What are the lyrics of the "People's Teacher" song? What is the current salary coefficient of teachers in Vietnam?
What are the lyrics of the "People's Teacher" song?
Below are the lyrics of the "People's Teacher" song by Hoang Van
On the paths
Of the green homeland
There are types of flowers
Rich in fragrance and color
There are songs
That make hearts stir
That song, those flowers
are beautiful like you
The people's teacher
Your soul fresh and green
Like the shade of almond leaves
Your heart red with enthusiasm
Like the flamboyant flowers
Like birds flying across regions
You set out
Flying far with many generations
Grandchildren of Uncle Ho
Proud like you
A cultural soldier
Growing up in the cradle
Of Vietnamese homeland
Growing up in the cradle
Of Vietnamese homeland
By the late-night lamp
You have stayed up many nights
Under the people's militia trenches
Many battles involved you
There are partings
Full of memories
The writer
The soldier leaving far
Always remembering your name
Your voice
Igniting many dreams, ideals
The heroic voice
Of the history of ancestors building the nation
You sow beautiful seeds
In many souls
Following the example of revolutionary heroes
Shining bright
Youth like you
Is the future of the homeland
Growing up in the cradle
Of Vietnamese homeland
Growing up in the cradle
Of Vietnamese homeland
By the late-night lamp
You have stayed up many nights
Under the people's militia trenches
Many battles involved you
There are partings
Full of memories
The writer
The soldier leaving far
Always remembering your name
Your voice
Igniting many dreams, ideals
The heroic voice
Of the history of ancestors building the nation
You sow beautiful seeds
In many souls
Following the example of revolutionary heroes
Shining bright
Youth like you
Is the future of the homeland
Growing up in the cradle
Of Vietnamese homeland
Growing up in the cradle
Of Vietnamese homeland...
Note: Content is for reference only!
What are the lyrics of the "People's Teacher" song? What is the current salary coefficient of teachers in Vietnam? (Image from the Internet)
When will the examination for promotion to the higher professional title for teachers in Vietnam be abolished?
On October 30, 2024, the Ministry of Education and Training issued Circular 13/2024/TT-BGDDT on the standards and conditions for consideration for promotion to the higher professional title for preschool teachers, public primary and secondary school teachers, and pre-university school teachers. Circular 13/2024/TT-BGDDT takes effect on December 15, 2024, replacing Circular 34/2021/TT-BGDDT.
According to the contents of Circular 13/2024/TT-BGDDT, the Ministry of Education and Training no longer specifies standards and conditions for the examination for promotion to the higher professional title for teachers. This is part of the implementation of Decree 85/2023/ND-CP of the Government of Vietnam on abolishing provisions relating to examination for promotion to the higher professional title for public employees and does not specify the content, form, or method of determining candidates passing the consideration for promotion from December 7, 2023.
With the new regulations, from December 15, 2024, the examination for promotion to the higher professional title for teachers will officially be abolished. Instead, teachers can apply for consideration for promotion based on meeting all standards of expertise, professional qualifications, political qualities, occupational ethics, and years of service.
What is the current salary coefficient of teachers in Vietnam?
According to the guidance in 04 Circulars of the Ministry of Education and Training, including Circular 01/2021/TT-BGDDT, Circular 02/2021/TT-BGDDT, Circular 03/2021/TT-BGDDT, Circular 04/2021/TT-BGDDT and amended by Circular 08/2023/TT-BGDDT, the current salary coefficients for teachers at various levels are as follows:
- Preschool teachers
+ Grade III preschool teachers, code V.07.02.26, apply the salary coefficient of public employees of category A0, from a salary coefficient of 2.10 to a salary coefficient of 4.89;
+ Grade II preschool teachers, code V.07.02.25, apply the salary coefficient of public employees of category A1, from a salary coefficient of 2.34 to a salary coefficient of 4.98;
+ Grade I preschool teachers, code V.07.02.24, apply the salary coefficient of public employees of category A2, group A2.2, from a salary coefficient of 4.0 to a salary coefficient of 6.38.
- Primary school teachers
+ Grade III primary school teachers, code V.07.03.29, apply the salary coefficient of public employees of category A1, from a salary coefficient of 2.34 to a salary coefficient of 4.98;
+ Grade II primary school teachers, code V.07.03.28, apply the salary coefficient of public employees of category A2, group A2.2, from a salary coefficient of 4.00 to a salary coefficient of 6.38;
+ Grade I primary school teachers, code V.07.03.27, apply the salary coefficient of public employees of category A2, group A2.1, from a salary coefficient of 4.40 to a salary coefficient of 6.78.
- Lower secondary school teachers
+ Grade III lower secondary school teachers, code V.07.04.32, apply the salary coefficient of public employees of category A1, from a salary coefficient of 2.34 to a salary coefficient of 4.98;
+ Grade II lower secondary school teachers, code V.07.04.31, apply the salary coefficient of public employees of category A2, group A2.2, from a salary coefficient of 4.00 to a salary coefficient of 6.38;
+ Grade I lower secondary school teachers, code V.07.04.30, apply the salary coefficient of public employees of category A2, group A2.1, from a salary coefficient of 4.4 to a salary coefficient of 6.78.
- Upper secondary school teachers
+ Grade III upper secondary school teachers, code V.07.05.15, apply the salary coefficient of public employees of category A1, from a salary coefficient of 2.34 to a salary coefficient of 4.98;
+ Grade II upper secondary school teachers, code V.07.05.14, apply the salary coefficient of public employees of category A2, group A2.2, from a salary coefficient of 4.0 to a salary coefficient of 6.38;
+ Grade I upper secondary school teachers, code V.07.05.13, apply the salary coefficient of public employees of category A2, group A2.1, from a salary coefficient of 4.40 to a salary coefficient of 6.78.
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