Official Letter No. 4868 of the Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam guiding the implementation of general tasks for preschools in the academic year 2024-2025

What contents are included in the Official Dispatch No. 4868 of the Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam guiding the implementation of general tasks for preschools for the new academic year?

What contents are included in the Official Dispatch No. 4868 of the Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam guiding the implementation of general tasks for preschools for the new academic year?

Pursuant to Section I of Official Dispatch 4868/BGDDT-GDMN in 2024, which guides the tasks for the school year 2024-2025 with regard to preschool education issued by the Ministry of Education and Training, the general tasks for the school year 2024-2025 with respect to preschool education are as follows:

Task 1. Continuously enhance the efficiency of state management in terms of preschool education; ensure democratic, disciplined, orderly, quality, and effective school administration; promote decentralization and autonomy tied to accountability in managing educational activities at preschool education establishments.

Task 2. Strictly implement measures to ensure absolute safety for children; innovate and enhance the quality of the Preschool Education Program implementation; prepare conditions to pilot the implementation of the new Preschool Education Program.

Task 3. Conduct the review and arrangement of schools and classes, and plan the network of preschool education establishments as per regulations, in line with socio-economic development planning; strengthen investment to develop the network of preschools and classes, implement measures to mobilize children to attend preschools and kindergartens aiming to achieve universal preschool education for children aged 3-5; maintain and improve the quality of universal preschool education for 5-year-old children.

Task 4. Enhance the quality and development of the management and preschool teacher workforce to meet renewal requirements; develop and implement recruitment, training, and professional development plans to ensure sufficient teachers as per regulations; effectively implement the evaluation and professional development for CBQL and GVMN according to professional and principal standards.

Task 5. Promptly advise competent authorities to issue and implement mechanisms and policies for the development of preschool education; strengthen investment from various resources and implement measures to promote socialization of education, ensuring nurturing, caring, and educational conditions for children.

Task 6. Ensure equal access to education for all preschool children, with special attention to children in industrial zones, ethnic minorities, and those living in mountainous and economically extraordinarily difficult areas.

Task 7. Intensify communication on preschool education through various effective forms; effectively deploy the application of information technology and digital transformation in preschool education.

Official Dispatch 4868 of the Ministry of Education guiding the implementation of general tasks for preschools in the school year 2024-2025: How?

Official Letter No. 4868 of the Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam guiding the implementation of general tasks for preschools in the academic year 2024-2025​ (Image from the Internet)

What are regulations on innovation in preschool administration for the school year 2024-2025 in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Section II of Official Dispatch 4868/BGDDT-GDMN in 2024, which guides the tasks for the school year 2024-2025 with regard to preschool education issued by the Ministry of Education and Training, the general tasks for the school year 2024-2025 with respect to preschool education are as follows:

* Proactively advise, issue, and promptly implement documents and policies on preschool education, ensuring conditions to implement the Preschool Education Program

- Strengthen coordination between provincial Departments of Education and Training with local provincial departments and authorities to effectively provide advisory support in issuing specific policies, mobilizing societal resources for the development of preschool education.

- Continuously enhance private investment in education, effectively implement mechanisms and policies on private investment in education; advise on investment in building preschool education establishments to meet the needs of nurturing and educating children of workers and laborers in industrial zones, export processing zones, and residents in densely populated areas.

Continue to effectively implement cooperation, and investment with foreign countries in the field of education and training.

Enhance and increase the efficiency of international cooperation, take advantage of investment and sponsorship from individuals and international organizations, non-governmental organizations both domestic and foreign to develop preschool education suitable to local conditions as per the law.

- Advise provincial People's Councils to issue the Educational Service List, aiming for 63/63 provinces and cities to issue the educational service list by 2025 as required by Decree No. 105/2020/ND-CP; enhance guidance in organizing implementation, inspection, review, and information gathering on the management and implementation of support services to improve the quality of nurturing, care, and education activities for children in preschool education establishments to ensure conformity with local conditions and preschool education establishments.

- Fully and conformably implement policies for children, CBQL, GV, staff, and preschool education establishments as per regulations; cooperate with related provincial departments and authorities to implement policies for preschool education in areas with industrial zones and places with high labor concentration.

- Prioritize, integrate resources from various proposals, projects, and programs[4], invest in infrastructure, workforce, and conditions to ensure the quality implementation of the Preschool Education Program, maintain and enhance the quality of universal preschool education for 5-year-old children, and advance towards universal preschool education for 3-5-year-old children and renovate the Preschool Education Program.

* Continue to effectively implement management innovation in preschool education towards decentralization and autonomy tied to accountability

- Guide and implement regulations on managing preschool education establishments; enhance proactive planning and coordination among educational management levels, related offices, departments, and sectors in local inspection and supervision; guide and rectify management practices and organization of educational activities, ensuring children's safety in preschool education establishments, especially in independent nursery groups and classes.

- Increase autonomy for educational establishments to decide on forms and methods of organizing educational activities to meet the objectives of the Preschool Education Program, ensuring quality and effectiveness; pair autonomy with accountability for the head of the preschool education establishment.

- Implement democratic regulations in managing activities at preschool education establishments as per regulations to promote stakeholders' roles in planning, implementing, supervising, and using resources to organize activities in preschool education establishments; ensure full, prompt compliance with regulations on transparency of educational quality objectives, conditions ensuring educational quality, and results of implementation as stipulated by the Ministry of Education and Training.

- Simplify and digitize records and documents; continue to thoroughly implement and strictly correct the misuse of records and documents in preschool education establishments.

- Strengthen cooperation with local People's Committees, various departments, sectors, and social organizations, mobilizing community participation in managing preschool education, especially in managing independent private groups and classes.

Shall preschools in Vietnam ensure 100 percent of children attending school undergo health checks in the new school year 2024-2025?

Pursuant to Subitem 2.2, Subsection 2, Section II of Official Dispatch 4868/BGDDT-GDMN in 2024 regarding nurturing and health care for children in preschool education establishments:

- Properly implement school health care as per regulations, ensuring 100% of children attending school receive health checks and nutritional assessments based on the World Health Organization's growth charts; cooperate with the health sector to implement effective measures for monitoring, health care, disease prevention, and malnutrition, overweight and obesity prevention for children.

- Strictly organize meals according to regulations on daily meal count, recommended nutritional requirements, and meal distribution; coordinate with the health sector to ensure food safety in preschool education establishments as per regulations; absolutely do not contract meal service providers for children in preschool education establishments.

Increase conditions to adequately organize children's meals at preschool education establishments; enhance inspection, and monitoring, and encourage the participation of Parent Representative Committees in ensuring meal quality and food safety, promptly correct and severely handle any violations in meal organization practices in preschool education establishments.

- Intensify education for children in personal hygiene practices and self-care health skills; incorporate nutritional and health education, and injury prevention into daily activities suited to actual conditions; coordinate appropriate nutrition and exercise policies for malnourished, overweight, and obese children.

Particularly in the school year 2024-2025, preschool education establishments shall strengthen the integration of physical education and nutrition to ensure children's physical development and fitness. Ensure harmony between nurturing, caring, and educating to help children develop balanced, healthy, and agile bodies.

Thus, preschools must ensure 100 percent of children attending school undergo health checks in the new school year 2024-2025.

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