What is the sample report on the formation of the Republic of South Africa under the 7th-grade Geography curriculum in Vietnam? What are the guidelines for assessing Geography competency in lower secondary education in Vietnam?

What is the sample report on the formation of the Republic of South Africa under the 7th-grade Geography curriculum in Vietnam?

What is the sample report on the formation of the Republic of South Africa under the 7th-grade Geography curriculum in Vietnam?

Students may refer to the sample report on the formation of the Republic of South Africa as follows:

This report explores the formation of the Republic of South Africa, a significant historical event that occurred in the 20th century. This process began in 1961 when South Africa declared itself a Republic, severing ties with the British Commonwealth.

1. Historical Context Before the Formation of the Republic of South Africa

For over three centuries, the white colonial government in South Africa implemented a brutal Apartheid policy against black and colored people. This policy caused many injustices and dissatisfaction in South African society.

2. The Process of Forming the Republic of South Africa

- Period of South Africa as a Dutch colony (1652 - 1806): In 1652, the Dutch first set foot in South Africa and established the Cape Supply Station to serve Dutch maritime activities. They established settlements and governed the area, laying the foundation for South Africa's later development.

- Period of South Africa as a British colony (1806 - 1910): In 1806, the British captured the Cape from the Dutch and turned South Africa into their colony. The British established new governance policies, leading to conflicts with the Boer (of Dutch origin), culminating in the Boer War (1899 - 1902).

- For over three centuries, the white colonial government in South Africa implemented a brutal Apartheid policy against black and colored people. This policy caused many injustices and dissatisfaction in South African society.

- Year 1961: Under the pressure of the struggle from the South African people, the Union of South Africa withdrew from the British Commonwealth and declared itself the Republic of South Africa.

- Anti-Apartheid Movement: Under the leadership of the African National Congress (ANC), black people persistently fought to abolish the Apartheid policies. The international community also strongly supported this struggle.

- December 1993: The white government announced the abolition of Apartheid policies and released the ANC leader after 27 years in prison. The ANC and South African Communist Party were recognized as legal organizations.

- April 1994: The first multiracial election was held. Nelson Mandela became the first black President of South Africa, marking the end of Apartheid policies.

- New government: South Africa implemented a Macroeconomic Strategy to promote production, address employment, and improve living standards for black people.

3. Conclusion

The process of forming the Republic of South Africa was a tumultuous historical journey. This event marked a significant turning point helping South Africa end the Apartheid policies, progress towards equal democracy, and express the desire for unity, cooperation, and sustainable development.

Note: The content is for reference only!

Report on the Formation of the Republic of South Africa Geography Grade 7? Guidelines for assessing geography competency in lower secondary education?

What is the sample report on the formation of the Republic of South Africa under the 7th-grade Geography curriculum in Vietnam? What are the guidelines for assessing Geography competency in lower secondary education in Vietnam? (Image from Internet)

How many lessons does the 7th-grade Geography curriculum in Vietnam include?

Under the General Education Program issued with Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT:

The total time allocated for the subject is 105 lessons/grade/school year. The percentage of lessons dedicated to the content circuits is shown in the table below:

Content circuit Grade 6 7th-grade Grade 8 Grade 9 Overall
Geography 45 42 41 40 42
General Physical Geography 45       11
Geography of Continents   42     11
Physical Geography of Vietnam     41   10
Economic - Social Geography of Vietnam       40 10
History 45 42 41 40 42
World 22 20 20 19 20
Vietnam 23 22 21 21 22
General Themes   6 8 10 6
Periodic Evaluation 10 10 10 10 10

Thus, the 7th-grade Geography curriculum in Vietnam includes 42 lessons, with the main content being the Geography of Continents.

What are the guidelines for assessing Geography competency in lower secondary education in Vietnam?

In the General Education Program issued with Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT, the guidelines for assessing Geography competency in lower secondary education in Vietnam are as follows:

Competency Components

Detailed Description


Perceive the world from a spatial perspective

- Spatial orientation: be able to use different means, especially the area to accurately determine the direction; determine the geographical location of a place and its orientation on the map; analyze the scope and scale of a territory.

- Geographical location analysis: be able to analyze the influence of geographical location on natural and socio-economic processes.

- Distribution analysis: describe the distribution characteristics of objects and geographical phenomena.

- Spatial perception expression: use memory schemas to describe spatial awareness; use schemas to express spatial relationships between phenomena and geographical objects; describe a locality with characteristic signs of nature, population and economy. From there, the concept of the identity of a locality is formed, distinguishing one locality from another.

Explain geographical phenomena and processes (natural, socio-economic)

- Analysis of reciprocal relationships and causal relationships in nature

+ Describe some phenomena and geographical processes on Earth; describe the differentiation of nature of the continents; describe the main characteristics of Vietnam's nature; explain some factors affecting the differentiation of Vietnam's nature.

+ Diagram to describe the interaction between natural phenomena and processes.

+ Recognize and analyze causal relationships in the relationship between natural components in some situations.

- Analysis of reciprocal and causal relationships in the socio-economy

+ Describe the spatial differentiation of population, population, economic and cultural phenomena; Explain some of the factors that affect that differentiation through a specific example.

+ Find evidence of reciprocal and causal relationships in the development and distribution of population and economic sectors.

+ Diagramming to describe the interaction between socio-economic phenomena and processes.

+ Identify and apply a number of situations of causal relationship analysis in socio-economic life.

- Analysis of the impact of natural conditions and natural resources on population distribution and production

+ Analyze the impacts of natural conditions and natural resources on the choice of natural exploitation modes of the population of the continents.

+ Assess the impact of natural conditions and natural resources on population distribution, development of economic sectors and the formation of economic structure through specific examples of Vietnam's geography.

- Analysis of the impact of human society on the natural environment

+ Analyze the ways in which people on all continents and regions of our country have exploited, used and protected nature.


Use the tools of geography

- Exploitation of text documents: find geographical content in a paragraph; be able to title and caption a photo or painting from a geographical perspective; be able to search for geographical documents for a project assignment on local geography or a topic on Vietnamese geography.

- Use of maps: state map elements; be able to read small-scale maps of natural geography, population geography, and economic geography to draw necessary information and knowledge; be able to use the map scale to determine the actual distance between two locations; be able to read topographic slices.

- Calculation and statistics: name several quantities measuring natural phenomena and processes; apply several indicators of population growth, population distribution, and a number of indicators measuring economic development and economic structure.

- Analysis of charts and diagrams: be able to read climate charts (temperature, precipitation); be able to read common chart forms in analyzing the dynamics, structure, scale and distribution characteristics of phenomena and geographical objects; read and understand simple diagrams and models.

Organize field learning

Be able to prepare necessary conditions before conducting field surveys; be able to use a number of simple and common tools to observe and observe in the field; be able to keep field diaries; be able to write harvest after a day in the field.

Use the Internet for subjects

be able to get information about nature, and socio-economy from websites introduced by teachers; be able to identify keywords in searching for information by topic; be able to evaluate accessible information; have the skills to download media materials and keep documents as a record for an assignment.


Update information, actual contact

Be able to seek information from reliable sources to update knowledge and data,... about localities and countries to be studied, about development trends in the world and in the country; know the actual contact to understand more deeply the knowledge of geography.

Implement learning topics that explore from practice

Be able to form and develop ideas about a learning topic explored from practice; be able to present the results of an individual or group project assignment.


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