Vietnam: Is the academic performance evaluation of lower secondary school students in Music graded or not?
How is the academic performance of secondary school students in music evaluated? Is it graded using scores?
Pursuant to Clause 1, Article 6 of the Regulation on assessment and classification of secondary school and high school students issued together with Circular No. 58/2011/TT-BGDDT of the Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam, the forms of assessment form and results of the subjects after a semester, school year are as follows:
Assessment form and results of the subjects after a semester, school year
1. Form of assessment:
a) Assessment by comment of learning results (hereinafter referred to as assessment by comments) for the subjects of Music, Art, Physical Education.
Based on the standard of knowledge and skills of subjects specified in the program of general education, positive attitude and the progress of students to review the test results in two levels:
- Satisfaction (S): If making sure at least one of the two following conditions:
+ Implementing basically the requirements of knowledge standard and skills for the contents in the test;
+ Having attempts, positive learning, and significant progress in implementing the requirements of knowledge standard and skills for the contents in the test.
- No satisfaction (NS): The remaining cases.
Additionally, in Clause 3, Article 5 of Circular No. 22/2021/TT-BGDDT of Vietnam's Governemnt, this form of assessment is also stipulated.
Assessment by commenting on the study results (hereinafter referred to as assessment by comment) for the subjects of Music, Fine Arts, Physical Education.
This assessment is based on the knowledge and skill standards of the subject stipulated in the General Education Program, the student's positive attitude, and progress to comment on the results of the tests according to two levels: - Meeting requirements (M) or Not meeting requirements (NMR).
Thus, based on the regulations, it can be seen that the academic performance in Music for secondary school students is not graded using scores but is instead assessed as either Meeting requirements (M) or Not meeting requirements (NMR).
How is the academic performance of secondary school students in Music evaluated? Is it graded using scores? When are secondary school students exempted from studying Music? (Image from Internet)
When are secondary school students exempted from studying Music?
Pursuant to Article 12 of the Regulations on Evaluation and Classification of Lower Secondary and Upper Secondary School Students, issued together with Circular No. 58/2011/TT-BGDDT, with the phrase being replaced by Clause 5, Article 2 of Circular No. 26/2020/TT-BGDDT, the regulations on exemption from studying Physical Education, Music, Fine Arts, and the practical part of National Defense and Security Education (GDQP-AN) are as follows:
Exemptions from studying Physical Education, Music, Fine Arts, and the practical part of National Defense and Security Education (GDQP-AN)
1. Students are exempted from studying Physical Education, Music, Fine Arts in the education program if they have difficulty studying any subject due to chronic illness, disability, accident, or illness requiring treatment.
2. The documents for exemption include: An application for exemption from the student and a medical record or a disability certificate issued by a hospital from the district level upwards.
3. Exemptions for illness or accidents are only applicable during the school year; chronic illness, disability, or long-term injury cases are applicable for the whole school year or the whole education level.
4. The school principal allows students to be exempted from studying Physical Education, Music, Fine Arts for a semester or the whole school year. If exempted for the whole school year, the subject is not included in the assessment and classification of academic performance for the semester and the whole school year; if exempted for a semester only, the assessment and classification of the year will be based on the performance of the studied semester.
5. For the subject GDQP-AN: In accordance with Circular No. 40/2012/TT-BGDDT, dated November 19, 2012, by the Minister of Education and Training on organizing teaching, learning, and assessment of GDQP-AN results.
Cases where students are exempt from the practical part will be compensated by theoretical tests to have enough points as stipulated.
Thus, based on the regulations, if secondary school students have difficulty studying any subject due to chronic illness, disability, accident, or illness requiring treatment, they will be considered for exemption from some subjects, including Music.
How are secondary school students exempted from studying Music due to disability assessed at the end of the year?
Pursuant to Article 14 of the Regulations on Evaluation and Classification of Lower Secondary and Upper Secondary School Students, issued together with Circular No. 58/2011/TT-BGDDT, as amended by Clause 6, Article 1 of Circular No. 26/2020/TT-BGDDT:
- The assessment of the educational results of disabled students shall be based on principles of encouraging and motivating efforts and progress of the learners.
- For disabled students studying in an inclusive education mode, the educational results of subjects or educational activities that meet the requirements of the general education program shall be assessed like normal students but with reduced requirements for study results.
- Subjects or educational activities that disabled students cannot meet the general requirements shall be assessed based on the implementation of the Individual Education Plan.
- Subjects or educational contents exempted for disabled students shall not be assessed.
- For disabled students studying in a specialized education mode, the educational results of subjects or educational activities that meet the requirements of the specialized education program shall be assessed according to the regulations for specialized education.
- Subjects or educational activities that disabled students cannot meet the requirements for specialized education shall be assessed based on the implementation of the Individual Education Plan.

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