What is the sample argumentative essay on analysis of the play "Renaming the Commune"? What arre the rights of 8th-grade students in Vietnam?

What is the sample argumentative essay on analysis of the play "Renaming the Commune"? What arre the rights of 8th-grade students in Vietnam?

What is the sample argumentative essay on analysis of the play "Renaming the Commune"?

8th-grade students can refer to the following sample argumentative essay on analysis of the play "Renaming the Commune":

Sample argumentative essay on analysis of the play "Renaming the Commune"

Renaming the Commune - The Cost of Vanity and Achievement Obsession

"Renaming the Commune" by Luu Quang Vu is a short play that contains profound social meanings. Through the character of Mr. Nha, the author exposes a significant portion of those in power who are obsessed with fame and fortune, willing to sacrifice communal interests to satisfy their own ego.

Mr. Nha's act of renaming the commune is not merely a change of name. It is an expression of a delusional mindset, wishing to superficially renew everything to demonstrate his "creativity." The flamboyant names and grandiose titles like "Heroic Spirit," "Civilization" clearly reveal Mr. Nha's ambition to construct a new, modern society. However, behind those names lies emptiness and impractical plans.

The new name of the commune brings no positive change to the lives of the people. On the contrary, it makes their lives more difficult. The villagers still face real issues such as poverty and deprivation, yet are forced to speak contrary to the truth to maintain the image of a "civilized commune."

Through the character of Mr. Nha, the author harshly criticizes the obsession with achievements and the vanity and fame hunger of a segment of officials and party members. They are only concerned with appearances and statistical figures, forgetting real-life issues.

Moreover, the play poses questions about the role of citizens in society. Although the people in Ca Ha commune are well aware of the absurdity of renaming, they dare not voice opposition. They accept living in a fabricated society where the truth is distorted. This shows the lack of awareness and passivity of the citizens in the face of wrongful actions by those in power.

"Renaming the Commune" is not merely a simple comedy but also a profound lesson on ethics and the responsibility of each individual toward the community. The play awakens us to the dangers of vanity and following appearances while neglecting essence.

With its profound meaning, "Renaming the Commune" remains a work of realistic value. The play helps us realize the issues existing in society and draw lessons for personal development.

*Note: Information is for reference only./.

Sample Essay for Analyzing a Play: Renaming the Commune? What Rights Do Eighth-Grade Students Have?

What is the sample argumentative essay on analysis of the play "Renaming the Commune"? What arre the rights of 8th-grade students in Vietnam? (Image from the Internet)

What arre the rights of 8th-grade students in Vietnam?

According to Article 35 of the lower secondary school, upper secondary school and multi-level school charter issued by the Ministry of Education and Training under Circular 32/2020/TT-BGDDT, 8th-grade students have several rights as follows:

1. Receive comprehensive education with fairness, be provided with time, facilities, hygiene and safety to learn in class and self-learn at home, be informed of their education and training, and be able to use learning, cultural and sport equipment of their schools as per the law.

2. Receive respect, protection and fair and democratic treatment, complain to their schools and education authorities about decisions concerning themselves; transfer school with legitimate reason as per existing regulations; enter school before the compulsory starting age, skip a grade and study at an age higher than the compulsory attendance age according to regulations in Article 33 of Circular 32/2020/TT-BGDDT.

3. Participate in activities for development of their gifts in academic subjects, sports and art organized by their schools if able to.

4. Students eligible for social benefits, disadvantaged students and gifted students may receive sponsorship or other benefits as per the law.

5. Transfer school if eligible according to regulations following school transfer procedures stipulated by the Minister of Education and Training.

6. Enjoy other rights as per the law.

What literary knowledge does the 8th-grade Literature curriculum in Vietnam include?

Under the General Education Program for Literature issued together with Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT, the literary knowledge in the 8th-grade Literature curriculum in Vietnam is specified as follows:

- Imagination in literary works

- Titles and how to title texts

- Topics and themes, how to determine themes; structure

- Plot, setting, characters, language in humorous stories, historical stories

- Single-threaded and multi-threaded plots

- Main artistic techniques of satirical poetry

- Some elements of poetic law from classical Chinese regulated poetry: composition, harmony, rule, rhyme, rhythm, contrast

- Some formal elements of a poem: words, images, composition, emotional flow

- Conflict, action, characters, dialogue, satirical techniques in literary scripts (comedies)

- Some formal elements of free verse (six, seven syllables): number of lines, words, rhymes, rhythms

- The reader and personal reception of a literary text

- Reflective content and the perspective of life, people from the author

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