What is the sample outline for an analysis essay on the poem "Cảm ơn đất nước" by Huynh Thanh Hong? Are lower secondary school students with weak academic results in Vietnam eligible for grade advancement?

What is the sample outline for an analysis essay on the poem "Cảm ơn đất nước" by Huynh Thanh Hong? Are lower secondary school students with weak academic results in Vietnam eligible for grade advancement?

What is the sample outline for an analysis essay on the poem "Cảm ơn đất nước" by Huynh Thanh Hong?

Students can refer to the following sample outline for an analysis essay on the poem "Cảm ơn đất nước" by Huynh Thanh Hong:

Sample outline for an analysis essay on the poem "Cảm ơn đất nước" by Huynh Thanh Hong

I. Introduction:

Introduce the author and the work: Brief introduction about Huynh Thanh Hong: A poet from the younger generation, beloved for his poems that are rich in lyricism, romance, and depth.

Provide basic information about the poem "Cảm ơn đất nước": When it was composed, in which poetry collection it appeared, and the outstanding values of the work.

State the issue: Affirm the value of the poem: "Cảm ơn đất nước" is not only a poem praising the homeland but also a sincere narrative expressing the author's deep love for the country.

Pose a question: Through the poem, what messages does the author want to convey to the readers?

II. Main Body:

1. The image of the country in the author's heart:

The country emerges through specific, familiar images: Images of nature: rivers, mountains, seas, fields... are described with poetic words, evoking the simple and familiar beauty of the homeland.

Images of people: hardworking laborers, heroic soldiers, innocent children... reflecting the diversity and richness of life.

The country emerges through metaphorical, symbolic images:"Vang trang vanh vanh" symbolizes the glorious past and the long-standing cultural traditions of the nation.

"Mau xuong" symbolizes the sacrifice and contribution of forefathers in protecting the country.

"Hat gao" symbolizes abundance and peaceful life.

The effect of artistic devices: Comparisons, personification, metaphors... make the image of the country more vivid, evocative, and leave a deep impression on the reader.

2. The author's feelings towards the country:

Deep and intense love: The author uses emotionally rich words and images to express a heartfelt love for the homeland.

Deep gratitude: The author expresses gratitude to previous generations who sacrificed to protect the country.

A sense of responsibility: The author is aware of his own responsibilities towards the country and desires to contribute to the development of the homeland.

Close attachment: The author feels the country is an indispensable part of his life.

3. Content value of the poem:

Affirm the value of the homeland and country: The poem affirms that the homeland and country are the sources of nourishment, nurturing the soul of every person.

Evokes national pride: The poem helps readers take pride in the history, culture, and people of Vietnam.

Promotes patriotism: The poem stirs in every reader a love for the homeland and country, and a sense of responsibility to protect and build the nation.

Conveys meaningful messages: The poem conveys messages of love, sharing, and solidarity.

4. Artistic value of the poem:

Richly imagistic, emotionally charged language: The poem's language is clear, simple but full of imagery and emotion.

Flexible use of artistic devices: Comparisons, personification, metaphors... are used naturally, creating high aesthetic effectiveness.

Tightly structured, coherent poem: The poetic ideas are logically arranged, creating a continuous flow of emotion.

Gentle, profound rhythm: The poem's rhythm matches the content, creating an emotional impact on the reader.

III. Conclusion:

General evaluation of the poem: Reaffirm the value of the poem "Cảm ơn đất nước" as a literary work significant in both content and art.

Personal connection: Share personal feelings and thoughts after reading the poem.

Expand: Relate to other poems with similar themes, or relate to current social issues.

*Note: The content is for reference purposes only./.

Outline Sample for Analyzing the Poem "Cam on dat nuoc" by Huynh Thanh Hong? Can weak secondary school students be promoted?

What is the sample outline for an analysis essay on the poem "Cảm ơn đất nước" by Huynh Thanh Hong? Are lower secondary school students with weak academic results in Vietnam eligible for grade advancement? (Image from the Internet)

Are lower secondary school students with weak academic results in Vietnam eligible for grade advancement?

Under Article 12 of Circular 22/2021/TT-BGDDT:

Grade advancement, re-assessment during summer break, and grade retention

1. A student who meets following eligibility may advance to the next grade or be recognized as to have completed lower education program or upper education program:

a) Training results of the entire school year (including re-assessment results after training during summer break according to Article 13 hereof) are Qualified or higher.

b) Learning results of the entire school year (including re-assessment results of all subjects according to Article 14 hereof) is Qualified or higher.

c) Number of days leave does not exceed 45 half-days (calculated according to education plans which is 1 half-day for every day under formal education plan, including permitted leave, unpermitted leave, continuous leave, and intermittent leave).

2. In case a student must undergo training during summer break, comply with Article 13 hereof; students must attend re-examination or re-assessment of subjects during summer break as per Article 14 hereof.

3. A student who does not meet all eligibility under Clause 1 of this Article are not allowed to advance to the next grade or recognized as to have completed lower secondary education level or upper secondary education level.

4. For students with disabilities: Principals shall rely on assessment results of students with disabilities as per Article 11 hereof to consider grade advancement or recognition of completion of lower secondary education level or upper secondary education level.

Thus, lower secondary school students with weak academic results might be understood as students having qualified academic and training results. Therefore, weak students are not eligible for grade advancement.

When do lower secondary school students in Vietnam achieve the "Excellent student" title?

Under Article 15 of Circular 22/2021/TT-BGDDT:


1. Principals shall award certificates of achievement for students

a) End-of-year commendation

- Award the title “Học sinh Xuất sắc” (Excellent student) for students who have obtained Excellent training and learning results for the entire school year and achieved DTBmcn of at least 9.0 in subjects that are assessed via both feedback and scores.

- Award the title “Học sinh Giỏi” (Good student) for students who have obtained Excellent training and learning results for the entire school year.

b) Commend students for having unexpected merits in training and learning in the school year.

2. Students with special achievements shall be considered and requested for commendation by schools.

Thus, lower secondary school students in Vietnam achieve the "Excellent student" title when they have obtained Excellent training and learning results for the entire school year and achieved DTBmcn of at least 9.0 in subjects that are assessed via both feedback and scores.

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