What are the 03 sample argumentative essays on a social issue raised in literary works under the 8th-grade Literature curriculum in Vietnam? What Vietnamese knowledge does the 8th-grade Literature curriculum in Vietnam cover?

What are the 03 sample argumentative essays on a social issue raised in literary works under the 8th-grade Literature curriculum in Vietnam? What are the regulations on languages and written languages used in educational institutions for 8th grade in Vietnam?

What are the 03 sample argumentative essays on a social issue raised in literary works under the 8th-grade Literature curriculum in Vietnam?

Students may refer to the following sample argumentative essays on a social issue raised in literary works under the 8th-grade Literature curriculum:

The Work "Chí Phèo"

The work "Chí Phèo" by Nam Cao has long been considered an exemplary, outstanding short story of literature written in the genre of critical realism, showcasing Nam Cao's artistic talent. From this creation, we also witness a miraculous event in life, the power of love between human beings.

Reading the first few passages of the work, readers find it hard to imagine that the protagonist of the story—a man who drowned himself in alcohol for years, a demon of Vu Dai village—could be awakened both physically and spiritually by budding love. It is even harder to imagine Chi being awakened by an ugly woman who is scorned by humans and devils alike, a thirty-year-old who hasn't fully lived her life. It is unbelievable that this very same ugly woman possesses a kindness that no one else in Vu Dai village has. A hot bowl of scallion porridge with the gestures of Thi No has awakened the "human" part in Chi that had long been buried. This man, who just the day before went out drinking, cursing the whole village, cursed his own birth, slashing his face as if to threaten, could suddenly acknowledge simple things, the rhythm of daily life, could cry, could revive feelings that had been numb for so long, could love and yearn, wish to return to a decent life, dream of a happy family. More importantly, it is not the power from Ba Kien or the strength brought by the inhabitants of Vu Dai village that awakens Chi but the naive, simple affection in Thi No.

From Chi Pheo’s awakening story, it can be seen that the love between people is a power capable of quickly and strongly transforming and educating individuals. In real life, many times we’ve encountered such power, in a teacher's wholehearted love for their students, even if that student is unruly, in the empathetic police officer who always stands ready to help inmates reform. The sincere affection has stirred and called to awaken the conscience hidden beneath sins, saved many individuals from diving into the abyss of pain. Love pulls the world away from genocidal disasters, rekindles in people the faith in a bright future. . . .

There are many ways to reclaim happiness and justice for humanity, but if love can mend all sorrows, erase all faults, why do we not multiply it in every heart, not amplify its strength? As poet To Huu once wrote:

What is more beautiful in life than this?

People love people, live to love each other

Existence and continual development—those are the rules of life. For development, in the battle between righteousness and evil, unjust powers will have to surrender to the strength of righteousness. Darkness and evil plunge people into suffering. Thus, it must be love that pulls people from the brink, brings humans to the light, and back to righteousness. In this way, the existence of love, the power of love between human beings is indispensable and invincible. We have the right to believe in the eternal existence of this power.

It is evident that Nam Cao's "Chí Phèo" does not idealize love with romance, poetry, and lyricism, but rather focuses on describing love in a very realistic manner. Thanks to this description, we see the power of love expressed differently, love that elevates to a new, more meaningful, more noble, and more influential level. This love not only awakens Chi Pheo - Thi No amidst a bewildered life but also provides readers a new perspective on love. That love is very noble but always accompanies the current reality. Love and life must be harmonious to form a complete and perfect love.

The Work "Muối của Rừng"

Nguyen Huy Thiep is a writer who brought new waves to Vietnamese literature with diverse literary styles and a unique way of writing. In “Muối của Rừng,” Nguyen Huy Thiep delved into the relationship between nature and humans. This work sends readers awakening bells about the true value of nature - awakening human nature. What is the relationship between humans and nature, why is it necessary to maintain it, and what should we do?

First, the relationship between humans and nature is a sturdy, inseparable bond that exists eternally, nature and humans coexist and mutually support each other. Humans can survive for a period if separated from the social environment, but cannot live without air to breathe, water to drink, food, cannot produce without land, water, light... Humans are born from nature, nature determines human life, and humans determine the fate of nature. Humans are both a product and a subject of resources and the environment. As humans rely on environmental resources to exist; humans, in their activities, have strong impacts back and change the environment.

However, in this relationship, nature offers us numerous benefits. Yet we humans do not know how to respect, protect, and preserve them. We exploit natural resources recklessly. We pollute water resources as well as air with harmful emissions from factories, enterprises, and everyday vehicles. All forests are being destroyed by us, we burn forests, cut down trees to seek personal profit without thinking about others. The benefits nature brings to our lives seem endless, but if not preserved, resources will be depleted, pollution will cause ozone layer depletion, global warming, and increased risk of droughts, floods. We ourselves contribute to the harmful impacts on our lives. Nature plays a significant role for all humans and all living creatures on earth. Therefore, we must exploit, use suitably as well as preserve and protect nature to make it one of humanity's most precious assets.

Through media, we are informed about the increasingly polluted state of the natural environment, the earth's crust is warming, more disasters, humanity faces global climate change. Environmental changes negatively affect human health, increasing diseases. Human life is distancing from the natural environment due to urbanization.

Faced with such negative realities, each of us needs a better understanding of the importance of the environment to human life. Each of us should join hands to protect the environment with both domestic and international activities for environmental protection. Improving the environment is a process that requires time, so each of us should choose ways to care for personal and family health in the current environmental state.

Thus, "Muối của Rừng" is a perfect work for humans to reassess their position on the scale: humans - nature. The work sounded a warning bell about the true value of nature - awakening human nature. A work that advises humans to always protect, cherish, and shield nature.

The Work "The Last Leaf"

O Henry is an outstanding short story writer in early 20th-century American literature. The O Henry Award is a literary award in America for the best short stories of the year. The writer’s fame will be remembered forever. The story "The Last Leaf" exemplifies O Henry's artistic style. It has only three characters, poor artists: Sue, Johnsy, and old Behrman. The story has a tight structure, hardly any unnecessary details, with an emotional sequence about Johnsy’s prolonged illness and Behrman’s unexpected death. Some say: O Henry's "The Last Leaf" is a green message about human affection and life.

O Henry's "The Last Leaf" displays a noble, touching friendship. Johnsy and Sue are two young female artists, poor but full of dreams and love. They bond over their interests and art, becoming like sisters, sharing a painting room in a poor street. That winter, pneumonia was rampant, "striking down dozens of victims." Johnsy caught a cold and lay bedridden. All medicines became "useless," and she was sure she "couldn't survive." Johnsy was haunted, once the last leaf of the ivy vine outside the window falls, she believes she "will go too." Her spiritual collapse worsened her illness. In such dire circumstances, their friendship was tested. Sue dearly loves her adopted sister, she cried "until she drenched a Japanese napkin." Sue worries. Sue tends to her and strives tirelessly to care for Johnsy. Sue works harder to earn money for medicine and food for Johnsy. When the poor sister "lay quietly, pale as a fallen statue," Sue still patiently comforts her. She says through tears: "Dear, dear... Promise me to close your eyes and not look out the window anymore... Try to sleep..."

Sue devotedly cares for her, sometimes stirring chicken soup, sometimes mixing milk with Bordeaux wine, sometimes adding pillows, summoning the doctor or calling Behrman for help. Sue wrestles with the specter of death to treat her poor beloved adopted sister.

Sue embodies empathetic, altruistic compassion, a person rich in silent sacrifice, possessing a vast kind heart. Sue is a beautiful character eliciting emotion and admiration for noble and loyal friendship and sisterly affection. Sue's character illuminates the "green message" of "The Last Leaf." To save others from calamity, some face death without fear. Old Behrman, an old painter, showcases such sacrificial virtue. That year, Behrman was 60, struggling, 40 years painting yet unable to “reach the hem of the goddess's gown” of art. Yet, he told Sue: "One day I will paint a masterpiece..." He no longer modeled but stood in the cold, persistent rain mixed with snow, wearing an old blue shirt, silently creating the "last leaf," the "brave leaf," throughout the night. The gale raged, yet that singular ivy leaf clung tightly to the branch. Behrman’s clothes and shoes got soaked and chilled. Behrman died of pneumonia. The last leaf he "painted" drove away death, saving Johnsy. Selflessly saving others is a noble act. Behrman's death surpasses all odes. If Christ was crucified for human happiness, then noble Behrman sacrificed for Johnsy’s life. Behrman left forever, yet the last leaf, his masterpiece, remains for life and human happiness, enduring eternally. Johnsy recovers, gazing at Behrman's "masterpiece" feeling gratitude and boundless appreciation. Over a century, millions of readers worldwide have bowed their heads in reverence before the act and death of the old painter Behrman.

"The Last Leaf" is one of the foreign literary works that brings us much delight. That "green message" remains ever vibrant in the hearts of people. The friendship, sisterly love, compassionate heart, and self-sacrifice of young and old artists make readers believe more in human goodness. It advises humanity: strive for human happiness, let art serve people, the human beauty, the human values of "The Last Leaf" touch our souls deeply.

Artist Behrman fell for art, sacrificed for the life and happiness of others. Art aimed at humanity is the highest, most enduring art!

Note: The information is for reference purposes only!

Top 3 Essays Analysing a Social Issue Raised in Literary Works for Grade 8 Literature Course?

What are the 03 sample argumentative essays on a social issue raised in literary works under the 8th-grade Literature curriculum in Vietnam? What Vietnamese knowledge does the 8th-grade Literature curriculum in Vietnam cover? (Image from the Internet)

What Vietnamese knowledge does the 8th-grade Literature curriculum in Vietnam cover?

Under Section 5 of the general education program for Literature issued with Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT, the 8th-grade Literature curriculum in Vietnam covers the following Vietnamese knowledge:

- Meaning of several fairly common idioms and proverbs

- Nuances of word meanings and word choice

- Onomatopoeic and mimic words: characteristics and effects

- Meaning of some common Sino-Vietnamese elements (e.g., vo, huu) and the meaning of words containing those elements (e.g., vo tu, vo hinh, huu quan, huu han)

- Particles, interjections: characteristics and functions

- Independent components in a sentence: characteristics and functions

- Declarative sentence, interrogative sentence, imperative sentence, exclamatory sentence; affirmative and negative sentences: characteristics and functions

- Poetic devices such as inversion, rhetorical question: characteristics and effects

- Explicit and implicit meaning of sentences

- Deductive, inductive, parallel, coordinating paragraphs: characteristics and functions

- Types of texts and genres

+ Narrative text: an essay recounting a trip or a social activity

+ Expressive text: six-word, seven-word poems; paragraph recording impressions of a six, seven-word poem

+ Argumentative text: thesis, argument point, reasoning, and evidence; discussion on a life issue; analysis of a literary work

+ Informative text: objective information, subjective opinion, and the purpose of the text; explanatory texts for natural phenomena; book introduction article; petition text

- Common vocabulary and regional dialect: function and value

- Social slang: function and value

- Non-verbal communication means: images, numbers, graphs,...

What are the regulations on languages and written languages used in educational institutions for 8th grade in Vietnam?

Under Article 11 of the Education Law 2019, the languages and written languages used in educational institutions for 8th grade in Vietnam are stipulated as follows:

- Vietnamese is the official language to be used in educational institutions. Based on the goals of education and specific requirements on educational contents, the Government shall stipulate the teaching and learning via foreign languages in educational institutions.

- The State shall encourage and enable ethnic minority people to learn their spoken and written languages as prescribed in Governmental regulations; hearing-impaired and speaking-impaired persons to learn via sign language, vision-impaired persons to learn via the Braille alphabet as prescribed in the Law on Persons with Disabilities.

- Foreign languages defined in educational programmes are the languages used commonly in international communication. The teaching of foreign languages in educational institutions should guarantee that learners have continuing and effective learning process.

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