10:50 | 16/09/2024

PDF file of the Marxist-Leninist Philosophy textbook in Vietnam

Below are the cotents of the PDF file of the Marxist-Leninist Philosophy textbook in Vietnam

PDF file of the Marxist-Leninist Philosophy textbook in Vietnam

The "Marxist-Leninist Philosophy textbook" is an in-depth study document that systematizes both fundamental and advanced knowledge on Marxist-Leninist Philosophy. This is a significant subject in the curriculum of many universities and colleges in Vietnam.

Some Main Contents of the Marxist-Leninist Philosophy textbook:

Marxist-Leninist Philosophy textbook

- The main content of the Marxist-Leninist Philosophy textbook generally includes:

- Dialectical Materialism: Concepts, laws, and methodologies of dialectical materialism.

- Historical Materialism: Views on history, social classes, and class struggles.

- Epistemology: The process of cognition and the relationship between theory and practice.

- Human Nature: The essence, and historical mission of human beings.

- Communist Society: The striving goal of human society.

What are purposes of studying Marxist-Leninist Philosophy?

- Comprehensive Worldview and Methodology: Marxist-Leninist Philosophy provides an all-encompassing view of the world, helping us better understand the laws of motion in nature, society, and thought.

- Enhancing Independent Thinking: This subject helps develop critical thinking, analysis, and information synthesis skills, leading to objective assessments of social issues.

- Practical Application: The knowledge gained from this subject can be applied to solve real-life and work-related problems.

>>> Download PDF file of the Marxist-Leninist Philosophy textbook in Vietnam.

Marx-Lenin Philosophy Curriculum PDF Overview

PDF file of the Marxist-Leninist Philosophy textbook in Vietnam​ (Image from the Internet)

*Note: Information is for reference only./.

Is Marxist-Leninist Philosophy a mandatory subject for university students in Vietnam?

According to Section 1 of the syllabus for the subject "Scientific Socialism" at the university level issued with Decision 34/2003/QD-BGDDT:

1. Subject Name: Scientific Socialism.
2. Number of Credits: 4 (60 periods).
3. Level: For university students.
4. Time Allocation:
- Lecturing: 70% of the time.
- Seminar: 30% of the time.
5. Prerequisites:
Students must have completed courses in Marxist-Leninist Philosophy and Marx-Lenin Political Economy.

Based on legal regulations, the prerequisite condition for students to study "Scientific Socialism" is that they must have completed courses in Marxist-Leninist Philosophy and Marxist-Leninist Political Economy.

Thus, university students are required to study Marxist-Leninist Philosophy.

What are the regulations on the university training program in Vietnam?

According to Article 2 of the Regulation on University Training Level issued with Circular 08/2021/TT-BGDDT:

- The curriculum is built on a credit unit basis, structured from subjects or courses (referred to collectively as courses), in which there must be sufficient compulsory courses and meet the curriculum standards as prescribed by the Ministry of Education and Training.

In cases of dual majors or major-minor programs, the curriculum must clearly show the common and separate study load for each major.

- The content and output standards of the curriculum apply uniformly to different forms, modes of training organization, and groups of learners.

For those who have graduated from different levels or disciplines, the actual study load is determined based on the recognition or transfer of accumulated credits and exemption from courses in the previous curriculum.

- The curriculum must be publicly available to learners before enrollment and at the beginning of the term; changes or adjustments related to the curriculum are carried out according to current regulations and announced before implementation, without causing adverse effects to students.

- For each training form, the curriculum should provide a standard study plan for the entire course to guide students.

+ The time according to the standard study plan for the full-time training form should align with the time stipulated in the National Education System's framework structure, ensuring that most students complete their training program;

+ The time according to the standard study plan for the part-time training form should be at least 20% longer than the full-time training form of the same curriculum.

- The maximum time for students to complete their course is stipulated in the training institution's regulations but should not exceed 2 times the time according to the standard study plan for each training form.

For students in the bridge programs who have had credits exempted, the maximum time for students to complete their course is determined based on the time according to the standard study plan reduced correspondingly with the exempted credit load.

Thus, according to the regulations, the curriculum is built on a credit unit basis, structured from subjects or courses.

The curriculum must contain sufficient compulsory courses and meet the current training program standards as prescribed by the Ministry of Education and Training.

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PDF file of the Marxist-Leninist Philosophy textbook in Vietnam
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