08:26 | 25/12/2024

How many levels does the Vietnamese qualifications framework consist of?

According to the current legal regulations, how many levels does the Vietnamese qualifications framework consist of?

How many levels does the Vietnamese qualifications framework consist of?

Under Clause 4, Article 1 of Decision 1982/QD-TTg 2016 on the approval of the Vietnamese qualifications framework:

Vietnamese qualifications framework is approved with the following contents:


4. Structure:

Structure of Vietnamese Qualifications Framework:

a) Qualification levels:

8 levels: Level 1 - Primary I; Level 2 - Primary II, Level 3 - Primary III, Level 4 - Intermediate; Level 5 - College; Level 6 - University; Level 7 - Master; Level 8 - Doctor.


Thus, the current Vietnamese qualifications framework consists of 08 levels: Level 1 - Primary I; Level 2 - Primary II, Level 3 - Primary III, Level 4 - Intermediate; Level 5 - College; Level 6 - University; Level 7 - Master; Level 8 - Doctor.

What is the minimum number of credits for each qualification level in the Vietnamese qualifications framework?

According to the Appendix issued along with Decision 1982/QD-TTg 2016, the minimum number of credits required to complete the training program for each qualification level in the Vietnamese qualifications framework is as follows:

- Level 1 - Certificate I: 05 credits;

- Level 2 - Certificate II: 15 credits;

- Level 3 - Certificate III: 25 credits;

- Level 4 - Intermediate Diploma:

+ For those with an upper secondary diploma: 35 credits;

+ For those with a lower secondary diploma: 50 credits.

- Level 5 - College Diploma: 60 credits;

- Level 6 - University Degree: 120 - 180 credits;

- Level 7 - Master's Degree: 30 - 60 credits;

- Level 8 - Doctorate Degree: 90 - 120 credits.

How many levels does the Vietnamese National Qualifications Framework consist of?

How many levels does the Vietnamese qualifications framework consist of? (Image from the Internet)

What is the description table of the Vietnamese qualifications framework?

The description table of the Vietnamese qualifications framework is issued along with Decision 1982/QD-TTg 2016 as follows:



Learning outcomes

Requirements for learners completing the course:

Minimum acedemic load

Qualification type

Knowledge and understanding


Autonomy and responsibility




- Have a narrow range of factual knowledge and basic knowledge about a number of activities in a certain profession.

- Have basic knowledge about nature, culture, society and legislation serving the life, advanced study and preparation for future occupation.

- Have basic skills to directly carry simple or manual tasks;

- Have basic communicative skills in familiar contexts.

- Carry out a number of simple and repeated tasks with the assistance of instructors.

- Carry out tasks under strict supervision and guidance.

- Conduct self-assessment and assessment of tasks with the assistance of instructors.

5 credits

Certificate I


- Have a narrow range of factual and theoretical knowledge about a number of activities of a profession.

- Have general knowledge about nature, culture, society and legislation serving the life, profession and advanced study.

- Have awareness and skills required to select and apply suitable methods, tools and materials and available information.

- Have communicative skills required to perform the results or make reports on own work.

- Carry out a number of tasks with regularity and limited autonomy in familiar contexts;

- Carry out tasks in unfamiliar contexts with the guidance of instructors;

- Have ability to do self-assessment of own tasks.

15 credits

Certificate II


- Have factual and theoretical knowledge of common principles, processes and concepts in the scope of a training profession;

- Have general knowledge about nature, culture, society and legislation serving the life, profession and advanced study.

- Have basic knowledge of information technology related to a certain profession.

- Have awareness and skills required to carry out tasks or solve problems independently.

- Have skills required to use effectively professional terms at workplace.

- Work independently in stable situations and familiar contexts;

- Carry out assignments and do self-assessment according to the defined standards.

- Carry out teamwork with other people and take responsibility for the results of work.

25 credits

Certificate III


- Have a broad range of factual and theoretical knowledge about the training profession.

- Have basic knowledge of politics, culture, society and legislation answering to the professional and social requirements in the profession.

- Have knowledge of information technology answering to the requirements of work.

- Have awareness and professional skills required to carry out tasks and solve problems by selecting and applying basic methods, tools, materials and information.

- Have skills required to use professional terms in the field of study to communicate effectively at workplace; get involve in argument and apply alternative solution; assess the quality of work and performance of members of the team.

- Have foreign-language capacity at level 1/6 referencing to Vietnam's framework of foreign language proficiency

- Work independently in changeable contexts, take personal responsibility and take partial responsibility for teamwork results.

- Guide and supervise the ordinary tasks of others.

- Evaluate the performance of the team.

35 credits, for people with the certificates of completion of upper-secondary education, or 50 credits, for people with the certificates of completion of lower-secondary education

Associate degree


- Have comprehensive, factual and theoretical knowledge of the training profession.

- Have basic knowledge of politics, culture, society and legislation answering to the professional and social requirements in the profession.

- Have knowledge of information technology answering to the requirements of work.

- Have factual knowledge about the management, principles and methods for planning, performing, supervising and evaluating the work within the boundaries of the training profession.

- Have awareness and creativity to determine, analyze and evaluate broad-range information ;

- Have practical skills required to abstract problems within the boundaries of the training profession;

- Have awareness and creativity to determine, analyze and evaluate broad-range information.

- Have skills required to transfer information, ideas and solutions to other people at workplace;

- Have foreign-language capacity at level 2/6 referencing to Vietnam's framework of foreign language proficiency

- Work independently or work in teams, solve tasks and complicated problems in changeable contexts.

- Guide other people to perform defined tasks and supervise their performance; take personal and shared responsibility.

- Evaluate the task results and and performance of members in the team.



60 credits

College degree


- Have an advanced theoretical and factual knowledge in the field of study

- Have basic knowledge of social science, political science and legislation.

- Have knowledge of information technology answering to the requirements of work.

- Have knowledge about planning, organizing and supervising processes of specific fields of work.

- Basic knowledge of the management and control of professional activities.

- Have skills required to solve complex problems.

- Have skills to be a leader and create own jobs or for other people.

- Have argument skills and skills to criticize and apply alternative solutions in unpredictable or changeable contexts.

- Have skills to evaluate the task results and and performance of members in the team.

- Have skills to transfer information about problems and solutions to other peopla at workplace; transfer and disseminate knowledge and skills in performance of defined or complex tasks.

- Have foreign-language capacity at level 3/6 referencing to Vietnam's framework of foreign language proficiency

- Work independently or in team in changeable contexts, take personal responsibility and take partial responsibility for teamwork results.

- Guide and supervise the ordinary tasks of others.

- Make self-orientation and produce professional conclusions and have ability to protect own viewpoints.

- Draw up plans, direct and manage resources, evaluate and find solutions to improve the task performance.

120 - 180 credits

Undergraduate degree


- Have advanced specialized knowledge; have a thorough grasp of basic principles and theories in a field of study.

- Have relevant knowledge in multi-disciplinary field of study.

- Have general knowledge about administration and management. 

- Have advanced and specialized skills including analyzation, synthesis and evaluation of data and information to solve problems in a scientific way;

- Have skills to transfer knowledge depending on researches, discuss professional and scientific issues with other people.

- Have skills to organize, administrate and manage advanced vocational activities

- Have skills to develop and apply technology creatively in a field of study or work.

- Have foreign-language capacity at level 4/6 referencing to Vietnam's framework of foreign language proficiency.

- Carry out research and produce essential ideas.

- Adapt to the context, have self-orientation and guidance skills.

- Make professional conclusions for the field of work or study

- Manage, evaluate and develop professional activities.

30 - 60 credits

Master’s Degree


- Have the most advanced and intensive knowledge in a field of work or study related to science;

- Have the essential and basic knowledge in the field of the training profession.

- Have knowledge about organization of scientific research and development of new technology.

- Have knowledge about administration and organization.

- Have skills to master scientific theories, methods and tools serving the researching and development.

- Have skills to consolidate and extend professional knowledge.

- Have skills to reason and analyze scientific issues and produce creative and original solutions.

- Have skills to carry out management and professional direction in terms of research and development.

- Have skills to join in domestic and international discussion regarding the field of study and disseminate the reseach findings.

- Research and create new knowledge.

- Create new ideas and knowledge for different complex situations.

- Adapt to, make self-orientation and provide guidance for other people.

- Make professional conclusions and decisions.

- Manage researches and have high responsibility in study to develop professional knowledge and experience and produce new ideas and process.

90 - 120 credits

Doctor’s degree

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