16:06 | 08/02/2025

What are the Top 3 sample paragraphs retelling the story "Sơn Tinh, Thủy Tinh" in your own words? Is Vietnamese language a mandatory subject for 4th-grade students in Vietnam?

What are the Top 3 sample paragraphs retelling the story "Sơn Tinh, Thủy Tinh" in your own words? What are the requirements satisfied by 4th-grade students in Vietnam when writing a paragraph?

What are the Top 3 sample paragraphs retelling the story "Sơn Tinh, Thủy Tinh" in your own words?

Writing a sample paragraph retelling the story "Sơn Tinh, Thủy Tinh" in your own words is content that students learn in the 4th-grade Vietnamese language curriculum.

Students may refer to the following Top 3 sample paragraphs retelling the story "Sơn Tinh, Thủy Tinh":

Sample paragraphs retelling the story "Sơn Tinh, Thủy Tinh"

Sample 1:

Once upon a time, the eighteenth Hung King had a beautiful daughter named Mi Nuong. When she reached the age of marriage, the king organized a contest to choose a husband. Among the suitors, the two most talented were Son Tinh - Lord of the Mountains and Thuy Tinh - Lord of the Seas. Son Tinh had the power to move mountains and fill seas, while Thuy Tinh could summon wind and call rain.

Confused about whom to choose, the Hung King set a challenge: whoever brought the wedding gifts first would marry Mi Nuong. The gifts included an elephant with nine tusks, a rooster with nine spurs, and a horse with nine red manes. The next day, Son Tinh arrived early, presented all the gifts, and took Mi Nuong to the mountains.

Thuy Tinh arrived late and, in anger, raised floods to attack Son Tinh. The sea roared, a great rain fell, and the water flooded the mountains. But Son Tinh was unfazed, using his powers to elevate the mountains. The battle lasted several days, and finally, Thuy Tinh exhausted his strength and had to retreat.

Since then, harboring relentless resentment, Thuy Tinh annually raises the waters to attack Son Tinh, causing floods everywhere. This legend explains the annual storms and floods in our country.

Sample 2:

Once upon a time, the eighteenth Hung King had an exceptionally beautiful daughter named Mi Nuong. When she reached the age of marriage, the king held a contest to choose a husband. The two most talented suitors were Son Tinh - Lord of the Mountains, and Thuy Tinh - Lord of the Seas.

Faced with a difficult decision, the Hung King set a condition: whoever brought the gifts of an elephant with nine tusks, a rooster with nine spurs, and a horse with nine red manes first would marry Mi Nuong. The next day, Son Tinh arrived first, presented the complete offerings, and escorted Mi Nuong to the mountains.

Thuy Tinh arrived afterward, extremely angry, and used his magic to summon rain and wind and raised the waters to attack Son Tinh. As the water rose, Son Tinh elevated the mountains higher. The battle continued for many days until Thuy Tinh, exhausted, had to retreat.

After that, every year Thuy Tinh raises the water to attack Son Tinh but always fails. This legend explains the annual flooding in our country.

Sample 3:

Once upon a time, the eighteenth Hung King had a beautiful daughter named Mi Nuong. When she reached the age of marriage, the king organized a contest to choose a husband. The two most talented suitors, Son Tinh - Lord of the Mountains, and Thuy Tinh - Lord of the Seas, both proposed marriage.

Unsure whom to choose, the Hung King posed a challenge: whoever brought the gifts of an elephant with nine tusks, a rooster with nine spurs, and a horse with nine red manes first would marry Mi Nuong. The next day, Son Tinh arrived first, presented the complete offerings, and took Mi Nuong to the mountains.

Thuy Tinh arrived later, filled with rage. He immediately summoned rain, called the wind, and raised floods to submerge the land. However, Son Tinh, undeterred, used his magic to elevate the mountains, blocking the water. The two fought for many days, and eventually, Thuy Tinh, exhausted, had to withdraw.

Since then, every year, Thuy Tinh raises the water to attack Son Tinh for revenge, but fails each time. This story explains the annual flooding in our country.

Note: The sample paragraphs are for reference only.

Top 3 Model Paragraphs Retelling the Story of Son Tinh Thuy Tinh in Your Own Words? Is it mandatory for 4th-grade students to learn Vietnamese language?

What are the Top 3 sample paragraphs retelling the story "Sơn Tinh, Thủy Tinh" in your own words? Is Vietnamese language a mandatory subject for 4th-grade students in Vietnam? (Image from the Internet)

Is Vietnamese language a mandatory subject for 4th-grade students in Vietnam?

Section 4 of the General Education Program for Literature issued with Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT which stipulates the educational content for primary education as follows:

- Compulsory subjects and educational activities: Vietnamese; Mathematics; Ethics; Foreign Language 1 (in grades 3, 4, 5); Nature and Society (in grades 1, 2, 3); History and Geography (in grades 4, 5); Science (in grades 4, 5); Informatics and Technology (in grades 3, 4, 5); Physical Education; Arts (Music, Fine Arts); Experiential Activities.

- Elective subjects: Ethnic Minority Languages, Foreign Language 1 (in grades 1, 2).

According to the above regulations, Vietnamese language is a mandatory subject for 4th-grade students in Vietnam.

What are the requirements satisfied by 4th-grade students in Vietnam when writing a paragraph?

Under Section V of the General Education Program for Literature issued with Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT, the requirements satisfied by 4th-grade students in Vietnam when writing a paragraph are:

(1) Writing Process

- Be able to write according to the steps: determine the content to write (what to write about); observe and find materials to write; form the main ideas for the paragraph and essay; write the paragraph and essay; edit (structure, word use, sentence structure, spelling).

- Write paragraphs, and essays that convey the main theme and ideas; in line with the requirements of the type of text; have an introduction, development, and conclusion; sentences, and paragraphs are connected with each other.

(2) Writing Practice

- Be able to write an essay recounting an event witnessed (seen, watched) or participated in and sharing one's thoughts and feelings about that event.

- Be able to write an essay retelling a story read or heard, or write an imaginative paragraph based on a story read or heard.

- Be able to write an essay describing animals and plants; using personification and words that highlight the features of the subject described.

- Be able to write a paragraph expressing personal feelings and emotions about a character in literature or a close, familiar person.

- Be able to write a short paragraph explaining why they like a story they have read or heard.

- Be able to write a short text guiding the steps to perform a task or make, or use a product consisting of 2 - 3 steps.

- Be able to write group discussion reports, application forms, and letters to family and friends.

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