09:29 | 27/07/2024

Vietnam: What are the regulations on GVPT 11 - Development of cooperative relationships with parents and involved parties in teaching and educational activities?

What are the regulations on prviding regular retraining on development of cooperative relationships with parents and involved parties in teaching and educational activities for teachers in Vioetnam?

What are the regulations on GVPT 11 - Development of cooperative relationships with parents and involved parties in teaching and educational activities in Vietnam?

GVPT 11: The module code for the development of cooperative relationships with parents and involved parties in teaching and educational activities is a retraining module aimed at fostering relationships between schools, families, and society.

Under Section 3 of the Regular Retraining Program for teachers at general education institutions issued along with Circular 17/2019/TT-BGDDT, the GVPT 11 module on developing cooperative relationships with parents and involved parties in teaching and educational activities at general education institutions includes the following:

(1) Primary Content

- The role of developing cooperative relationships with parents and involved parties.

- Regulations on cooperative relationships with parents and involved parties.

- Measures to strengthen coordination with parents and involved parties.

(2) Required Achievement

- Analyze the role of developing cooperative relationships with parents and involved parties in general education institutions, fitting the characteristics of each educational level;

- Apply current regulations and measures to develop cooperative relationships with parents and involved parties in general education institutions, fitting the characteristics of each educational level;

- Support colleagues in developing measures to strengthen cooperation with parents and involved parties in general education institutions.

(3) Implementation Time

20 lessons (8 theory lessons, 12 practice lessons)

What are the regulations on GVPT 11 - the development of cooperative relationships with parents and involved parties in teaching and educational activities in Vietnam? (Image from the Internet)

Which retraining program is GVPT 11 - Development of cooperative relationships with parents and involved parties in Vietnam included in?

According to Section 3 of the Regular Retraining Program for teachers at general education institutions issued along with Circular 17/2019/TT-BGDDT:

Retraining Program Contents

The Regular Retraining Program for teachers at general education institutions falls under the form of training based on job position requirements; annual compulsory knowledge and specialized skill training, including:


3. The professional competency development retraining program based on job position requirements (referred to as Retraining Program 03): Teachers of general education institutions may choose retraining modules to develop qualities and professional competencies to meet job position requirements. The number of chosen modules must ensure compliance with the training duration stipulated in Clause 2, Section IV of this Program. The retraining modules include:


Therefore, GVPT 11 - Development of cooperative relationships with parents and involved parties is included in Retraining Program 03.

Does the duration of GVPT 11 module meet the duration of Retraining Program 03 in Vietnam?

According to Section 3 of the Regular Retraining Program for teachers at general education institutions issued along with Circular 17/2019/TT-BGDDT, teachers at general education institutions can choose retraining modules to develop qualities and professional competencies to meet job position requirements within Retraining Program 03, while ensuring compliance with the program’s required duration.

Based on Section 4 of the Regular Retraining Program for teachers at general education institutions issued along with Circular 17/2019/TT-BGDDT, which stipulates as follows:


1. The implementation of the Regular Retraining Program for teachers at general education institutions includes 03 retraining programs as stipulated in Section III of this Program.

2. Retraining duration:

a) Each teacher at a general education institution must ensure the specific training duration as follows:

- retraining program 01: Approximately 1 week/school year (about 40 lessons/school year);

- retraining program 02: Approximately 1 week/school year (about 40 lessons/school year);

- Retraining Program 03: 1 week/school year (40 lessons/school year);

b) Based on task requirements and local education plans for each school year, educational management levels may adjust the duration of retraining program 01 and retraining program 02 suitably but cannot change the duration of Retraining Program 03 for each teacher at general education institutions (ensuring 120 lessons/year);

c) Based on Retraining Program 03, teachers at general education institutions may choose modules for training suitable to personal development needs of qualities and professional competencies each year, ensuring compliance with the stipulated duration.

3. The implementation of the Regular Retraining Program for teachers at general education institutions is carried out annually in accordance with the regular training regulations issued by the Minister of Education and Training.

The Retraining Program 03 requires a duration of 40 lessons/year, but the GVPT 11 module has a duration of only 20 lessons. Therefore, to ensure the duration of Retraining Program 03, teachers must select additional modules to meet the required 40 lessons.

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