What are the sample essays on the introduction of a spring festival in Vietnam? What is the number of students in a 4th-grade class of a primary school in Vietnam?
What are the sample essays on the introduction of a spring festival in Vietnam?
Students can refer to the following sample essays on the introduction of a spring festival in Vietnam:
Sample essays on the introduction of a spring festival Sample 1: Lunar New Year |
*Note: Information is for reference only./.
What are the sample essays on the introduction of a spring festival in Vietnam? What is the number of students in a 4th-grade class of a primary school in Vietnam? (Image from Internet)
What is the number of students in a 4th-grade class of a primary school in Vietnam?
Under Article 16 of the Regulation issued with Circular 28/2020/TT-BGDDT on classes, class organization, grades, school locations:
Classes, class organization, grades, school locations
1. Students are divided into classes. Each class has no more than 35 students managed by one homeroom teacher. Each inclusive class has no more than 02 students with disabilities; in special cases, the principal, based on actual conditions, can arrange additional students with disabilities in a class to ensure that students with disabilities who need and are capable of learning can all attend school.
In mountainous, remote, and Particularly disadvantaged areas, multi-grade classes can be organized. The number of students and groups of instructional levels in a multi-grade class should match the teacher's teaching capacity and the school's actual conditions. A multi-grade class has no more than 02 instructional levels; in special cases, it will be determined by competent authorities, but not exceed 03 instructional levels. A multi-grade class has no more than 15 students.
2. Each class has a class monitor and vice monitors. Students in the class are divided into groups, each with a group leader and vice leader. The class monitor, vice monitors, group leader, and vice leader are nominated by students or the homeroom teacher, elected by students in the class, within the group, and rotate throughout the school year. The class organization is implemented flexibly appropriate to each student and actual conditions.
Thus, according to the above regulations, 4th-grade students are divided into classes. Each class has no more than 35 students managed by one homeroom teacher.
*Note: This regulation does not apply to cases in mountainous, remote, and Particularly disadvantaged areas.
What are the general requirements regarding the educational development for 4th-grade students in Vietnam?
Under Article 4 of the Education Law 2019, the regulations are as follows:
- Educational development is the first national priority.
- Educational development must be linked with the requirements of socio-economic development, to the scientific-technological advances, to the consolidation of national defense and security; must implement standardisation, modernisation and private sector involvement; must ensure the balance in terms of professional, qualifications, manpower and regional structure; must expand scale on the basis of quality and efficiency assurance; and must link education with employment.
- Develop an open educational system, build a learning society to provide life-long educational access of every level and every form to all the people.

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