Vietnam: What are the requirements for a person appointed as the principal of a lower secondary school?
What are the requirements for a person appointed as the principal of a lower secondary school in Vietnam?
Under Clause 3, Article 11 of the lower secondary school, upper secondary school and multi-level school charter issued together with Circular 32/2020/TT-BGDDT stipulating the principal of a lower secondary school:
School principal and deputy principals
3. Standards for principal and deputy principals of a secondary school
a) Regarding qualifications and years of experience: meet the qualification standards of teachers provided for in the Education Law applicable to the in charged education level or to the highest education level of the multi-level school and have at least 05 years of teaching experience (or 04 years for mountainous areas, islands, remote and isolated areas, areas where ethnic minorities reside and areas with exceptional socio-economic difficulties) in the in charged education level.
b) Meet the standards provided for in the standards for principals of lower secondary schools, upper secondary schools and multi-level schools, which are in compliance with standards for principals of general education institutions promulgated by the Minister of Education and Training.
Thus, a person appointed as the Principal of a lower secondary school must meet the following conditions and standards:
- Regarding qualifications and years of experience: meet the qualification standards of teachers provided for in the Education Law applicable to the charged education level or to the highest education level of the multi-level school and have at least 05 years of teaching experience (or 04 years for mountainous areas, islands, remote and isolated areas, areas where ethnic minorities reside and areas with exceptional socio-economic difficulties) in the in charged education level.
- Meet the standards specified for principals of lower secondary schools as stipulated in Circular 14/2018/TT-BGDDT.
What are the requirements for a person appointed as the principal of a lower secondary school in Vietnam? (Image from the Internet)
What are the duties of a lower secondary school teacher in Vietnam?
Under Article 27 of the lower secondary school, upper secondary school and multi-level school charter issued together with Circular 32/2020/TT-BGDDT stipulating the duties of teachers:
Duties of teachers
1. Organize teaching and educational activities according to education plans of the school and specialized teams; manage students in educational activities organized by the school; participate in professional activities; and take responsibility for educational quality and effectiveness.
2. Foster moral values, uphold spirit of responsibility, preserve virtues, honor and reputation of the teacher; display exemplary behaviors in front of students; love and treat students with fairness, and respect students' personalities; protect student's legitimate rights and interest; and cooperate with and support fellow teachers.
3. Learn and train continuously to improve their health, political qualifications, and professional qualifications and knowledge, reform teaching and educational methods.
4. Participate in refresher and training courses.
5. Take part in local universalization of lower secondary education.
6. Fulfill civic duties, comply with regulations of law and the education sector, and the principal’s decisions; perform tasks assigned by the principal and be subject to inspection and assessment by the principal and education authorities.
7. Cooperate with the Ho Chi Minh Young Pioneer Organization, Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union, Vietnam Youth Federation, students’ families and relevant social organizations in educational activities.
8. Perform other duties as prescribed by law.
Thus, lower secondary school teachers shall organize teaching and educational activities according to education plans of the school and specialized teams. In addition, lower secondary school teachers must perform the following duties:
- Manage students in educational activities organized by the school; participate in professional activities; and take responsibility for educational quality and effectiveness.
- Foster moral values, uphold spirit of responsibility, preserve virtues, honor and reputation of the teacher; display exemplary behaviors in front of students; love and treat students with fairness, and respect students' personalities; protect student's legitimate rights and interest; and cooperate with and support fellow teachers.
- Learn and train continuously to improve their health, political qualifications, and professional qualifications and knowledge, reform teaching and educational methods.
- Participate in refresher and training courses.
- Take part in local universalization of lower secondary education.
- Fulfill civic duties, comply with regulations of law and the education sector, and the principal’s decisions; perform tasks assigned by the principal and be subject to inspection and assessment by the principal and education authorities.
- Cooperate with the Ho Chi Minh Young Pioneer Organization, Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union, Vietnam Youth Federation, students’ families and relevant social organizations in educational activities.
- Perform other duties as prescribed by law.
What are the prohibited acts for lower secondary school teachers in Vietnam?
Under Clause 1, Article 31 of the lower secondary school, upper secondary school and multi-level school charter issued together with Circular 32/2020/TT-BGDDT, lower secondary school teachers are prohibited from performing the following actions:
- Strip students and coworkers of their honor or dignity; infringe upon bodily integrity of students and coworkers.
- Act dishonestly during an examination or admission process; act dishonestly during assessment of student performance; skip teaching or cut teaching or educational contents without permission.
- Distort teaching or educational contents; teach wrong knowledge or contents that are against the education guidelines or viewpoints of the Communist Party of Vietnam and the State.
- Force students to take extra classes for money; take advantage of educational sponsorship or assistance to forcibly extract cash or kind contributions.
- Smoke or consume alcohol or other stimulants while participating in teaching or educational activities.
- Hinder support given to teaching or educational activities and other activities.

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