What are the requirements regarding physical facilities for lower and upper secondary schools in Vietnam? What are the 12 duties and powers of lower and upper secondary schools in Vietnam?

What are the requirements regarding physical facilities for lower and upper secondary schools in Vietnam? What are the 12 duties and powers of lower and upper secondary schools in Vietnam?

What are the requirements regarding physical facilities for lower and upper secondary schools in Vietnam?

Under Article 40 of the lower secondary school, upper secondary school and multi-level school charter issued with Circular 32/2020/TT-BGDDT, the requirements regarding physical facilities for lower and upper secondary schools in Vietnam are:

Physical facilities of secondary schools

1. Technical infrastructure and physical facilities of secondary schools must meet the minimum standards for secondary school physical facilities provided for by the Ministry of Education and Training.

2. Schools shall formulate and propose specific plans and roadmaps for investment in additional physical facilities with the aim of meeting higher physical facilities standards to competent authorities for approval.

3. Schools shall manage and use their physical facilities effectively, avoiding wastage; and have plans for periodical physical facilities upgrade according to regulations; and shall not use physical facilities past their service life or physical facilities not meeting safety requirements unless upgraded or repaired.

Thus, the general requirements regarding physical facilities for lower and upper secondary schools in Vietnam are:

- Technical infrastructure and physical facilities of secondary schools must meet the minimum standards for secondary school physical facilities provided for by the Ministry of Education and Training.

- Schools shall formulate and propose specific plans and roadmaps for investment in additional physical facilities with the aim of meeting higher physical facilities standards to competent authorities for approval.

- Schools shall manage and use their physical facilities effectively, avoiding wastage; and have plans for periodical physical facilities upgrade according to regulations; and shall not use physical facilities past their service life or physical facilities not meeting safety requirements unless upgraded or repaired.

What are the requirements for facilities at secondary schools and high schools?

What are the requirements regarding physical facilities for lower and upper secondary schools in Vietnam? What are the 12 duties and powers of lower and upper secondary schools in Vietnam? (Image from the Internet)

What are the 12 duties and powers of lower and upper secondary schools in Vietnam?

Under Article 3 of the lower secondary school, upper secondary school and multi-level school charter issued with Circular 32/2020/TT-BGDDT:

1. Formulate the school’s development plans and strategies as appropriate to the socio-economic situation of the location where the school is located; determine the school’s vision, mission, and core values in relation to education, culture, history and traditions.

2. Develop and launch the school’s education plans in accordance with the general education curricula promulgated by the Minister of Education and Training. Cooperate with students’ families, organizations and individuals in organization of educational activities.

3. Admit and receive students, and manage students according to regulations of the Ministry of Education and Training.

4. Launch plans for universalization of education as assigned.

5. Enable teachers, staff and students to participate in social activities.

6. Manage teachers and staff as prescribed by law.

7. Mobilize, manage and use resources for education in compliance with the law.

8. Manage, use and preserve facilities and equipment as per the law.

9. Carry out activities of educational quality assurance, assessment and accreditation according to regulations of the Ministry of Education and Training.

10. Publicly announce the school’s commitment to educational quality, educational quality assurance conditions, and revenues and expenditures in compliance with the law.

11. Practice democracy and accountability in management of educational activities; ensure the participation of students, students’ families and the society in management of educational activities as prescribed by law.

12. Perform other duties and exercise other powers as prescribed by law.

What are the two popular types of lower and upper secondary schools in Vietnam?

Under Clause 1, Article 4 of the lower secondary school, upper secondary school and multi-level school charter issued with Circular 32/2020/TT-BGDDT, the regulations are as follows:

Secondary school types and systems

1. There are two types of secondary schools: public schools and private schools.

a) A public secondary school is established and directly managed by the competent authority. The school’s facilities and recurrent expenditures are mostly covered by state budget.

b) A private secondary school has its establishment invested in and operating conditions guaranteed by a foreign or Vietnamese investor and is established under the law. The school’s facilities and operating expenses are not covered by state budget.

2. Single-level secondary schools include:

a) Lower secondary schools.

b) Upper secondary schools.

3. Multi-level schools include:

a) Combined primary and lower secondary schools.

b) Combined lower secondary and upper secondary schools.

c) Combined primary, lower secondary and upper secondary schools.

4. Special schools and other educational institutions include:

a) Boarding general education schools and semi-boarding general education schools for ethnic minorities.

b) Specialized upper secondary schools and schools for gifted students.

c) Schools and classes for persons with disabilities.

d) Correctional institutions.

dd) Other educational institutions.

Therefore, according to the above regulations, lower and upper secondary schools in Vietnam are organized into the two common types of public and private.

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