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Sample report of refresher training on topic of defense and security and self- reflection for teachers in Vietnam

Sample report of refresher training on topic of defense and security, self- reflection and actions in the future for teachers in Vietnam

Sample report of refresher training on topic of defense and security and self- reflection for teachers

Refer to the sample reflection on national defense and security knowledge enhancement for teachers: Among the topics studied, which one did you find most impactful? Why? Relate to the practical context of your area and your personal responsibilities.

Building and preserving the nation go hand in hand, which is a survival and development rule for the Vietnamese people borne out of thousands of years of history. During foreign invasions as well as times of peace and prosperity, our forefathers always prepared long-term strategies and built strong roots, training armies during leisure times: "In times of peace strive, for the country remains through eternity." Soldiers lived among the people, ready to defend the nation.

Under the leadership of the Communist Party, the tradition of nation-building and defense has been elevated in our country’s development strategy: constructing socialism and protecting the socialist homeland are two strategic missions of the Vietnamese revolution. However, the cause of building and protecting the nation develops amidst a rapidly changing and complex global situation with numerous unforeseen factors. This is evident in the "peaceful evolution" strategy and violent uprisings by hostile forces against the Vietnamese revolution.

Among the specialized topics studied and discussed, I found Topic 3: Preventing the "peaceful evolution" strategy and hostile forces' violent uprisings against the Vietnamese revolution to be the most impactful. Here’s why:

Although the war has ended, Vietnam has achieved complete independence and is steadily progressing towards building socialism, hostile forces continue to seek every means to sabotage the Vietnamese revolution and eliminate the Communist Party and socialist policies. Their scheme is not an overt assault with armed forces but is disguised under the guise of "peaceful evolution," a comprehensive strategy by imperialism relying primarily on non-military measures, targeting human emotions to induce loss of direction, faith, and betrayal of the homeland.

How does the "peaceful evolution" and violent uprising against the Vietnamese revolution by imperialism present itself?

- Objective: To eradicate socialism globally, with the core objective being to replace Marxism-Leninism with bourgeois ideology and abolish the role of the Communist Party, focusing on Vietnam.

- Content of the sabotage: Comprehensive in all fields, with a focus on the economy, using ethnic and religious issues as detonators, diplomacy as support, and military measures for deterrence, aiming to disrupt the Communist Party from the grassroots to the central level.

- Measures: Primarily non-military. Sabotage activities are conducted openly and secretly, utilizing soft, covert tactics to exploit internal errors, emphasizing building internal forces to gather and attract personnel, corrupting degraded officials to erect internal banners of self-evolution and internal skepticism, ultimately aiming to erode the Communist Party's leadership role and overthrow socialist policies in Vietnam.

From "peaceful evolution" and "violent uprising" to foster a process of "self-evolution" and "self-transformation" within our ranks: the Communist Party, the State, armed forces, and the people. This strategy permeates every sphere of social life and targets various entities, focusing on several key areas:

- Political, ideological, and cultural sabotage:

The focus is to abolish Marxism-Leninism, Ho Chi Minh’s thought, and the Communist Party's viewpoints and lines, intending to dismantle the ideological foundation within Communist Party organizations, social organizations, and all strata of the populace, specifically targeting the youth.

Disrupting the great national unity by sowing seeds of division, creating internal distrust and suspicion to cause internal disorder, thereby infiltrating ambiguous viewpoints, opportunists, and even reactionary elements, implementing a plan of "silk cocoon," "deep penetration, high escalation" to covertly sabotage us long-term from within.

Propagating utilitarianism, Western culture, creating a mentality of indulgence and a bourgeois lifestyle geared towards thinking opposite to the Party’s line and ideology.

- Economic sabotage activities:

Currently focused on disrupting our socialist production relationships through cunning tactics like exploiting cooperative investment and collaboration (especially in capital, specialists, and techniques), negating the socialist-oriented economy within a multi-sector economy, alternating between encouraging and praising capitalist market economy while gradually privatizing, minimizing the leading role of the state economy sector.

- Exploiting religious and ethnic issues to sabotage us:

Both religious and ethnic issues are currently prime targets for enemy exploitation.

+ Regarding ethnic issues: They thoroughly exploit ethnic conflicts caused by various reasons to break national unity, create new conflicts, incite narrow-minded nationalist thoughts, and demand nationalist self-determination through distortion, incitement, bribery, and rousing some ethnic minorities to struggle against the Communist Party and the State for so-called "independent national autonomy."

Particularly, they focus on psychological factors and pressures due to difficult living conditions, both spiritually and materially (especially for ethnic minorities in deep, remote areas, and former revolutionary bases) to create dissatisfaction towards the Communist Party, the State, and socialist policies.

+ Religious issues: They thoroughly exploit our state's policy of religious freedom to propagate superstition and counter-socialist ideologies. Using reactionary elements under the religious guise to engage in incitement and sabotage, urging believers to demand land for building churches and temples, gathering and inciting people, gradually undermining Party leadership, and state management in regions with religions, ultimately embedding, infiltrating, and building reactionary organizations against the Communist Party and our policies.

- Sabotage in the field of national defense and security:

Neutralizing the people's armed forces, primarily the military and police, which are concentrated forces protecting socialist policies, the Communist Party, the State, and the people.

Their main activities aim to dismantle the ideology and organization of the military and police, causing these forces to deviate from their combat objectives, organizationally weaken; erode morality, qualities, and lifestyle, leading to reduced confidence in the Party, socialist policies, loss of direction, and transformation of revolutionary nature.

Making every effort to distort and defame the good traditions of the military and police, causing division within, and between the military and the people, and the military and Party.

All their activities aim to deny the Party's leadership over the military and police, attempting to "neutralize and politically sterilize" the military and police.

- Inciting and coordinating actions between domestic and foreign reactionary forces:

The enemy highly values the domestic reactionary forces to directly sabotage us from within, linking with external reactionary organizations, secretly setting up reactionary organizations domestically, and connecting the two forces.

In summary, imperialism and reactionary forces employ various tactics across all fields to sabotage us. They focus intensely on promoting and expanding the "self-evolution" and "self-transformation" process within our ranks, creating situations, and finding excuses to use international organizations for intervention, including military intervention. Therefore, our people's struggle against the peaceful evolution strategy and the hostile forces' violent uprisings becomes ever more complex and long-term, requiring high perseverance and determination from the entire Party, army, and people to achieve victory.

To successfully accomplish the mission of building and protecting the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, we need methods and measures to combat peaceful evolution across fields. These include:

- Political and cultural stability:

Strengthening and rectifying the Communist Party to make it pure and strong, enhancing leadership and fighting capacity.

Increase the fighting capacity and leadership of party cells, maintaining the principle of democratic centralism in party activities. Building a robust government system, truly of the people, by the people, and for the people.

Firmly establishing the socialist ideological front within the entire Party, populace, and army against peaceful evolution strategies.

Educating national pride and promoting patriotic traditions.

Promoting economic development, improving people's living standards, and effectively implementing social policies.

Building a culture rich in national identity. Developing Vietnamese individuals in terms of thoughts, morality, spirit, lifestyle, with good character, pure heart, high intellectual standing, and steadfast socialist ideology.

- In the economic field:

Progressing with industrialization and modernization of the country, developing a socialist-oriented market economy, so that the economy does not become stagnant or deviate from socialist orientation.

Maximizing internal resources to proactively integrate into the global economy, enhancing the leading role of the state economy, eradicating hunger, reducing poverty, and improving people's living standards.

- In the field of organizational personnel:

Regularly strengthening the Communist Party and government, making them clean and strong, promptly identifying individuals showing signs of negativity, moral degradation, or criticizing policies, to correct and help them understand the true nature of issues, with an awareness of internal protection, and safeguarding the socialist homeland.

Consolidating mass organizations and revolutionary groups to operate effectively.

Strengthening relations between the Communist Party and the people, promptly resolving conflicts among the people.

- In the domain of diplomacy:

Expanding foreign relations, proactively integrating into the global economy, pursuing multilateralization and diversification of international relations, ensuring national and people’s interests.

Enhancing vigilance, acting cautiously and sensibly, avoiding a passive position.

- On ethnic and religious matters:

Investing in economic, cultural, and social development, eradicating hunger, and reducing poverty for ethnic groups. Promoting good ethnic traits, emphasizing democracy, respecting customs, protecting freedom of belief, combating outdated customs, superstition, and any acts of exploiting religion and ethnicity to cause disorder, aiding the enemy.

- In the field of national defense and security:

Maintaining national defense and security and protecting territorial integrity. Continuing to consolidate the people's national defense posture, combined with the people’s security posture, building increasingly solid defense structures.

Regularly organizing good national defense education for the entire Party, army, and people. Upholding the Party's leadership principles.

Relating to personal responsibility:

After completing the National Defense and Security Political Knowledge Enhancement Course, I have gained a wealth of understanding about military, defense and security issues, the tradition of nation-building and defense, national defense and security duties, the responsibilities and obligations of defending the homeland, sovereignty, borderlands, airspace, seas, and islands of Vietnam; vigilance against the conspiracies and tactics of hostile forces against our revolution; and legal documents on national defense and security. This has provided me with a comprehensive perspective on the current state of our country, the dangers we face, and a sense of pride in the tradition of nation-building and defense from our ancestors until now. Additionally, I have gained knowledge about military strategies and directives from the Communist Party and the state to fully implement and comply with as a citizen of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.

As an administrative official and a citizen of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, I vow to fully contribute my capabilities to the industrialization and modernization of our country, maintaining high vigilance against external influences. Widely disseminating the Communist Party's lines and policies, state laws to the people, encouraging educators, students, and the populace to understand the sinister nature and malicious intentions of hostile forces, avoiding manipulation and incitement, calmly and confidently managing incidents within the school scientifically and safely, fulfilling the responsibilities of a citizen, and adhering to the legal regulations set by the Communist Party and the State.

Imperialism and anti-socialist hostile forces have and are executing plots and schemes of peaceful evolution and violent uprisings to sabotage socialist countries, focusing significantly on Vietnam.

The entire Party, army, and our people must always be vigilant, recognizing the dangerous nature of enemy schemes and tactics, understanding the complexity and intensity of this struggle, staying united to decisively defeat them, and successfully building socialism in Vietnam.

Our Communist Party has determined: Countering the peaceful evolution strategy and violent uprisings by imperialism and hostile forces against our revolution is an urgent and long-term mission for the entire Party, army, and people in the cause of building and defending the Socialist Republic of Vietnam in the new stage.

Note: The content is for reference only!

Sample Reflection on National Defense and Security Knowledge Enhancement for Teachers, Relating to Personal Experience?

Sample report of refresher training on topic of defense and security and self- reflection for teachers in Vietnam (Internet image)

Do subjects of Category 4 for refresher training of National Defense and Security Include Teachers?

Based on Section 1 of Guidance 90/HD-HDGDQPAN in 2016, the guidance is as follows:



Category 4:

a) Specialists not belonging to categories 1, 2, 3; Editors of central, local, and sectoral newspapers and radio stations; Heads, Deputy Heads of departments, lecturers of universities and colleges; specialists, public employees of provincial departments and authorities, mass organizations and People's Councils, and People's Committees at the provincial and district levels; Principals, Vice Principals of middle schools, elementary schools, kindergartens; teachers of high schools and middle schools; Secretaries, Deputy Secretaries of Party Cells, heads of enterprises of all economic sectors in the province and district, and equivalent positions in central agencies based in the province and district.

b) Part-time staff at the commune level (not belonging to category 3); Secretaries, Deputy Secretaries of Party Cells, Heads of hamlets, villages, clusters, residential groups, neighborhoods (commonly referred to as villages). Heads and Deputy Heads of cooperatives at the commune level; leaders of mass organizations at the village level.

c) Managers of non-state enterprises serving national defense and security, operating in remote areas, border areas, and islands; managers of non-public service providers.

d) Members of the People's Council at the commune level.

e) Members of the Communist Party of Vietnam.


Thus, Category 4 for national defense and security knowledge enhancement includes teachers.

However, teachers in Category 4 for national defense and security knowledge enhancement only include high school and middle school teachers.

What is the Objective of National Defense and Security Education in Vietnam?

According to Article 4 of the National Defense and Security Education Law of 2013, the objective of national defense and security education is to promote patriotism, national pride, and self-respect, enhance awareness, responsibility, and voluntary fulfilment of national defense and security duties, protecting the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.

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