What is the sample lesson "Đường vào trung tâm vũ trụ"? What are the regulations on commendation for continuing education students at the lower secondary level in Vietnam?

What is the sample lesson "Đường vào trung tâm vũ trụ"? What are the eligibility requirements for continuing education students at the lower secondary level in Vietnam to advance to the next grade?

What is the sample lesson "Đường vào trung tâm vũ trụ"?

"Đường vào trung tâm vũ trụ" is one of the works studied in the 7th-grade Literature curriculum. 7th-grade students can refer to the following sample lesson "Đường vào trung tâm vũ trụ":

Sample lesson "Đường vào trung tâm vũ trụ"

1. Layout

- Part 1 (From the beginning to “Than Dong pondered slowly”) : The visit to the museum

- Part 2 (Continues to “the central space of the universe”) : The spatial leap to the navel of the universe

- Part 3 (Remaining): The magical space of the ancient forest

2. Summary

The excerpt "Đường vào trung tâm vũ trụ" narrates the journey of the main character exploring the universe. This is not only a journey through vast spaces but also a quest to find oneself. The character reflects on human existence, faces the vastness of the universe, and questions the meaning of life.

3. Significance

The work helps the reader envision the vastness of the universe and questions the position of humans in this world. At the same time, the excerpt reflects the desire to explore and seek knowledge, reminding us always to question ourselves and life.

4. Artistry

Uses many evocative images of the vast and mysterious universe.

The writing style is rich in contemplation, allowing the reader to feel the grandeur of space.

The language is rich in philosophy yet remains lyrical and captivating.

5. Analysis of the Work

5.1. Answer the questions before studying the lesson:

- Present your understanding of the Solar System:

The Solar System is a planetary system comprising the Sun at the center and celestial bodies orbiting it. The Solar System has 8 main planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. Additionally, there are the Moon, asteroids, comets, and countless meteoroids. The Sun provides light and energy for the entire system, sustaining life on Earth.

- Find and present some basic information about the first person in the world to undertake a spaceflight:

The first person to fly into space was Yuri Gagarin, a Soviet astronaut. On April 12, 1961, he undertook the historical flight on the spacecraft Vostok 1, orbiting the Earth in about 108 minutes. This flight marked a significant milestone for humanity in space exploration.

5.2. In what spaces does the story take place? Summarize the main developments of the story?

- The story takes place in the following spaces:

+ The Greek sanctuary space (where the temples of the gods in Greek mythology are located)

+ The Central Universe Space (where there are giant, bizarre plants and animals)

- Main developments of the story:

+ The two main characters fly to the Greek sanctuary on the Mythical Horse

+ The two main characters explore the sanctuary and discover the navel of the universe

+ Than Dong returns to the museum to borrow the key

+ The two main characters and the Mythical Horse enter the center of the universe

5.3. According to the narrator, how did writer Jules Verne describe the Center of the Earth? What is the relationship between the Center of the Earth and the Center of the Universe?

- According to Jules Verne's description, the Center of the Earth has the following characteristics: giant ancient mushrooms, prehistoric dinosaurs, rare electric birds... like a vivid museum, preserving all that has disappeared from the surface

- There is a close relationship between the Center of the Earth and the Center of the Universe, to the extent that my character even believes the two concepts are one. However, Mythology argues otherwise (because the Center of the Earth only contains minerals)

5.4. What “spatial leap” brought the main characters back to which period?

The “spatial leap” miraculously brought the main characters back to one hundred sixty million years ago, when the Tyrannosaurus and mammoths were present.

Note: The sample lesson is for reference purposes only./.

Sample Lesson Plan: The Shortest Path to the Center of the Universe? When are continuing education students at lower secondary level awarded?

What is the sample lesson "Đường vào trung tâm vũ trụ"? What are the regulations on commendation for continuing education students at the lower secondary level in Vietnam? (Image from the Internet)

What are the regulations on commendation for continuing education students at the lower secondary level in Vietnam?

Under Article 14 of Circular 43/2021/TT-BGDDT, commendation for continuing education students at the lower secondary level in Vietnam is specified as follows:

1. The director gives certificates of merit to students

- Commendation at the end of the school year

+ Commendation with the title of "Excellent Student" for students whose training results for the whole school year is assessed at Good, their academic results for the whole school year are assessed at Good and have at least 05 subjects with average test scores of 9.0 or higher.

+ Commendation with the title of "Good Student" for students whose training results for the whole school year are assessed at Good and their academic results for the whole school year are assessed at Good.

- Commendation to students with extraordinary achievements in training results and learning during the school year.

2. Students with special achievements are considered by the center and recommended to their superiors for rewards.

What are the eligibility requirements for continuing education students at the lower secondary level in Vietnam to advance to the next grade?

Pursuant to Clause 1, Article 11 of Circular 43/2021/TT-BGDDT, the eligibility requirements for continuing education students at the lower secondary level in Vietnam to advance to the next grade are as follows:

- The training results for the whole school year (including the results of re-assessment during the summer vacation as prescribed in Article 13 of Circular 43/2021/TT-BGDDT) are assessed at Passed or higher.

- The academic results for the whole school year (including the results of re-assessment of subjects as prescribed in Article 13 of Circular 43/2021/TT-BGDDT) are assessed at Passed or higher.

- Absence from school for no more than 45 days in a school year (according to the education plan 01 lesson/day specified in the Continuing Education Program, including excused and unexcused absences, consecutive or inconsecutive absences).

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