Vietnam: What are the sample argumentative essays on the importance of forest protection? What are the required outcomes for writing practice in the 8th-grade Literature curriculum?

What are the sample argumentative essays on the importance of forest protection? What are the required outcomes for writing practice in the 8th-grade Literature curriculum in Vietnam?

What are the sample argumentative essays on the importance of forest protection in Vietnam?

Writing an argumentative essay on the importance of forest protection is one of the practical exercises for 8th-grade students.

Through this argumentative topic, students can partially understand and act together to protect forests and the green lungs of the earth.

Students may refer to the following sample argumentative essays on the importance of forest protection in Vietnam:

Essay No. 1

I always enjoy the early mornings when the air is fresh, and the birds sing their cheerful songs. I often ride my bike to the park near my house, relishing the pleasant feeling of breathing in the fresh air. But recently, I have noticed that the air is becoming more polluted, and the trees are diminishing. This makes me worried and troubled greatly.

Green forests are not only the lungs of the earth but also the common home of countless animals. Forests help regulate the climate, prevent soil erosion, protect water sources, and provide humans with countless valuable products. However, due to the limited environmental awareness of humans, forests are being severely destroyed.

I often hear news about forest fires and indiscriminate logging to obtain timber and clear land for agriculture. These actions not only cause environmental damage but also lead to many other severe consequences. When forests are destroyed, the land erodes, causing floods and droughts, affecting human life. Many rare animal species lose their habitat and face the risk of extinction.

I remember when I was young, my hometown had a very clear and cool river. In summer, we often went to the river to swim and fish. But now, the river is heavily polluted, the water is murky, and dead fish float everywhere. The reason is the disposal of household waste and industrial discharge into the river. I feel very sad witnessing this scene.

As a student, I understand that each of us has a responsibility to protect the environment. I, along with my classmates, have participated in many meaningful activities such as planting trees, cleaning the school, and promoting environmental protection. I also frequently remind those around me not to litter indiscriminately and to save water and electricity.

In the future, I wish to join environmental protection organizations to have the opportunity to contribute more to forest protection. I will strive to study well to gain professional knowledge, contributing to finding effective solutions for environmental protection.

I believe that if each of us joins hands to protect the environment, our earth will become greener, cleaner, and more beautiful. Let us act together to protect forests, the common home of us all!

Friends, let us join hands to protect the environment! Let's start with the smallest actions like not littering, saving water, saving electricity, and planting trees. Each of our small actions has a significant impact on our living environment.

Essay No. 2

Forest – The Green Lung of the Earth

I vividly remember the summer evenings of my childhood when my friends and I would play under the cool green canopies of the trees. The chirping of birds and the rustling of leaves blended to create a melodious symphony. However, now, those lush green forests are gradually disappearing, giving way to tall buildings and barren fields.

Forests not only provide timber and valuable medicinal herbs but also are the green lungs of the earth. They help regulate the climate, prevent soil erosion, protect water sources, and are home to thousands of species of animals and plants. When forests are destroyed, we face severe consequences such as climate change, droughts, floods, and environmental pollution.

I often hear news about forest fires and indiscriminate logging for timber and shifting cultivation. These actions not only harm the environment but also threaten human survival. Many rare animals have lost their habitats and are at risk of extinction.

As a student, I feel very heartbroken when witnessing these occurrences. I understand that each of us has a responsibility to protect the environment. I, along with my classmates, participate in many meaningful activities such as planting trees, cleaning the school, and promoting environmental protection. I also frequently remind those around me not to litter indiscriminately and to save water and electricity.

In the future, I wish to become an environmental scientist to research and find effective solutions for forest protection. I will constantly learn and hone my knowledge to contribute to protecting our common home.

Forests are a valuable asset to humanity. Protecting forests is not only the responsibility of an individual or an organization but a responsibility of the entire society. Let us join hands to protect forests to secure our lives and those of future generations.

I urge everyone to join hands to protect forests. Let's start with the smallest deeds like not littering indiscriminately, saving paper, and planting green trees. Each of our small actions is very meaningful to our living environment.

Essay No. 3

Forest – The Common Home of All Species

Since childhood, I have loved summer afternoons spent with friends in the park near home. We often sat under the cool green trees' canopies, breathing fresh air, and playing together. But recently, I notice those once lush green forests have become desolate and barren.

Forests not only are the green lungs of the earth but also the common home of myriad species. They help regulate the climate, prevent soil erosion, protect water sources, and provide humans with countless valuable products. However, due to the limited environmental awareness of humans, forests are being severely destroyed.

I often hear distressing news about indiscriminate logging and forest fires, which cause many rare animals to lose their habitats. This not only results in environmental damage but also directly impacts human life. When forests are destroyed, the land erodes, causing floods, droughts, affecting agricultural production, and leading to substantial economic losses.

As a student, I feel very worried about this situation. I, along with my classmates, have participated in many environmental protection activities like planting trees, cleaning the school, and promoting environmental consciousness. I also regularly remind those around me not to litter indiscriminately and to save water and electricity.

In the future, I wish to become an environmental protector to contribute to forest protection and environmental conservation. I will never stop learning and honing my knowledge to find effective forest protection solutions.

Forests are a valuable asset of humanity. Protecting forests is not only the responsibility of an individual or organization but also the responsibility of the entire society. Let us join hands to protect forests to safeguard our lives and the lives of future generations.

I call upon everyone to join hands in protecting forests, the common home and green lungs of humanity. Start with the smallest deeds like not littering, saving paper, and planting trees. Each of our small actions is very meaningful to our living environment.

*Note: The information is for reference only./.

Sample Argumentative Essay on the Importance of Forest Protection? What content needs to be achieved in the 8th-grade Literature writing practice?

What are the sample argumentative essays on the importance of forest protection? What are the required outcomes for writing practice in the 8th-grade Literature curriculum in Vietnam? (Image from the Internet)

What are the required outcomes for writing practice in the 8th-grade Literature curriculum in Vietnam?

Under Section 5, Annex of the General Education Program for Literature issued together with Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT, the required outcomes for writing practice in the 8th-grade Literature curriculum in Vietnam are as follows:

Be able to write texts ensuring the necessary steps: preparation before writing (determining the topic, purpose, audience, form, gathering information, and materials); brainstorming and outlining; writing the article; reviewing and editing, learning from experience.

Writing Practice

- Be able to write an essay recounting a trip or a social activity that left a profound impression and emotion, using descriptive or expressive elements or both in the text.

- Begin to know how to compose a free verse poem (six or seven syllables). Able to write a paragraph recording thoughts on a free verse poem.

- Be able to write an argumentative essay on a life issue, clearly presenting the topic and the writer's opinion (agreement or opposition) on it; provide convincing reasoning and evidence.

- Be able to write an analysis essay on a literary work: state the theme; cite and analyze the effects of a few distinctive artistic features used in the work.

- Be able to write an explanatory text explaining a natural phenomenon or introducing a book; provide important information; present clearly and persuasively.

- Be able to write a proposal on a life issue.

What Vietnamese knowledge do 8th-grade students learn?

Under Section 5 of the general education program for Literature issued with Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT, 8th-grade students learn the following Vietnamese knowledge:

- Meaning of several fairly common idioms and proverbs

- Nuances of word meanings and word choice

- Onomatopoeic and mimic words: characteristics and effects

- Meaning of some common Sino-Vietnamese elements (e.g., vo, huu) and the meaning of words containing those elements (e.g., vo tu, vo hinh, huu quan, huu han)

- Particles, interjections: characteristics and functions

- Independent components in a sentence: characteristics and functions

- Declarative sentence, interrogative sentence, imperative sentence, exclamatory sentence; affirmative and negative sentences: characteristics and functions

- Poetic devices such as inversion, rhetorical question: characteristics and effects

- Explicit and implicit meaning of sentences

- Deductive, inductive, parallel, coordinating paragraphs: characteristics and functions

- Types of texts and genres

+ Narrative text: an essay recounting a trip or a social activity

+ Expressive text: six-word, seven-word poems; paragraph recording impressions of a six, seven-word poem

+ Argumentative text: thesis, argument point, reasoning, and evidence; discussion on a life issue; analysis of a literary work

+ Informative text: objective information, subjective opinion, and the purpose of the text; explanatory texts for natural phenomena; book introduction article; petition text

- Common vocabulary and regional dialect: function and value

- Social slang: function and value

- Non-verbal communication means: images, numbers, graphs,...

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