When did the Vietnamese Revolutionary Youth League implement the proletarianization? What are the general orientations for 9th-grade History and Geography in Vietnam?

When did the Vietnamese Revolutionary Youth League implement the proletarianization?

When did the Vietnamese Revolutionary Youth League implement the proletarianization?

In June 1925, Nguyen Ai Quoc founded the Vietnamese Revolutionary Youth League, a revolutionary vanguard of the Vietnamese people. It aimed to "struggle to overthrow French imperialism and its henchmen to save ourselves."

The League organized many training courses at houses number 13 and 13A Van Minh Street, Guangzhou, training about 75 members. The lectures by comrade Nguyen Ai Quoc were compiled by the Propaganda Department of the Union of Oppressed Nations and published in the book "Duong Kach Menh" (The Revolutionary Path) in 1927.

At the end of 1928, the Vietnamese Revolutionary Youth League implemented the proletarianization. Many officials of the League entered factories, mines, and plantations, living and working alongside workers to promote revolutionary propaganda and increase political awareness among the working class.

On September 29, 1928, the Northern Regional Conference of the Vietnamese Revolutionary Youth League proposed proletarianization, bringing members into factories, mines, and plantations to work alongside workers. This was to train and elevate the workers' class stance, while also directly propagating and organizing the masses to struggle for revolution according to the proletarian stance.

Thus, the Vietnamese Revolutionary Youth League implemented the proletarianization from the end of 1928.

When did the Vietnamese Revolutionary Youth League implement the policy of proletarianization? General orientation for History and Geography class 9?

When did the Vietnamese Revolutionary Youth League implement the proletarianization? What are the general orientations for 9th-grade History and Geography in Vietnam? (Image from the Internet)

What are the general orientations for 9th-grade History and Geography in Vietnam?

Under the General Education Program for History and Geography at the lower secondary level issued together with Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT, the general orientations for 9th-grade History and Geography in Vietnam is as follows:

- Emphasize the role of students as active participants in their learning process, promoting positivity, initiative, and creativity; overcoming unilateral and mechanical learning styles.

- Focus on training skills to apply knowledge in practice, cultivating learning methods, and self-study capacities so that students can continue to explore and expand their cultural knowledge for themselves.

- Flexibly and creatively apply teaching methods and techniques suitable to the educational goals, content, student audience, and specific conditions. Combine traditional teaching methods (lectures, dialogues, etc.) to promote student engagement with advanced teaching methods that highlight the central role of the student (discussions, debates, role-playing, projects, etc.).

- Diversify and flexibly use teaching organization forms: combining individual study, group study, in-class learning, outdoor learning, project-based learning, etc. Emphasize teaching methods with subject-specific characteristics.

- Strengthen the application of information and communication technology, and effectively utilize teaching equipment such as: real objects models, historical paintings, photographs, recorded voices of historical figures, maps, diagrams, statistics, comparisons, video films, learning sheets with source materials, teaching software, etc., to illustrate the teacher's lecture and support students' learning activities.

Is 9th-grade History and Geography a mandatory subject in Vietnam?

Under Section 1 of the General Education Program for History and Geography issued together with Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT regarding the characteristics of History and Geography, as follows:


History and Geography at the lower secondary level play a crucial role in shaping and developing essential qualities, general and scientific capacities in students, with specific expressions being historical and geographical capabilities; laying the foundation for students to continue to upper secondary education, vocational training, or participate in labor life, becoming useful citizens.

History and Geography is a mandatory subject taught from grade 6 to grade 9. It includes educational content on history, geography, and several interdisciplinary topics, while also integrating simple levels of economics, culture, science, religion knowledge, etc. The historical and geographical knowledge streams are interconnected to illuminate and support each other. Additionally, the subject includes integrated topics such as: protecting sovereignty, Vietnam’s legitimate rights and interests in the East Sea; urban development - history and present; civilizations of the Red River Delta and Mekong Delta; great geographical discoveries, etc.

Thus, according to the above regulations, 9th-grade History and Geography is a mandatory subject.

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