What is the sample analysis of the poem "Xuân không mùa" by Xuan Dieu for 10th-grade students in Vietnam? How many methods of enrollment for upper secondary education are there in Vietnam?

What is the sample analysis of the poem "Xuân không mùa" by Xuan Dieu for 10th-grade students in Vietnam? What is the specific process for enrollment for upper secondary education in Vietnam?

What is the sample analysis of the poem "Xuân không mùa" by Xuan Dieu for 10th-grade students in Vietnam?

Grade 10 students can refer to the following sample analysis essays on the poem "Xuân không mùa" by Xuan Dieu:

Sample analysis of the poem "Xuân không mùa" by Xuan Dieu

The poem "Xuân không mùa" by Xuan Dieu is a work that presents a unique and profound perspective on spring, not only confined to natural scenery but also within the human soul. Xuan Dieu introduced a new concept of spring: not just a season confined to the first three months of the year, rather, spring can exist at any time, anywhere, in every vibrant moment of life.

1. The Spring Picture through Natural Images

The poem begins with familiar images of spring: sunlight, dew, grass and trees, but does not emphasize the completeness of nature, only the small, gentle details filled with emotion:

"A bit of sun, a few slight dews,

Some green branches, five to seven tender colors"

The spring image is not described fully and comprehensively but only through very gentle and fragile details. These very details create a sense of closeness, intimacy with life, love, and human subtlety.

The phrase "That is spring" describes a natural perception of spring, not needing many ostentatious elements, but spring is felt within the heart.

2. Spring Is Not Just the Usual Spring

Xuan Dieu affirmed that spring is not only the three-month season, but it can be anytime during the year. Spring can arrive at any moment of the day, when the sun rises, when the breeze is gentle, or when sudden joys appear.

"Spring is when the bright sun comes by chance,

Birds on branches open their beaks to sing out poetry"

Sun and birds are not only natural elements but signals of life and love. These moments evoke surprise and excitement, as signs of spring within the human soul.

"Spring is when the wind comes without notice,

Winter, while cold, suddenly overturns"

Spring here is sudden, unexpected, unpredictable. These changes reflect the newness and flourishing of nature, of human emotions.

3. Spring within the Human Soul

Spring is not only in nature but also a part of the human soul. Spring is moments of overflowing emotions, of joy, of love.

"Spring amidst winter when the sun peeks;

Amidst summer when the sky is clear after rain;

Amidst autumn when the fresh breeze just flies"

Spring is an intermingling, not bound by season or time. Each season of the year can bring spring moments, gentle joys.

"If the withered leaves on the almond tree don’t fall,

But the few flowers blush more than usual"

Ordinary sceneries become unusual, signaling changes in emotions and the human soul.

4. Love and Emotions in Spring

Spring is not just the nature’s landscape but also the emotions, the moments of encounters with love and friendship.

"When encountering on the road passing by

Stops the gaze, to exchange a smile, amazed"

Spring in Xuan Dieu's poetry is not only the season of nature’s transformation but also the season of love, of encounters, of exchanging gentle, unfamiliar emotions.

"That is the spirit widely spread in the space

To net the new charming connections"

Spring moments are opportunities for people to meet lucky affinities, new emotions.

5. Affirming the Value of Love and Emotions

In the end, Xuan Dieu affirms that spring is not a fixed season within a year but a state of the soul.

"As long as the sky is bright, and our hearts are stirred,

That is spring. Why need enough birds, flowers?"

Spring doesn’t need birds, flowers, or crops. As long as our hearts are surging, vibrating, that is spring.

"Love is ageless, and spring is not bound by days and months"

Spring in Xuan Dieu's poetry is not bound with time or season but is the eternity of love and emotion in the human heart.


The poem "Xuân không mùa" by Xuan Dieu presents a new concept of spring, not only the spring of nature but also the spring within the human soul. Spring is life, is love, are sweet, unexpected moments of emotion. The poem is like a message about living fully with emotions, love, and moments of happiness, regardless of time or space.


Note: the content is for reference only

Poem Analysis Sample of "Xuan Khong Mua" by Xuan Dieu for Grade 10? How many admission methods for high school?

What is the sample analysis of the poem "Xuân không mùa" by Xuan Dieu for 10th-grade students in Vietnam? How many methods of enrollment for upper secondary education are there in Vietnam? (Image from the Internet)

How many methods of enrollment for upper secondary education are there in Vietnam?

Under Article 9 of the Regulation on enrollment for lower and upper secondary education issued with Circular 30/2024/TT-BGDDT (document effective from February 14, 2025), the methods of enrollment for upper secondary education in Vietnam are:

Methods of enrollment for upper secondary education

1.  Annually, the enrollment for upper secondary education is organized once.

2. The enrollment for upper secondary education is conducted using 01 (one) of the 03 (three) methods: admission, entrance exam, and combination of entrance exam and admission.

a) Admission: The admission criteria are the training and academic results across the years of the lower secondary education or the continuing education at the lower secondary level of the candidates, if repeating any class, the results of the repeated year are considered.

b) Entrance exam: according to the regulations in Article 13 of this Regulation.

c) Combination of entrance exam and admission: a combination of the above 02 methods.

Thus, according to the above regulations, there are three methods of enrollment for upper secondary education in 2025: Admission, Entrance exam, and a combination of entrance exam and admission.

Note: Enrollment for upper secondary education is conducted using only one of the three methods: Admission, Entrance exam, and a combination of entrance exam and admission.

What is the specific process for enrollment for upper secondary education in Vietnam?

Under Article 12 of the Regulation on Enrollment for Lower and Upper Secondary Education issued with Circular 30/2024/TT-BGDDT, the specific process for enrollment for upper secondary education in Vietnam is regulated as follows:

Step 1: The Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee approves the plan for enrollment for upper secondary education. The plan includes basic content: candidates, targets and geographical areas for enrollment, enrollment methods, direct admission, priorities, incentives; time for assessing and announcing enrollment results. The plan is published annually before March 31.

For upper secondary schools under the Ministry of Education and Training, parent universities, universities, and research institutes, the enrollment plan is determined by the Minister of Education and Training, Director of the Parent University, Rector of the University, Director of the Research Institute, after consultation with the local Department of Education and Training.

Step 2: Based on the approved enrollment plan, the enrollment council for upper secondary education constructs and publicly announces the school's enrollment plan; organizes registration, and receives, and prepares the registration content.

Step 3: The enrollment council carries out the enrollment according to the approved plan and proposes the list of successful students to the School Principal for submission to the Director of the Department of Education and Training for approval.

For upper secondary schools under the Ministry of Education and Training, parent universities, universities, and research institutes, the list is approved by the Minister of Education and Training, the Director of the Parent University, the Rector of the University, the Director of the Research Institute, who directly manages the institution.

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