Must preschool education institutions in Vietnam not teach the first-grade curriculum to 5-year-old children in any form during the 2024-2025 academic year?

What are the 6 educational communication activities for safety assurance for preschool children in Vietnam during the new academic year? Must preschool education institutions in Vietnam not teach the first-grade curriculum to 5-year-old children in any form during the 2024-2025 academic year?

Must preschool education institutions in Vietnam not teach the first-grade curriculum to 5-year-old children in any form during the 2024-2025 academic year?

Under Official Dispatch 4868/BGDDT-GDMN 2024 providing guidance on the tasks for the 2024-2025 academic year concerning preschool education:

- Ensure the quality of inclusive education for children with disabilities: strictly implement the regulations on inclusive education; raise awareness among parents and the community regarding inclusive education for children and disabled children to ensure they have opportunities for nurturing, care, and education at preschool education institutions.

Implement the proper issuance of disability-level confirmation certificates to ensure the rights of children, teachers, and educational institutions with disabled children studying inclusively. Enhance the capacity of management staff and preschool educators in managing and implementing education for disabled children.

Review the implementation of policies towards preschool institutions currently having disabled children in inclusive education to ensure the rights of children and teachers as per legal regulations.

- Intensify integration and incorporation of educational content, ensuring quality and effectiveness in implementing the preschool education Program: educate on human rights, gender education, traffic safety, green living skills, environmental protection, climate change response...

- Prepare 5-year-old children to be ready for first grade in line with the First Grade Curriculum: collaborate with families and the community to promote nurturing, care, and education for children following the preschool education Program ensuring readiness for first grade; enhance solutions for effectively preparing children for first grade; absolutely do not teach the first-grade curriculum to 5-year-old children in any form.

- Continue effectively implementing programs for preschool children to get acquainted with English where conditions allow, pursuant to Circular 50/2020/TT-BGDDT and other documents from the Ministry of Education and Training.

Thus, as per the above regulation, preschool education institutions in Vietnam must not teach the first-grade curriculum to 5-year-old children in any form during the 2024-2025 academic year.

Academic Year 2024-2025 Early Childhood Education Absolutely No Teaching the First-Grade Curriculum to 5-Year-Old Children in Any Form?

Must preschool education institutions in Vietnam not teach the first-grade curriculum to 5-year-old children in any form during the 2024-2025 academic year? (Image from Internet)

What are the 6 educational communication activities for safety assurance for preschool children in Vietnam during the new academic year?

According to Article 5 of Circular 45/2021/TT-BGDDT, the communication activities in educating knowledge and skills for safety assurance for preschool children in Vietnam during the new academic year include:

- Utilize information technology platforms to connect to the internet for communication and improvement of awareness of managers, teachers, staff in preschool education institutions, families, and the community regarding the construction of a safe educational environment; adopt measures to control and eliminate the dissemination of inappropriate information.

- Disseminate and universalize risks, measures, and skills in prevention and control of accidents and injuries for children, children’s rights, and matters related to the law if children’s violence and abuse happen.

-Disseminate the responsibilities to detect, notify, and denounce acts of violence and abuse against children in preschool education institutions, at home, and in the community; disseminate the 111 number of the national switchboard for children protection.

- Establish information channels such as the feedback mailbox, hotline, and other appropriate forms; facilitate the receipt of information on school safety or denunciation of children’s violence and abuse.

- Establish a recording, supervision, monitoring, and report system on the construction of safe schools for preventing and controlling accidents and injuries; promptly prevent and intervene in acts of violence and abuse against children.

- Implement various forms of information exchange with parents or caretakers of children on the results of children's nurture, care, and education and promptly inform their development or difficulties in preschool education institutions.

What are the standards of safe preschool education institutions for preventing and controlling accidents and injuries in Vietnam?

According to Article 8 of Circular 45/2021/TT-BGDDT, the standards of safe preschool education institutions for preventing and controlling accidents and injuries are as follows:

Standards of safe preschool education institutions for preventing and controlling accidents and injuries

- During the school year, preschool education institutions shall not let the following situations happen: children are abused, receive violence, or have serious injuries resulting in hospitalization or death; managers, teachers, and staff behave unethically and violate regulations on teacher ethics; food poisoning happens or epidemics spread in a wide scale in their premises.

- Regarding assessment results of the criteria for safe preschool education institutions for preventing and controlling accidents and injuries as prescribed in the Appendix hereof:

+ Nurseries, kindergartens, and preschools that satisfy at least 40 criteria (including 20 mandatory criteria) will receive a “passed” assessment.

+ Independent daycare groups, kindergarten classes, and preschool classes that satisfy at least 30 criteria (including 15 mandatory criteria) will receive a "passed" assessment.

>>> Download the complete Checklist for Safe Preschool Institutions, Accident, and Injury Prevention (Form 1 and Form 2)

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