Sample mid-semester exam papers for semester 1 of grade 12 Mathematics according to new program in Vietnam

What are sample mid-semester exam papers for semester 1 of grade 12 Mathematics according to new program in Vietnam? Does a low mid-semester grade in grade 12 Mathematics affect the entire semester's result of students in Vietnam?

Sample mid-semester exam papers for semester 1 of grade 12 Mathematics according to new program in Vietnam

Students in grade 12 can refer to the following sample mid-semester exam papers for semester 1 of grade 12 Mathematics according to new program in Vietnam:

Math Midterm Exam Paper I

Download 8 exam papers for semester 1 of grade 12 Math in multiple-choice format (with reference answers).

Download Sample mid-semester review papers for semester 1 of grade 12 Math.

*Note: Information is for reference only./.

Sample Midterm Exam Paper for Semester 1, Math 12 New Curriculum?

Sample mid-semester exam papers for semester 1 of grade 12 Mathematics according to new program in Vietnam​ (Image from the Internet)

Does a low mid-semester grade in grade 12 Mathematics affect the entire semester result of students in Vietnam?

The average grade for a subject is a statistical figure used to evaluate the academic performance of a student or a class. The average grade is calculated by summing the total scores of all tests, exams, assignments, etc., for a subject and dividing by the total number of tests, exams, assignments.

*How to Calculate the Average Grade for Semester 1

Calculation of the subject's average grade

According to Article 9 of Circular 22/2021/TT-BGDDT, the formula for calculating the most accurate subject average grade for Semester 1 is as follows:

Calculate the Average Grade for a Subject


- TDDGtx: Total continuous assessment points (oral tests, 15-minute tests)

- DDGgk: mid-semester test score

- DDGck: Final exam score

- DDGtx: Number of continuous assessment scores.

**Note: Each test or assessment score is weighted differently. Usually, continuous assessments (oral tests, 15-minute tests) are multiplied by a factor of 1. Mid-semester and final exams are multiplied by factors of 2 and 3, respectively.

Based on the above regulation and formula, it can be seen that the mid-semester exam grade will also have an impact on the overall semester grade for that subject.

Therefore, if the mid-semester exam grade in Math 12 is low, it will affect the entire semester's grade. Conversely, if the mid-semester grade is high, it can positively impact the entire semester.

When does the final exam for semester 1 occur in Vietnam?

According to Article 1 of Decision 2045/QD-BGDDT 2024, the regulation on the final exam for semester 1 for the 2024 - 2025 academic year is as follows:

Issuing the framework for the academic year 2024 - 2025 schedule for preschool, general, and continuing education nationwide as follows:

1. Start school at least one week before the opening ceremony. For grade 1, at least two weeks before the opening ceremony.

2. Opening ceremony on September 5, 2024.

3. End of Semester I before January 18, 2025, completion of the program, and end of the academic year before May 31, 2025.

4. Recognition of primary school completion and lower secondary school graduation before June 30, 2025.

5. Completion of admissions for first-year classes before July 31, 2025.

6. High school graduation exam in 2025 is tentatively scheduled for June 26 and June 27, 2025.

7. Other national exams are organized according to the regulations and guidance of the Ministry of Education and Training.

Based on the issued framework for the 2024 - 2025 academic year schedule, which applies nationwide, the end of Semester I is before January 18, 2025, with the program completion and academic year ending before May 31, 2025.

Thus, according to the above regulation, students will sit for their final exam for semester 1 before January 18, 2025.

*Note: To find out the exact date of the final exam for semester 1 for 2024-2025, parents and students should monitor announcements from schools or local authorities.

How many weeks are in semester 1 in Vietnam?

According to Article 2 of Decision 2045/QD-BGDDT 2024:

Principles for developing the academic year schedule of localities

1. The academic year schedule in localities must ensure 35 weeks of actual study (Semester I has 18 weeks, Semester II has 17 weeks).

2. The academic year schedule must align with the characteristics and practical conditions of the locality.

3. Holidays are implemented according to the Labor Code and annual guidance documents.

4. Teachers' annual leave is taken during the summer holidays or can be arranged at other times of the year to suit specific local conditions and academic year schedule.

5. The academic year schedule should ensure synchronization across educational levels in the same locality, especially in multi-level schools.

Thus, in accordance with the regulation, the 2024-2025 academic year spans 35 weeks. The breakdown is 18 weeks for Semester 1 and 17 weeks for Semester 2.

However, the academic year schedule must be suitable to the specific conditions and characteristics of the local area.

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