12:00 | 09/08/2024

Standards for Vietnamese nationals abroad for teaching, conducting scientific research, and performing academic exchange

What are the standards for Vietnamese nationals abroad for teaching, conducting scientific research, and performing academic exchange?

Standards for Vietnamese nationals abroad for teaching, conducting scientific research, and performing academic exchange

Based on Article 17 of Decree 86/2021/ND-CP stipulating the standards for Vietnamese nationals abroad for teaching, conducting scientific research, and performing academic exchange as follows:

- Possess good political qualities and ethics (as verified by the direct managing agency).

- Not under disciplinary action or criminal investigation.

- Have the appropriate level of knowledge and competence in line with the content and program for teaching, scientific research, and academic exchange abroad.

- Meet other requirements of the program participating in teaching, scientific research, and academic exchange abroad.

- Obtain approval from the direct managing agency to be sent abroad.

Standards for Vietnamese citizens going abroad for scientific research or teaching

Standards for Vietnamese nationals abroad for teaching, conducting scientific research, and performing academic exchange (Internet image)

What content must Vietnamese nationals abroad for teaching, conducting scientific research, and performing academic exchange agree on?

Based on Clause 2, Article 18 of Decree 86/2021/ND-CP stipulating the regulations on sending Vietnamese nationals abroad for teaching, conducting scientific research, and performing academic exchange as follows:

Sending Vietnamese nationals abroad for teaching, conducting scientific research, and performing academic exchange


  1. Vietnamese citizens accepted or invited by a foreign party to teach, conduct scientific research, and academic exchange should discuss with the foreign party to specifically agree on the content including:

a) For teaching: Content of the course or module, teaching duration, and the financial and insurance responsibilities of the parties;

b) For scientific research: Content or research topic, research methods, time spent abroad, and the financial and insurance responsibilities of the parties;

c) For academic exchange: Academic exchange program or project, mode of exchange, time spent abroad, and the financial and insurance responsibilities of the parties.

Thus, Vietnamese citizens accepted for scientific research should discuss with the foreign party to specifically agree on the following content:

- Research content or research topic;

- Research methods;

- Time spent abroad and the financial and insurance responsibilities of the parties.

For teaching, Vietnamese citizens accepted by the foreign party should agree on the content of the course or module, teaching duration, and the financial and insurance responsibilities of the parties.

Rights of Vietnamese nationals abroad for teaching, conducting scientific research, and performing academic exchange

Based on Clause 1, Article 19 of Decree 86/2021/ND-CP stipulating the rights of Vietnamese nationals abroad for teaching, conducting scientific research, and performing academic exchange as follows:

- Protected foreign rights and legal benefits by Vietnamese representative agencies in accordance with Vietnamese law, the law of the host country, and international laws and conventions during their time abroad for teaching, research, and academic exchange;

- Allowed to transfer back to Vietnam their salary, wages, income, and other personal assets as per Vietnamese law and the host country's law;

- For those affiliated with agencies or organizations funded by the state budget, they are entitled to salary, wages, other income, medical examination and treatment policies, social insurance, and other benefits as agreed with the direct managing agency and can resume their work upon returning from abroad.

Additionally, according to Clause 2, Article 19 of Decree 86/2021/ND-CP, Vietnamese citizens going abroad for scientific research have the following obligations:

- Comply with decisions to go abroad for teaching, scientific research, and academic exchange;

- Strictly follow the law of Vietnam and the host country; register as overseas Vietnamese citizens as per current regulations;

- Pay social insurance, health insurance, personal income tax (if applicable), and other mandatory costs according to current state regulations; in cases where international agreements that Vietnam has signed or joined stipulate otherwise for personal income tax compared to current Vietnamese personal income tax laws, follow the international agreement;

- Protect state secret documents and information as stipulated in the Law on State Secret Protection and political internal protection information;

- Do not exploit teaching, professional activities, or any other forms to conduct anti-state propaganda, affecting diplomatic relations between Vietnam and the partner country;

- Do not violate regulations on scientific and technological activities of Vietnam and the host country; comply with current regulations on the duties and responsibilities of educators without affecting the image and reputation of Vietnam in the partner country;

- Work at the designated location; strictly adhere to work rules; return to Vietnam after completing the teaching, scientific research, and academic exchange program as stipulated by the partner country;

- Do not exploit the opportunity to teach, conduct scientific research, and academic exchange abroad for the purpose of laboring or staying abroad unlawfully, except in cases of prolonged stay due to illness, war, natural disasters, or epidemics;

- Abide by agreements and commitments signed with the direct managing agency and the competent agency dispatching individuals for teaching, research, and academic exchange abroad (if any);

- Follow current regulations concerning officials and public employees and Communist Party members (if they are officials, public employees, or Party members);

- Submit reports to the direct managing agency once every three months.

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