What are the eligibility requirements for grade advancement for continuing education students in Vietnam?
What are the eligibility requirements for grade advancement for continuing education students in Vietnam?
Under clause 1, Article 11 of Circular 43/2021/TT-BGDDT, the eligibility requirements for grade advancement for continuing education students in Vietnam are stipulated as follows:
- The conduct for the whole school year (including the results of re-assessment during the summer vacation as prescribed in Article 13 of Circular 43/2021/TT-BGDDT) is assessed at Passed or higher.
- The learning outcomes for the whole school year (including the results of re-assessment of subjects as prescribed in Article 13 of Circular 43/2021/TT-BGDDT) are assessed at Passed or higher.
- Absence from school for no more than 45 days in a school year (according to the education plan 01 lesson/day specified in the Continuing Education Program, including excused and unexcused absences, consecutive or inconsecutive absences).
What are the eligibility requirements for grade advancement for continuing education students in Vietnam? (Image from the Internet)
In Vietnam, how many assessment forms for learning and training results of continuing education students are there?
According to Article 5 of Circular 43/2021/TT-BGDDT, there are 2 assessment forms for learning and training results of continuing education students: assessment via feedback and assessment via scores:
1. Assessment via feedback
- Teachers use oral or written form to comment on students' performance of learning and training tasks; comment on the students' progress, outstanding advantages and limitations in the process of regulating learning and training; assess the learning and training results of students.
- Students use oral or written form to self-review their performance of learning and training tasks, their progress, outstanding advantages, and their main limitations.
- Students' parents or agencies, organizations and individuals involved in the student's education process provide feedback on the student's performance of learning and training tasks.
- Assessment via feedback on the learning and training results of students is used in regular assessment by assessing students' performance of learning and training tasks suitably to the characteristics of the subject.
2. Assessment via scores
- Teachers use scores to assess students' learning and training results.
- Score assessment is used in regular assessment, periodical assessment through the form of testing, assessing students' performance of learning and training tasks in accordance with the characteristics of the subject.
What are the regulations on the regular assessment of continuing education students in Vietnam?
Under Article 6 of Circular 43/2021/TT-BGDDT, the regular assessment of continuing education students in Vietnam is regulated as follows:
- Regular assessment is done through: question-answer, writing, presentation, practice, experiment, learning product.
- For each subject, each student is tested and assessed many times, in which a number of tests and assessments are selected in accordance with the teaching progress according to the educational plan of the professional group, and the results are recorded in the student monitoring and assessment book (by class) for use in assessing the learning results of the subject as prescribed in Clause 1, Article 9 of Circular 43/2021/TT-BGDDT. For each subject (excluding groups of learning topics), choose the number of regular assessment scores in each semester as follows:
+ The subject has 35 periods/school year: 02 regular assessment scores.
+ The subject has from 36 periods/school year to 70 periods/school year: 03 regular assessment scores.
+ The subject has 71 periods/year or more: 04 regular assessment scores.
- For a group of learning topics of a subject at the upper secondary level, each student is examined and assessed according to each learning topic, in which the result of 01 (one) test and assessment are selected as the result of the group of learning topics. The result of the assessment of a group of learning topics of the subject are counted as the result of 01 (one) regular assessment of that subject and recorded in the student monitoring and assessment book (by class) for use in the assessment of learning results in the subject according to Clause 1, Article 9 of Circular 43/2021/TT-BGDDT
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