and legitimate interests of Vietnam in the East Sea   8%  
- The August Revolution of 1945, the national liberation war and national defense war in Vietnamese history (from August 1945 to present)     12%
- The Renovation (Doi Moi) process in Vietnam from 1986 to present     10%
- History of Vietnam's foreign relations     10%
- Ho Chi Minh in Vietnamese history     8%

The duration allocated for study topics is 35 periods. The expected number of periods for study topics (including testing and assessment)

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