What are conditions for establishing a sports club at a lower secondary school in Vietnam?

What are conditions for establishing a sports club at a lower secondary school in Vietnam? What are procedures for establishing a sports club at a lower secondary school in Vietnam?

What are conditions for establishing a sports club at a lower secondary school in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Subsection 4.2, Section 4 of the Guide on Building the Model of Sports Clubs in Lower Secondary Schools issued with Decision 898/QD-BGDDT of 2023, the conditions for establishing a sports club in a lower secondary school are specified as follows:

- The school must inform and propagate the policy of establishing student sports clubs to the educational management staff, teachers, students, and parents.

- Students voluntarily register to participate in one or more sports clubs, and if 15 or more students voluntarily register, a school sports club may be established.

- The school must provide facilities (inside or outside the school), and minimal tools, electricity, and water for the club to operate.

- The school appoints a person (teacher, staff) to guide, manage, and monitor the activities of the club.

- The club's operational period is at least 12 months from the date of licensing.

What are the conditions for establishing a sports club at a secondary school?

What are conditions for establishing a sports club at a lower secondary school in Vietnam?​ (Image from the Internet)

What are procedures for establishing a sports club at a lower secondary school in Vietnam?

According to Subsection 4.6, Section 4 of the Guide on Building the Model of Sports Clubs in Lower Secondary Schools issued with Decision 898/QD-BGDDT of 2023, the procedures for establishing a sports club at a lower secondary school in Vietnam are as follows:

Step 1: Request approval to establish the club

- The Physical Education Department surveys the current situation, including through regular teaching hours, assessing facilities, tools, equipment, etc., to draft a plan for establishing sports clubs, how many clubs, and the scale of each club, etc.

- The department proposes to the school principal in an appropriate form (a written proposal, through a school meeting with minutes, etc.) to obtain approval for the establishment of student sports clubs.

Step 2: Inform and propagate about the establishment of the club

When the principal approves the establishment policy, the department cooperates with other school departments to inform and propagate in an appropriate manner about the policy for establishing student sports clubs to educational management staff, teachers, students, and parents.

Step 3: Develop a plan to establish clubs and distribute registration forms

The department assigns tasks to members in charge of the club to implement:

- Develop an Operational Plan for the club: the content of the Plan must meet the stipulated requirements.

- The department issues registration forms, accompanied by the club establishment plan (paper forms, electronic forms, etc.) for students to register to participate.

- At the end of each registration period, compile the number of registrations to meet the requirements and proceed to establish the club.

Step 4: Prepare conditions for the club's establishment and operation

- The department drafts documents: The club's Operational Plan; Decision on the establishment of the club; Management Board and club members; Club operational regulations.

- Meet with registered members: discuss the drafts, provide feedback, and make final adjustments.

Step 5: Prepare conditions of facilities, equipment, etc.

- Based on the club's Operational Plan; Decision on the club establishment; Management Board and club members; agreed club regulations. Club members prepare conditions related to facilities, equipment, etc.

- The Physical Education Department advises the school principal on funding support for the club (within the limits allocated for the department's annual professional activities).

Step 6: Submit documents to the school principal for approval

The department compiles club documents (after members' agreement) and submits them to the principal for approval, including:

(1) Proposal document: the club representative creates a proposal document for establishing a student sports club, with confirmation from the department head/deputy.

(2) The club's Operational Plan.

(3) Decision on club establishment; Management Board and club members.

(4) Club operational regulations.

Within 7 working days of receiving complete documents, the principal approves the club's Operational Plan; signs the Decision on club establishment; Management Board and club members.

If the principal does not approve within this period, reasons must be provided and communicated to the club (via the Physical Education Department).

Step 7: Conduct club activities

- Once approved by the school principal, the club is established and operational. The Management Board organizes and oversees the club's activities in line with its principles, plans, and regulations.

- Periodically, monthly, semesterly, and annually, the Management Board reports the club's activity results to the school (through the Physical Education Department).

What are the operational principles of a sports club at a lower secondary school in Vietnam?

Based on Subsection 4.5, Section 4 of the Guide on Building the Model of Sports Clubs in Lower Secondary Schools issued with Decision 898/QD-BGDDT of 2023, the operational principles of a sports club at a lower secondary school in Vietnam are as follows:

- The club operates based on principles of voluntariness, self-management, democracy, equality, openness, and transparency; acting in accordance with the club's designated position, functions, and tasks.

- Members operate according to the club's plans and regulations, adhere to general school educational activity plans, abide by local policies and regulations, and comply with State laws.

- The club's activities are subject to inspection and supervision by the Physical Education Department and the school.

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