15:52 | 25/12/2024

What are 4 methods for establishing economic-technical norms in the field of education and training in Vietnam?

From December 16, 2024, there will officially be four methods for establishing economic-technical norms in the field of education and training in Vietnam

What are 4 methods for establishing economic-technical norms in the field of education and training in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Article 6 of Circular 14/2024/TT-BGDDT, there are four methods for establishing economic-technical norms in the field of education and training, which include:

(1) Standard Method: based on legal standards and regulations on labor time, rest policies, machinery, and equipment consumption to build labor, equipment, and material norms and infrastructural facilities for each job, serving as a basis for calculating technical-economic norms.

(2) Comprehensive Statistical Method: based on annual statistics or data in reports over the continuous three-year period preceding the time of constructing technical-economic norms and the actual education and training at educational institutions to build technical-economic norms.

(3) Experimental Analysis Method: conducting surveys and experiments according to each process and job content; based on the results of the survey and experiment to analyze and calculate each component constituting the norm.

(4) Comparative Method: based on the norms of equivalent work and products that have actually been implemented to establish technical-economic norms.

Four methods for establishing technical-economic norms in the field of education and training

What are 4 methods for establishing economic-technical norms in the field of education and training in Vietnam? (Image from the Internet)

What are contens of economic-technical norms in the field of education and training in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Article 7 of Circular 14/2024/TT-BGDDT:

Apply one or simultaneously multiple methods prescribed in Article 6 of this Circular to establish the following component norms:

- Labor Norm (hour)

Labor norm = Direct labor norm (theoretical teaching; practical guidance; thesis, dissertation supervision...) + Indirect labor norm (management; service...).

The direct labor norm refers to the time for theoretical teaching; practical guidance; thesis, dissertation supervision...

The indirect labor norm is calculated as a percentage of direct labor.

- Equipment Norm

+ Determine the type of equipment;

+ Determine the basic technical parameters of the equipment;

+ Determine the usage time for each type of equipment;

+ Aggregate the equipment norm.

Equipment serving indirect labor management and service tasks at educational institutions are not included in the equipment norm.

- Material Norm

+ Determine the type of material;

+ Determine the quantity/volume according to each type of material: Based on equipment type, machine running time under load (material consumption);

+ Determine the recovery rate (%): Based on the characteristics and nature of the material to calculate the recovery rate (%);

+ Determine the basic technical requirements of the material: Describe the technical parameters of each type of material suitable for training.

- Infrastructure Norm

+ The usage norm of the theoretical learning area for one learner:

Đlt = Slt x Tlt


- Đlt: The usage norm of the theoretical learning area for one learner during training (measured in m² x hour/learner);

- Slt: The average usage area of one learner in the theoretical learning area during training (measured in m²/learner);

- Tlt: Total usage time in the theoretical learning area for one learner during training (measured in hours).

- Usage norm of each practical, internship, laboratory area for one learner during training:

Đth = Sth x Tth


+ Đth: The usage norm of each practical, internship, laboratory area for one learner during training (m² x hour/learner);

+ Sth: The average usage area of each practical, internship, laboratory for one learner during training (m²/learner);

+ Tth: Total usage time of each practical, internship, laboratory area for one learner during training (hours).

- The norm of functional areas and other technical infrastructure in the school is calculated as a percentage (%) compared to the total norm of the theoretical learning area and the practical, internship, laboratory area.

What are procedures for developing and appraising economic-technical norms in education and training in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Article 8 of Circular 14/2024/TT-BGDDT, the procedures for developing and appraising economic-technical norms in education and training in Vietnam are as follows:

- Developing technical-economic norms:

+ Based on the List of Public Service Activities that use the state budget in the field of education and training, organizations and individuals tasked with developing technical-economic norms for each public service activity;

+ If necessary, the competent authority issuing technical-economic norms may establish a drafting committee to carry out this task;

+ Gather opinions from relevant agencies, units, organizations, and individuals;

+ Complete the dossier and submit it to the competent authority for issuing technical-economic norms. The dossier includes basic contents: a written proposal; draft technical-economic norms; summary report of practical experiences; explanatory report on the method of developing technical-economic norms and other related documents.

- Appraise and submit technical-economic norms for issuance.

The competent authority to issue technical-economic norms, as prescribed in clause 2, clause 3 Article 11 of Circular 14/2024/TT-BGDDT, assigns a specialized unit to preside over the appraisal or establish an Appraisal Council (if necessary) to carry out the appraisal.

The unit developing technical-economic norms completes the dossier according to appraisal opinions and submits it to the specialized unit presiding over the appraisal to present to the competent authority for consideration and issuance.

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