09:31 | 14/11/2024

What is the full name of Vietnam Teachers' Day on November 20? What is the code of conduct for upper secondary school teachers?

How many weeks in a school year do upper secondary school teachers work? What is the full name of Vietnam Teachers' Day on November 20? What is the code of conduct for upper secondary school teachers?

What is the full name of Vietnam Teachers' Day on November 20?

The full name of November 20 is Vietnam Teachers' Charter Day. However, Vietnamese people affectionately call it Vietnam Teachers' Day or November 20. According to Article 1 of Decision 167-HDBT of 1982, the Council of Ministers decided that annually, November 20 would be designated as Vietnam Teachers' Day.

November 20 is a special day in Vietnam, celebrated annually to:

Honor teachers who have been contributing to the "nurturing people" mission.

Express gratitude for the significant contributions of the education sector to the country's development.

Encourage activities that enhance the quality of education.

*Note: The information about the full name of November 20 is for reference only./.

What is the full name of November 20? How should high school teachers conduct themselves?

What is the full name of Vietnam Teachers' Day on November 20? What is the code of conduct for upper secondary school teachers? (Image from the Internet)

What are the regulations on the reduction of teaching lessons for homeroom teachers at the upper secondary level in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Article 8 of the Regulations on Working Policies for general education teachers issued with Circular 28/2009/TT-BGDDT (as supplemented by Clause 8 Article 1 of Circular 15/2017/TT-BGDDT):

Regulation on reducing teaching lessons for teachers with additional professional tasks

1. Homeroom teachers at the primary level are reduced by 3 lessons per week, homeroom teachers at the lower and upper secondary levels  are reduced by 4 lessons per week.

2. Homeroom teachers at secondary boarding ethnic schools at the lower and upper secondary levels are reduced by 4 lessons per week. Homeroom teachers at specialized, semi-boarding schools are reduced by 4 lessons per week. Homeroom teachers at schools and classes for disabled students are reduced by 3 lessons per week.

2a. Homeroom teachers at pre-university schools are reduced by 3 lessons per week.

3. Teachers in charge of specialized subject classrooms are reduced by 3 lessons per subject per week.

4. Teachers in charge of school-wide activities such as arts, sports, school gardens, workshops, equipment rooms, libraries (if these tasks do not have dedicated staff) are reduced by 2 to 3 lessons per week depending on the workload, as decided by the principal.

5. Professional team heads are reduced by 3 lessons per week.

5a. Deputy professional team heads are reduced by 1 period per week.

5b. Teachers acting as department heads at pre-university schools are reduced by 3 lessons per week;

Teachers acting as deputy department heads at pre-university schools are reduced by 1 period per week.

Thus, homeroom teachers at the upper secondary level in Vietnam will be reduced by 04 lessons per week.

How many weeks in a school year do upper secondary school teachers in Vietnam work?

Article 5 of the Regulations on working policies for general education teachers issued with Circular 28/2009/TT-BGDDT (as supplemented by Clause 3 Article 1 of Circular 15/2017/TT-BGDDT):

Annual working peeriod and leave

1. The working period for primary school teachers in a school year is 42 weeks, including:

a) 35 weeks for teaching and educational activities as per the time plan of the school year.

b) 05 weeks for learning and improving skills.

c) 01 week for preparing the new school year.

d) 01 week for concluding the school year.

2. The working period for lower and upper secondary school teachers in a school year is 42 weeks, including:

a) 37 weeks for teaching and educational activities as per the time plan of the school year.

b) 03 weeks for learning and improving skills.

c) 01 week for preparing the new school year.

d) 01 week for concluding the school year.

2a. The working period for pre-university school teachers is 42 weeks, including:

a) 28 weeks for teaching and educational activities as per the school year plan;

b) 12 weeks for learning, improving skills, document creation, scientific research, and other activities as per the school year plan;

c) 01 week for preparing the new school year;

d) 01 week for concluding the school year.


Thus, upper secondary school teachers will have a total working period of 42 weeks, including:

- 37 weeks for teaching and educational activities as per the time plan of the school year.

- 03 weeks for learning and improving skills.

- 01 week for preparing the new school year.

- 01 week for concluding the school year.

What is the code of conduct for upper secondary school teachers in Vietnam?

According to Article 6 of the Code of Conduct in preschool education institutions, compulsory education institutions, continuing education institutions issued with Circular 06/2019/TT-BGDDT, the code of conduct for upper secondary school teachers in Vietnam is as follows:

1. Behavior with learners: Use standard and easily understandable language, give praise or criticisms to proper entities and in appropriate situations; stay exemplary, magnanimous, responsible, loving; respect differences, give fair treatment, counsel, listen to and encourage learners; actively prevent and combat school violence, build safe, healthy, friendly educational environment. Do not offend, hurt, self-seeking; do not repress, prejudice, inflict violence, abuse; do not ignore, avoid or hide learners' violations.

2. Behavior with administrative officers: Use language which is respectful, honest, enquiring, positive and shows clear opinions; obey the direction, administration and assignment of leaders as prescribed. Do not offend, cause disunity; do not ignore, evade or conceal the misconduct of administrative officers.

3. Behavior with colleagues and staff: Use language which is proper, honest, friendly, enquiring, and supportive; respect the difference; protect reputation, honor and dignity of colleagues and staff. Do not offend, show soullessness, cause disunity.

4. Behavior with learners’ parents: Use language which is proper, honest, respectful, friendly, and cooperative. Do not offend, place pressure, self-seeking.

5. Behavior with visitors to educational institutions: Use proper and respectful language. Do not offend, cause difficulties and troubles.

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