Vietnam: What are the official answers to the question papers for Literature in the exam for the selection of excellent upper secondary school students at the national level in the 2024-2025 academic year?
What are the official answers to the question papers for Literature in the exam for the selection of excellent upper secondary school students at the national level in the 2024-2025 academic year?
On January 20, 2025, the Ministry of Education and Training announced the question papers and answers for all subjects in the exam for the selection of excellent students at the national level in the 2024-2025 academic year.
The question papers for Literature in the exam for the selection of excellent upper secondary school students at the national level in the 2024-2025 academic year are as follows:
Question papers and answers for Literature in the exam for the selection of excellent students at the national level in the 2024-2025 academic year may be found here Download
What are the official answers to the question papers for Literature in the exam for the selection of excellent upper secondary school students at the national level in the 2024-2025 academic year? (Image from the Internet)
What are the general objectives of the General Education Program for Literature in Vietnam?
Under section 3 of the General Education Program for Literature issued with Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT, the general objectives of the General Education Program for Literature in Vietnam are stipulated as follows:
- Form and develop essential traits for students:
+ Patriotism, kindness, diligence, honesty, and responsibility;
+ Nurture the soul, form personality, and develop individuality. The Literature subject helps students to explore themselves and the world around, understand people, have a rich spiritual life, and possess humanitarian life views and behaviors;
+ Love for the Vietnamese language and literature;
+ Awareness of the origin and identity of the nation, contributing to preserving, and developing Vietnamese cultural values;
+ Openness to receiving human cultural quintessence and capability for international integration.
- Contribute to helping students develop general capabilities:
+ Autonomy, self-study skills, communication and cooperation skills, problem-solving and creativity skills. Especially, the Literature subject helps students develop language skills and literary skills: cultivating skills in reading, writing, speaking, and listening;
+ Provide a foundational general education knowledge system about Vietnamese and literature, develop both symbolic and logical thinking, contributing to forming fundamental learning of a cultured person;
+ Ability to compose common documents; ability to receive and evaluate literary texts specifically, communication products, and aesthetic values generally in life.
What are the requirements regarding the education content at various education levels in Vietnam?
According to Article 30 of the Education Law 2019, the requirements regarding the education content at various education levels in Vietnam are stipulated as follows:
- The contents of general education must ensure the popular, basic, comprehensive, career-orienting, and systematic characteristics; linking with the realities of life, appropriate to the psycho-physiological characteristics of students, meeting the objectives of education at each level.
- Requirements on the contents of general education at each level are regulated as follows:
+ Primary education must guarantee students the foundation for comprehensive development of physical and emotional health, social skills, simple and necessary knowledge about nature, society and human being; with social moral awareness; with basic skills in listening, reading, speaking, writing and calculating; with habits of physical exercise and hygiene; and with initial understanding of singing, dancing, music and arts;
+ Lower secondary education shall consolidate and develop the contents learned in primary education, guarantee students the basic general knowledge in Vietnamese, mathematics, national history, other knowledge in social sciences, natural sciences, law, informatics, foreign languages; with introductory understanding on techniques and career-orientation.
+ Upper secondary education shall consolidate and develop the contents learned in lower secondary education, complete the contents of general education. Besides guaranteeing the general, basic, comprehensive and career-orienting knowledge for all students, there shall be advanced teaching in some subjects to develop the students' abilities and satisfy their needs.
What are the regulations on assessing students at different educational levels in Vietnam for Literature?
Under Section 2 of Official Dispatch 3175/BGDDT-GDTrH in 2022, guidelines for innovating the assessment methods for students in Literature are as follows:
- Ensure the principle of fostering positive aspects of individual personalities, imagination, language skills, literary skills, symbolic thinking, and logical thinking of students.
- Focus on designing and using questions, exercises requiring students to apply the learned knowledge and skills in reading, writing, speaking, listening to new contexts and materials; create opportunities for students to explore new knowledge, propose ideas and create new products; evoke associations, imagination, leverage life experiences in reading, writing, speaking, listening processes.
- In the assessment of learning results at the end of semesters, school years, and educational levels, avoid using texts already studied in textbooks to construct comprehension and writing tests for accurate student capability assessment; overcome situations of students memorizing or copying existing content.
- Encourage the construction and use of open-ended questions in testing, assessing to maximize students' creativity. Develop evaluation tools to minimize the subjectivity and bias of graders. When commenting and evaluating students' products, respect and encourage students' individual thinking and feelings based on the principles of not violating ethical, cultural, and legal standards.

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