How many industrial parks currently operate in Thai Binh province? What is the content regarding industry in the 9th-grade History and Geography curriculum in Vietnam?

How many industrial parks currently operate in Thai Binh province? What is the content regarding industry in the 9th-grade History and Geography curriculum in Vietnam?

How many industrial parks currently operate in Thai Binh province?

Thai Binh province currently has 10 industrial parks. Among them, 4 industrial parks are located within the Thai Binh Economic Zone, and 49 industrial clusters have been established across 8 districts and Thai Binh city.

Note: This data may change over time due to new investment projects and the expansion of existing industrial parks.

To have the most accurate information, you refer to updated sources from state management agencies or investment-specialized websites.

Information is for reference purposes only./.

How many industrial zones are currently operational in Thai Binh province?

How many industrial parks currently operate in Thai Binh province? What is the content regarding industry in the 9th-grade History and Geography curriculum in Vietnam? (Image from the Internet)

What is the content regarding the industry in the 9th-grade History and Geography curriculum in Vietnam?

Under the General Education Program for History and Geography issued with Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT, the content regarding the industry in the 9th-grade History and Geography curriculum in Vietnam is as follows:


- Factors affecting the development and distribution of industry

- Development and distribution of major industrial sectors

- The issue of developing green industry

Requirements to achieve:

- Analyze the role of one important factor affecting the development and distribution of industry.

- Present the development and distribution of a major industrial sector.

- Identify major industrial centers on the map.

- Explain why green industry development is necessary.


- Factors affecting the development and distribution of service sectors

- Transportation, postal, and telecommunications

- Commerce, tourism

Requirements to achieve:

- Analyze the role of one important factor affecting the development and distribution of service sectors.

- Identify key roadways, railways, major seaports, and international airports on a map.

- Present the development of the postal and telecommunications sector.

- Analyze some new development trends in commerce and tourism.


- Key factors affecting the development and distribution of agriculture, forestry, fisheries

- Development and distribution of agriculture, forestry, fisheries

- The issue of developing green agriculture

Requirements to achieve:

- Analyze one of the main factors affecting the development and distribution of agriculture.

- Analyze the distribution characteristics of forest resources and fisheries.

- Present the development and distribution of agriculture, forestry, fisheries.

- Search for information and write a short report on some effective agricultural production models.

- Present the significance of developing green agriculture.


- Ethnic composition

- Population growth at different times

- Population structure by age and gender

- Population distribution

- Types of urban and rural settlements

- Employment and jobs

- Quality of life

Requirements to achieve:

- Present the characteristics of the distribution of Vietnam's ethnic groups.

- Draw and comment on population growth charts.

- Analyze changes in age and gender structure of the population.

- Read Vietnam's Population Map to ascertain population distribution characteristics.

- Present the differences between urban and rural settlements.

- Analyze employment issues in the locality.

- Comment on income distribution by region based on provided data tables.

How many lessons does the 9th-grade History and Geography curriculum in Vietnam have?

According to the General Education Program for History and Geography issued with Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT, the duration for the subject is prescribed as 105 lessons/grade/year. The percentage of lessons allocated to each content circuit is summarized in the following table:

Content circuit Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade 9 Total
Geography 45 42 41 40 42
General Physical Geography 45       11
Geography of Continents   42     11
Physical Geography of Vietnam     41   10
Economic and Social Geography of Vietnam       40 10
History 45 42 41 40 42
World 22 20 20 19 20
Vietnam 23 22 21 21 22
General Topics   6 8 10 6
Periodic assessment 10 10 10 10 10

Thus, the 9th-grade History and Geography curriculum includes 105 lessons/year, with 40 lessons for History, 40 lessons for Geography, 10 lessons for general topics, and 10 lessons for periodic assessment.

What are the professional ethics standards for 9th-grade History and Geography teachers at public schools in Vietnam?

Under Article 2a of Circular 03/2021/TT-BGDDT, supplemented by Article 3, Clause 1 of Circular 08/2023/TT-BGDDT, the professional ethics standards for 9th-grade History and Geography teachers at public schools in Vietnam are as follows:

- Adhere to the policies and guidelines of the Communist Party of Vietnam, state laws, as well as regulations from the education sector and local authorities regarding secondary education.

- Consistently cultivate ethics, uphold a sense of responsibility, maintain the character, honor, and reputation of teachers; be exemplary before students.

- Love, treat fairly, and respect students; protect students' legitimate rights and interests; unite and support colleagues.

- Strictly comply with the regulations on responsibilities and general obligations of public employees and the regulations of the Ministry of Education and Training on teacher ethics.

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