11:30 | 04/03/2025

What are the lyrics and chords of the song "Từ Bàn Tay Này"? What are the achievement levels of the required outcomes for Music in Vietnam?

What are the lyrics and chords of the song "Từ Bàn Tay Này"? What are the achievement levels of the required outcomes for Music in Vietnam?

What are the lyrics and chords of the song "Từ Bàn Tay Này"?

Below are the lyrics of the song "Từ Bàn Tay Này":

Lyrics of the song "Từ Bàn Tay Này"

Verse 1:

After the shift ends, I let go of all my worries outside the door,

To see the familiar face truly serene,

Still awake, hoping for my peace.

You make my shoulders strong,

Like a lighthouse guiding the whole life.

Want to be full of laughter when together,

Thus the desire is greater every morning.

Seeing efforts to shoulder building the future

Take the will to continue on the long road.


From this hand, offer a loving hug,

From this hand, tenderly cradle the child,

And from this hand, even when storms pass,

Always pull us proudly to overcome the rapids ahead of the ship,

Determination never fades,

With dreams rising high,

Great love helps us to write our names on the top of the heroic monument.

Verse 2:

I hope to explore new horizons

While still holding the hand of those who need me in life,

To ease the heart from winning and losing fame.

The passing of time leaves more calloused scars on the skin,

Etching stories that cannot be erased,

Like the lines on the face of the stone piece.


(and when I look in the mirror,

Smiling after all the weathered days)

Sweat falls, dismissing hardships that do not make me fear

(Like treasure in a chest,

Engraved with a diamond code)

Strong enough to overcome countless doubts.


From this hand, offer a loving hug,

From this hand, tenderly cradle the child,

And from this hand, even when storms pass,

Always pull us proudly to overcome the rapids ahead of the ship,

Determination never fades,

With dreams rising high,

Great love helps us to write our names on the top of the heroic monument.


Determination with dreams always flying high,

Building a stronger tomorrow that cannot be shaken..

From this hand

Below are the chords of the song "Từ Bàn Tay Này"

Chords of the song "Từ Bàn Tay Này"

Verse 1:


After the shift ends, I let go of all my worries outside the door,


To see the familiar face truly serene


Still awake, hoping for my peace.


You make my shoulders strong,


Like a lighthouse guiding the whole life.


Want to be full of laughter when together,


Thus the desire is greater every morning.


Seeing efforts to shoulder building the future


Take the will to continue on the long road.



From this hand, offer a loving hug,


From this hand, tenderly cradle the child,


And from this hand, even when storms pass,


Always pull us proudly to overcome the rapids ahead of the ship,


Determination never fades,


With dreams rising high,


Great love helps us to write our names on the top of the heroic monument.

Verse 2:


I hope to explore new horizons


While still holding the hand of those who need me in life,


To ease the heart from winning and losing fame.


The passing of time leaves more calloused scars on the skin,


Etching stories that cannot be erased,


Like the lines on the face of the stone piece.



(And when I look in the mirror,


Smiling after all the weathered days)


Sweat falls, dismissing hardships that do not make me fear.


(Like treasure in a chest,


Engraved with a diamond code)


Strong enough to overcome countless doubts.

Chorus (Repeat):


From this hand, offer a loving hug,


From this hand, tenderly cradle the child,


And from this hand, even when storms pass,


Always pull us proudly to overcome the rapids ahead of the ship,


Determination never fades,


With dreams rising high,


Great love helps us to write our names on the top of the heroic monument.



Determination with dreams always flying high,


Building a stronger tomorrow that cannot be shaken..


From this hand...

Note: The information is for reference only!

Lyrics of the Song "Từ Bàn Tay Này", Latest Chords for the Song "Từ Bàn Tay Này"?

What are the lyrics and chords of the song "Từ Bàn Tay Này"? (Image from the Internet)

What are the achievement levels of the required outcomes for Music in Vietnam?

Under subsection 1, section 8 of the General Education Program for the Music subject issued together with Circular 32/2018/TT-BG/DDT, certain verbs are used to express the achievement levels of the required outcomes of students.

Some verbs are used at different levels, but in each case express a specific action with respective subjects and requirements.

During the teaching process, especially when posing discussion questions and designing assessment tasks, teachers can use the verbs mentioned below or replace them with equivalent verbs suitable to the pedagogical situation and specific tasks assigned to students.

03 achievement levels of the required outcomes for Music in Vietnam include:

Level Verbs Describing the Level
Acknowledge Naming (performance forms), enumerating (some notable musicians), listing (a variety of musical instruments), recalling (the content of a song), articulating, memorizing (lyrics); recognizing (musical notes, musical notation symbols), identifying, reading accurately (pitch and rhythm of musical notes),...
Comprehension Describing (instrumental playing action), providing examples; summarizing, explaining (the meaning of some musical symbols and terms); comparing (differences between rhythmic types),...
Application Performing (musical acts); adjusting (vocal tone to create harmony); organizing (music activities suitable for age groups); classifying, evaluating (musical performance skills of oneself and others),…

What are the perspectives on developing the Music curriculum in Vietnam?

According to the General Education Program for Music issued together with Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT, the perspectives on developing the Music curriculum in Vietnam are as follows:

- Comply with the basic regulations stated in the overall General Education Program, including general orientations for all subjects (perspective, objectives, requirements, educational plan, and orientations on educational content, teaching methods, and assessment of educational outcomes, conditions for implementation, and program development); orientation for developing the Music curriculum at three educational levels.

- Focus on developing specific aesthetic capacity for the Music subject (musical ability) through educational content with basic and practical knowledge; develop harmony of virtue, intellect, physique, and beauty; emphasize practice.

- Inherit and promote the strengths of the General Education Program 2006 for Music while absorbing the experience of curriculum development from some advanced educational systems around the world. The program content is designed in a way that combines concentricity and linearity, clearly showing the characteristics of musical art and national cultural identity; high integration in lower grades, gradual differentiation in higher grades.

- Create diverse learning contexts, with rich content and learning activities, to meet the needs and interests of students; create emotions, joy, and enthusiasm in learning; contribute to career orientation for students with musical talents.

- Ensure core educational content is uniformly implemented nationwide while maintaining openness to accommodate the diversity of conditions and learning abilities of students from different regions.

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