What are the newest 1st-semester question papers and answers for 11th-grade Geography in Vietnam? Which group does 11th-grade Geography in Vietnam belong to?
What are the newest 1st-semester question papers and answers for 11th-grade Geography in Vietnam?
Students can refer to the following newest 1st-semester question papers and answers for 11th-grade Geography in Vietnam for their upcoming exam preparation:
Department of Education and Training .....
1st end-of-semester question papers for 11th-grade Geography
2024 - 2025 Academic Year
Test: 11th-grade Geography
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(Question paper No. 1)
Question 1. Which of the following countries in the Southwest Asia region has developed high-tech agriculture?
A. Kuwait.
B. Yemen.
C. Israel.
D. Lebanon.
Question 2. Which of the following statements about the GDP scale of the Southwest Asia region is incorrect?
A. Continuously increasing GDP scale.
B. Influenced by many factors.
C. Israel has the smallest GDP scale.
D. Different scales among countries.
Question 3. The main industrial crops in the Southwest Asia region are
A. pepper, olives.
B. cotton, coffee.
C. olives, rubber.
D. tobacco, cashew.
Question 4. Which of the following countries in the Southwest Asia region has the most developed farming sector?
A. Turkey, Kuwait, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Iran.
B. Turkey, Iran, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Qatar.
C. Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon.
D. Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Israel.
Question 5. Which of the following countries in the Southwest Asia region has a developed farming sector?
A. Turkey.
B. Yemen.
C. Azerbaijan.
D. Jordan.
Question 6. The GDP scale of the Southwest Asia region
A. continuously rising.
B. continuously declining.
C. quite stable.
D. always negative.
Question 7. The European Community was renamed the European Union in which year?
A. 1957.
B. 1958.
C. 1967.
D. 1993.
Question 8. The predecessor of the European Union was established in which year?
A. 1951.
B. 1957.
C. 1958.
D. 1967.
Question 9. The European Economic Community is abbreviated to
A. EC.
C. EU.
D. WB.
Question 10. Free movement within the European Union does not include freedom of
A. travel.
B. residence.
C. work choice.
D. communication.
Question 11. In natural terms, Southeast Asia consists of two parts
A. continent and islands.
B. islands and archipelagos.
C. continent and sea.
D. sea and islands.
Question 12. The European Union was established without the purpose of which of the following?
A. Circulation of goods.
B. Circulation of people.
C. Circulation of nuclear weapons.
D. Circulation of capital.
Question 13. One of the advantages of most Southeast Asian countries is
A. hydropower development.
B. forestry development.
C. livestock development.
D. marine economy development.
Question 14. Which of the following characteristics is incorrect for the population of Southeast Asia?
A. Large population, high population density, and uneven distribution.
B. Current population growth rate is rapidly increasing.
C. Young population with over 50% in working age.
D. Limited skilled and qualified labor force.
Question 15. The economic structure in Southeast Asian countries is changing toward which trend?
A. Increase in sector I, decrease in sectors II and III.
B. Increase in sector II, decrease in sectors I and III.
C. Decrease in sector I, increase in sectors III and II.
D. Decrease in sectors I and II, decrease in sector III.
Question 16. The agriculture of Southeast Asia is
A. tropical.
B. subtropical.
C. temperate.
D. arctic.
Question 17. Traditional and important crops in Southeast Asian countries are
A. pepper.
B. wet rice.
C. coffee.
D. rubber.
Question 18. The primary crops in Southeast Asia are
A. rice, coffee, rubber, pepper, coconut.
B. wheat, coffee, sugar beet, dates.
C. rice, sugar beet, pepper, sugarcane.
D. wheat, coconut, coffee, cocoa, sugarcane, coconut.
Question 19. Which Southeast Asian countries have high forest cover?
A. Laos, Vietnam, Myanmar, Indonesia.
B. Singapore, Vietnam, Myanmar, Thailand.
C. Laos, Thailand, Myanmar, Indonesia.
D. Brunei, Vietnam, Myanmar, Philippines.
Question 20. What industrial products from Southeast Asian countries are heavily exported?
A. Coal mining, textiles, footwear, handicrafts, black metallurgy.
B. Coal mining, textiles, footwear, handicrafts, nonferrous metallurgy.
C. Coal mining, textiles, footwear, handicrafts, building materials.
D. Coal mining, textiles, footwear, handicrafts, food processing.
Question 21. The ASEAN Summit is an indicator of which cooperation mechanism of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations?
A. Through cultural activities.
B. Through forums and conferences.
C. Through projects and programs.
D. Through treaties and agreements.
Question 22. Which treaty was signed to rename the European Community into the European Union?
A. Pacific Treaty.
B. Maastricht Treaty.
C. Manche Treaty.
D. Maas-Rhine Treaty.
Question 23. Which sea is the underwater traffic tunnel connecting Britain with continental Europe located on?
A. North Sea.
B. English Channel.
C. Baltic Sea.
D. Tyrrhenian Sea.
Question 24. Which country is located in mainland Southeast Asia?
A. Singapore.
B. Malaysia.
C. Thailand.
D. Philippines.
Question 25. Which country is located in archipelagic Southeast Asia?
A. Vietnam.
B. Cambodia.
C. Singapore.
D. Myanmar.
Question 26. A part of which country's territory in Southeast Asia still experiences a cold winter?
A. Southern Vietnam, southern Laos.
B. Northern Laos, northern Myanmar.
C. Northern Myanmar, northern Vietnam.
D. Northern Philippines, southern Vietnam.
Question 27. Most of mainland Southeast Asia has a climate of
A. equatorial.
B. subtropical.
C. continental temperate.
D. tropical monsoon.
Question 28. The AFF Championship is an activity indicating which mechanism of ASEAN?
A. Through forums and conferences.
B. Building the “ASEAN Free Trade Area”.
C. Through cultural and sports activities.
D. Through developmental projects and programs.
Question 29. When participating in ASEAN, Vietnam does not have to overcome what disparities?
A. Level of economic development.
B. Level of technology.
C. National cultural identity.
D. Political and economic systems.
Question 30. The “Mekong River Commission” is a cooperation among ASEAN countries in which field?
A. Resources.
B. Society.
C. Culture.
D. Politics.
Question 31. When was the Association of Southeast Asian Nations established?
A. 1967.
B. 1977.
C. 1995.
D. 1997.
Question 32. The most important mineral resource in the Southwest Asia region is
A. coal and chromium.
B. oil and natural gas.
C. copper and phosphate.
D. natural gas and iron.
Question 33. Southwest Asia does not have a location
A. west bordering Africa.
B. north bordering Europe.
C. east bordering Central Asia.
D. south bordering South Asia.
Question 34. The prominent natural characteristic of the Southwest Asia region is
A. vibrant civilization and Islamic population.
B. bridge position between Asia and Antarctica.
C. intermediary position of two continents and three continents.
D. rich in resources, particularly oil and gas.
Question 35. The position of Southwest Asia is not
A. located in southeastern Europe.
B. located in southwestern Asia.
C. adjacent to the Indian Ocean.
D. close to the Atlantic Ocean.
Question 36. Which statement is correct about agriculture in the Southwest Asia region?
A. Crop products are quite diverse.
B. Very developed livestock sector.
C. Aquaculture not yet developed.
D. Livestock more developed than farming.
Question 37. Which country has the lowest GDP per capita among the following countries?
A. Cambodia.
B. Laos.
C. Vietnam.
D. Myanmar.
Question 38. Which countries participated in the founding of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations?
A. Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore.
B. Thailand, Indonesia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore.
C. Thailand, Indonesia, Myanmar, Vietnam, Singapore.
D. Thailand, Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam.
Question 39. In Southwest Asia, where are oil and natural gas mainly distributed?
A. Red Sea coast.
B. Caspian Sea coast.
C. Mediterranean coast.
D. Persian Gulf coast.
Question 40. Southwest Asia serves as a bridge between which three continents?
A. Europe - Asia - Africa.
B. Europe - Asia - Australia.
C. Asia - Europe - America.
D. Asia - America - Africa.

Note: Information is for reference purposes only!

What are the newest 1st-semester question papers and answers for 11th-grade Geography in Vietnam? Which group does 11th-grade Geography in Vietnam belong to? (Image from Internet)
What are the basic characteristics of Geography in Vietnam?
Under Section 1 of the General education program for Geography at the upper secondary level issued together with Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT, specific regulations on the characteristics of the Geography curriculum are as follows:
- Geography education applies to all levels of general education. At the primary and lower secondary levels, the geography content is part of the History and Geography subject.
- At the upper secondary level, Geography is a subject in the group of social sciences, chosen based on students' preferences and career orientation.
- Geography encompasses both social science fields (Economic - Social Geography) and natural science fields (Physical Geography), providing students with basic knowledge of geography, related professions, and the ability to apply geographical knowledge in life;
Simultaneously, it reinforces and expands core general knowledge and skills developed in the basic education phase, establishing a solid foundation for students to pursue related professions.
Which group does 11th-grade Geography in Vietnam belong to?
According to Section 2 of the General education program for Geography issued with Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT, it is stipulated:
Characteristics of Subject
Geography education applies to all general education levels. In primary and lower secondary school, the geography content is within the History and Geography subject; in high school, Geography is a subject in the social sciences group selected based on students' preferences and career orientation.
Geography integrates both social science fields (Economic-Social Geography) and natural science fields (Physical Geography), equipping students with fundamental geographical knowledge, related professions, and the ability to apply geographical understanding in life; at the same time, it strengthens and broadens foundational general knowledge and skills formed in the basic education phase, creating a firm basis for students to continue studying professions related to geography.
Thus, in 11th grade, Geography is a subject in the social sciences group chosen by students according to their interests and career orientation.