What are the 03 sample 600-word argumentative essays on persuading others to abandon the habit of jealousy? What are the elective subjects for 8th-grade students in Vietnam?

What are the 03 sample 600-word argumentative essays on persuading others to abandon the habit of jealousy? What are the elective subjects for 8th-grade students in the 2024-2025 academic year in Vietnam?

What are the 03 sample 600-word argumentative essays on persuading others to abandon the habit of jealousy?

Students may refer to the following 03 sample 600-word argumentative essays on persuading others to abandon the habit of jealousy:

Sample 1: Jealousy – The Enemy of Success

Jealousy is a common emotion that almost everyone has experienced, especially when witnessing others achieve the successes we desire. However, few realize that if this feeling is not controlled, it can cause significant harm, not only to oneself but also to surrounding relationships. Jealousy is not a motivation to push us forward but a major hindrance that prevents us from developing ourselves. Therefore, relinquishing the habit of jealousy is essential for each person to make progress and find true happiness.

Firstly, jealousy prevents us from fully realizing our potential. When seeing friends or colleagues succeed, many people tend to feel inferior and undervalue themselves. For instance, if a friend of yours receives an outstanding scholarship while you do not, the feeling of jealousy might make you lose confidence and motivation. Instead of recognizing that it is an admirable success, you may feel that you are not capable enough. This only hinders your personal development. Conversely, if you view the success of others as a motivation and learn from them, you can improve yourself and find your own path to success.

Furthermore, jealousy can have negative impacts on relationships. Living in envy, you cannot build a healthy friendship or a work environment. For example, if you constantly feel jealous of a colleague's success, you will not be able to collaborate effectively with them and might even lose sincerity in the relationship. Conversely, if you rejoice and share in the joy with others, you can build more connected and sustainable relationships. These relationships will help you develop and learn many valuable things in life.

In conclusion, jealousy not only diminishes self-confidence but also causes us to overlook opportunities to learn and grow. Abandoning the habit of jealousy is crucial to finding satisfaction and true happiness. Let the feeling of jealousy become a motivation to develop yourself, and from there, you will find your own path to success.

Example 2: Comparison – The Path to Jealousy

In life, everyone has their own goals and dreams. However, when seeing others achieve what we wish for, feelings of jealousy are unavoidable. This feeling may arise suddenly, but if allowed to control us, it becomes a bad habit, hindering our development and preventing us from living a happy life. Jealousy is not a catalyst for us to rise but a negative factor leading us astray in life. Therefore, abandoning the habit of jealousy is necessary for everyone to live freely, find joy, and develop themselves.

When we live in comparison, feelings of jealousy easily arise. For example, when you see a close friend quickly advancing in their career, you might feel that you are not good enough or even unlucky. However, if you constantly compare yourself with others, you will not recognize your own strengths and potential. This leads you to miss opportunities to learn and grow. Instead of being jealous, you can learn from others' successes and apply those valuable lessons to your own life.

Jealousy is a feeling that can harm relationships. When constantly feeling inferior or envious of others, you cannot maintain a genuine friendship or a lasting relationship. On the contrary, if you can celebrate and share others' success, you will build positive and deep connections. These relationships not only bring happiness but also offer valuable learning and cooperation opportunities.

Therefore, instead of living in jealousy, you should view others' success as a source of inspiration and motivation for self-development. Letting go of jealousy will help you find joy in life and build beautiful and lasting relationships. Remember, life is not a competition, and everyone has their own path to follow.

Example 3: Jealousy and the Cost of Discontent

Jealousy is a feeling that each of us has experienced at least once in our lives. However, if we do not control this emotion, we will fall into a state of dissatisfaction with what we have and always feel lacking and unlucky. This not only reduces self-confidence but also affects psychological health and social relationships. To live happily and develop, we need to abandon the habit of jealousy and learn to see life more positively.

One of the greatest consequences of jealousy is that it prevents us from enjoying what we have. For example, when seeing a close friend travel everywhere, you may feel incapable of doing the same, rather than appreciating what you have in life. This feeling of lack makes you unable to feel satisfied and always live in discontent. In contrast, when you abandon jealousy, you learn to appreciate what you have and see them as an important part of creating happiness.

Additionally, jealousy also weakens relationships. Living in envy, you cannot maintain genuine friendships, as comparison and feelings of inferiority distance you from those around you. Instead of being jealous, you should rejoice and share happiness with others. This not only helps you build good relationships but also brings opportunities for cooperation and development.

In conclusion, jealousy is a negative emotion that weakens oneself and relationships. Abandoning the habit of jealousy is crucial for us to live a free, happy, and developmental life. See others' success as a source of motivation, and you will find the path to success and fulfillment in your own life.

*Note: Information is for reference only./

Top 3 Essay Examples on Persuading Others to Abandon the Habit of Jealousy?

What are the 03 sample 600-word argumentative essays on persuading others to abandon the habit of jealousy? What are the elective subjects for 8th-grade students in Vietnam? (Image from the Internet)

What are the elective subjects for 8th-grade students in Vietnam?

Under the General Education Program issued with Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT, the educational content of the lower secondary level in general and the 8th grade in particular is specified as follows:

1. Basic Education Stage


1.2. Lower Secondary Level

a) Educational Content

Mandatory subjects and educational activities: Minority language, Foreign Language 2.

Elective subjects: Minority language, Foreign Language 2.

b) Educational Duration

One session per day, with no more than 5 lessons each session; each lesson lasts 45 minutes. Lower secondary schools with sufficient conditions are encouraged to conduct two sessions per day as guided by the Ministry of Education and Training.


The elective subjects and educational activities for 8th-grade students (13-year-old students) include: Minority language, Foreign Language 2.

What is the age of students entering 8th Grade in Vietnam?

Under Clause 1, Article 28 of the Education Law 2019 on educational levels and entry ages:

Educational levels and entry ages

1. Educational levels and age groups of general education are regulated as follows:

a) Primary education lasts for 05 school years, from the first to the fifth grade. The entry age for the first grade is 06;

b) Lower secondary education lasts for 04 school years, from the sixth to the ninth grade. Students must complete the primary educational programme before entering the sixth grade. The entry age for the sixth grade is 11;

c) Upper secondary education lasts for 03 school years, from the tenth to the twelfth grade. Students must complete the lower secondary educational programme before entering the tenth grade. The entry age for the tenth grade is 15;


Thus, the age of students entering 8th Grade in Vietnam is 13, except for cases where students skip grades or attend at ages older than the specified age.

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