10:12 | 24/12/2024

What are the sample Christmas and New Year wishes in English? What are the characteristics of English from grade 3 to grade 12 in Vietnam?

What are the sample Christmas and New Year wishes in English? What are the characteristics of English from grade 3 to grade 12 in Vietnam?

What are the sample Christmas and New Year wishes in English?

Below are some sample wishes that students can reference and send to others during this year's Christmas holiday.

Sample Christmas and New Year wishes in English

- Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! (Giáng sinh vui vẻ và năm mới hạnh phúc!)

- Wishing you a joyful Christmas and a prosperous New Year. (Chúc bạn một Giáng sinh vui vẻ và một năm mới thịnh vượng.)

- Season's greetings! (Chúc mừng mùa lễ hội!)

- Have a wonderful holiday season! (Chúc bạn một mùa lễ hội tuyệt vời!)

- Best wishes for a happy holiday season. (Lời chúc tốt đẹp nhất cho một mùa lễ hội hạnh phúc.)

- May your Christmas be filled with love, laughter, and joy. (Chúc Giáng sinh của bạn tràn ngập yêu thương, tiếng cười và niềm vui.)

- Wishing you warmth and happiness this holiday season. (Chúc bạn ấm áp và hạnh phúc trong mùa lễ hội này.)

- Sending you warm wishes for a Merry Christmas. (Gửi đến bạn những lời chúc ấm áp nhân dịp Giáng sinh.)

- May your holidays be bright and merry. (Chúc bạn những ngày lễ thật tươi sáng và vui vẻ.)

- May your heart and home be filled with all the joys of the season. (Chúc trái tim và ngôi nhà của bạn tràn đầy niềm vui mùa lễ hội.)

- It's a pleasure to meet you and wish you a Merry Christmas. (Quen bạn là điều vinh hạnh của tôi, chúc bạn Giáng sinh an lành.)

- Thank you for being such a great friend. Merry Christmas! (Cảm ơn bạn đã là một người bạn tuyệt vời. Giáng sinh vui vẻ!)

- Wishing you all the best that life has to offer. Merry Christmas. (Chúc bạn mọi điều tốt đẹp nhất mà cuộc sống có thể mang lại. Giáng sinh vui vẻ.)

- I hope you have a wonderful Christmas filled with peace and joy. (Tôi hy vọng bạn có một Giáng sinh tuyệt vời tràn đầy bình yên và niềm vui.)

- Thinking of you this Christmas. (Nghĩ về bạn trong dịp Giáng sinh này.)

- Thank you for all your help this year. Merry Christmas! (Cảm ơn bạn đã giúp đỡ tôi rất nhiều trong năm nay. Giáng sinh vui vẻ!)

- I'm so grateful for your friendship. Merry Christmas! (Tôi rất biết ơn về tình bạn của bạn. Giáng sinh vui vẻ!)

- Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Thanks for being such a great colleague. (Chúc bạn Giáng sinh vui vẻ và năm mới hạnh phúc. Cảm ơn bạn đã là một đồng nghiệp tuyệt vời.)

- Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I'm so lucky to have you in my life. (Giáng sinh vui vẻ và năm mới hạnh phúc. Tôi rất may mắn khi có bạn trong cuộc đời.)

- I hope you have a wonderful Christmas. Thank you for everything. (Tôi hy vọng bạn có một Giáng sinh tuyệt vời. Cảm ơn bạn vì tất cả.)

*Note: The information is for reference purposes only./.

English Christmas and New Year Wishes Templates? Characteristics of English from grade 3 to grade 12?

What are the sample Christmas and New Year wishes in English? What are the characteristics of English from grade 3 to grade 12 in Vietnam? (Image sourced from the Internet)

What are the characteristics of English from grade 3 to grade 12 in Vietnam?

Under Section 1 of the general education program for English issued with Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT as follows:

English is a compulsory subject in the general education program from grade 3 to grade 12.

As one of the tool subjects in schools, English not only helps students develop their English communication skills but also contributes to the development of general competencies, aiding in efficient living and working, better learning of other subjects, and lifelong learning.

English provides students with an important international communication tool, helping them exchange information, scientific and technological knowledge, learn about different cultures, thereby contributing to understanding between nations, forming global citizenship consciousness, and contributing to personal qualities and competence development.

Through learning English and exploring various cultures, students can gain a deeper understanding and love for their own language and culture.

As a compulsory subject in the general education program, English directly relates and interacts with many other subjects/educational content such as Literature/Vietnamese, Science and Social Studies, History and Geography, Arts, Physical Education, Informatics, Experiential Activities.

English also serves as a tool for teaching and learning other subjects, especially Mathematics and natural sciences.

The foundational goal of the general education program for English is to help students develop communication competencies through the practice of listening, speaking, reading, writing skills, and language knowledge (phonetics, vocabulary, grammar).

Communication skills and language knowledge are built on specific communication competence units, with topics appropriate to the needs and abilities of general education students, aiming to help them meet the requirements specified in the 6-level Vietnam Foreign Language Proficiency Framework (issued in Circular 01/2014/TT-BGDDT, specifically students finishing primary school reach Level 1, students finishing lower secondary reach Level 2, students finishing upper secondary reach Level 3).

The content of the general education program for English reflects the basic directions stated in the overall general education program of the Ministry of Education and Training, specifically:

At the primary level (grades 3-5), English teaching helps students initially develop communication skills through the four skills of listening, speaking, reading, writing, with a focus on listening and speaking.

At the lower secondary level, English teaching continues to help students develop communication skills, as well as develop thinking abilities and enhance their understanding of the culture and society of different countries worldwide as well as deepen their knowledge of their own nation's culture and society.

At the upper secondary level, English teaching helps students develop English communication skills based on the foundation laid by the English program in primary and lower secondary schools, equipping students with lifelong learning skills to continually learn and develop working capabilities in the future.

What are the perspectives for developing the general education program for English in Vietnam?

Under Section 2 of the general education program for English issued with Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT:

- The general education program for English complies with the regulations stated in the overall general education program of the Ministry of Education and Training, which includes general guidelines on perspectives, objectives, required outcomes, educational plans, and guidelines on educational content, methods, learning outcomes assessment, and conditions for program implementation.

- The general education program for English is built on the perspective that communication competency is the goal of the teaching process; language knowledge is the means to form and develop communication skills through listening, speaking, reading, and writing.

- In primary school (grades 3-5), priority should be given to developing the two skills of listening and speaking. In lower secondary school, communication skills of listening and speaking are further developed through the integration of skills training, progressing towards balanced development of all four skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing in upper secondary school.

- The general education program for English is designed on the basis of a coherent system of themes, topics closely related, meaningful, and suitable to the learning and living environments of students, aligning with the communication competency development requirements set for each educational level.

- The system of themes and topics reflects the cultural characteristic that needs to be both national and international; the teaching content should be selected and possibly repeated, expanded over the academic years in a concentric spiral approach to reinforce and develop students' communication capabilities.

- Through the implementation of the themes and topics system in the Program, students can acquire additional content of other subjects to a relevant and feasible level.

- The general education program for English ensures students' learning activities are central to the teaching process.

- Students' English communication competency is developed through active, dynamic, and creative learning activities.

- Teachers organize, guide the teaching process, encourage students to participate in language practice activities to the maximum and gradually enhance self-study abilities.

- The general education program for English ensures the continuity and transition in English teaching amongst primary, lower secondary, and upper secondary education levels.

- This continuity and transition are evident as students reach a proficiency level according to the 6-level Vietnam Foreign Language Proficiency Framework after each education level.

- The general education program for English ensures flexibility, adaptability, and openness to meet the needs and suit diverse English teaching conditions in various localities.

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