Vietnam: Are primary school students whose parents are members of poor households eligible for financing for studying costs?
Are primary school students whose parents are members of poor households in Vietnam eligible for financing for studying costs?
According to the provisions of Article 18 of Decree 81/2021/ND-CP, the persons eligible for financing of studying costs include:
Eligibility for financing for studying costs
1. Kindergarten children, students in formal education institutions, and students in continuous education facilities pursuing formal education programs are left without both parents.
2. Kindergarten children, students in formal education institutions, and students in continuous education facilities pursuing formal education programs suffer from disabilities.
3. Preschool students, students of formal education, learners in continuous education facilities pursuing formal education program whose parents are poor households according to regulations of Prime Minister.
4. Kindergarten children, students in formal education institutions, and learners in continuous education facilities pursuing formal education institutions in particularly difficult hamlets, communes in category III areas in ethnic regions and mountainous regions, particularly difficult hamlets in coastal regions and islands according to regulations of competent authority.
Thus, primary school students whose parents are members of poor households in Vietnam are eligible for financing for studying costs.
Are primary school students whose parents are members of poor households in Vietnam eligible for financing of studying costs? (Image from the Internet)
What are studying costs financed by the State of Vietnam for primary school students whose parents are members of poor households used to purchase?
Under Clause 10, Article 20 of Decree 81/2021/ND-CP, the provisions are as follows:
Policies on tuition reduction, exemption, studying cost financing, and tuition financing
8. Do not apply tuition reduction, exemption, and studying cost financing for the period in which learners are temporarily suspended, dismissed, repeating classes, or taking additional classes. In case learners must temporary suspend their studying, repeat classes (no more than once) due to sickness or force majeure but not disciplinary actions, heads of education institutions shall consider and allow studying as per the law and receiving of benefits under this Decree.
9. Expenditure on tuition reduction, exemption, and tuition financing shall be granted depending on actual learning period but no more than 9 months/school year for preschool children, students pursuing formal education, and students in continuous education institutions and 10 months/school year for students learning in vocational education institutions and higher education institutions, and be made twice per year at the beginning of each semester.
10. The government shall finance studying costs directly for individuals under Article 18 hereof with the amount of VND 150,000/student/month for purchasing books, notebooks, and other learning equipment. Time of receiving benefits depends on actual learning period and does not exceed 9 months/school year; benefits shall be made twice per year at the beginning of each semester.
Thus, the State of Vietnam finances the studying costs for primary school students whose parents are members of poor households at 150,000 VND/student/month to purchase books, notebooks, and other learning equipment.
What are the methods of paying financed studying costs to students in Vietnam?
As stipulated in Clause 2, Article 21 of Decree 81/2021/ND-CP, methods of paying for studying cost financing for individuals studying in public preschools and formal education institutions are:
- Sub-departments of Education and Training are responsible for paying and settling expenditure on financing studying costs for parents (or guardians) of preschool children, primary school students, and lower secondary school students; parents (or learners) in continuous education institutions or authorizing education institutions to pay and settle with Sub-departments of Education and Training;
- Departments of Education and Training are responsible for paying and settling expenditure on studying cost for parents of students (or students) in upper secondary education institutions, students in continuous education institutions of provinces, and students in other education institutions under management of Departments of Education and Training or authorizing education institutions to pay and settle with Departments of Education and Training;
c)- Expenditure on financing studying costs shall not exceed 9 months/school year and shall be paid twice per year: The first installment covers 4 months and shall be made in October or November; the second installment covers 5 month and shall be made in March or April;
- In case parents (or guardians) of preschool children and students have not received financing for studying costs within the deadline as per the law, they shall be paid the missing amount and the amount respective to the subsequent payment period in the subsequent payment period;
- State Treasury shall rely on (i) Decision on assigning estimates of competent authority (which specifies estimates for financing studying costs); (ii) wire receipt: pay Sub-departments of Education and Training or Departments of Education and Training or education institutions in advance (if authorized).
Sub-departments of Education and Training or Departments of Education and Training or education institutions (if authorized) are responsible for paying the correct beneficiaries and settling advance with the State Treasury. State Treasury shall rely on application for advance and Schedule regarding documents on advance/payment to settle advance.

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