14:13 | 14/08/2024

List of Grade 1 Mathematics Textbooks for the Year 2024 Approved by the Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam

Which books, authors' names, and publishers are included in the List of Grade 1 Mathematics textbooks approved by the Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam?

List of Grade 1 Mathematics Textbooks for the Year 2024 Approved by the Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam

Based on the List of Grade 1 Textbooks for use in general education institutions issued together with Decision 4507/QD-BGDDT in 2019, the Ministry of Education and Training approves the list of Grade 1 Mathematics textbooks for the academic year 2024-2025 as follows:

No. Title Authors Publisher
1 Mathematics 1 Ha Huy Khoai (Chief Editor), Le Anh Vinh (Editor), Nguyen Ang, Vu Van Duong, Nguyen Minh Hai, Bui Ba Manh. Vietnam Education Publishing House
2 Mathematics 1 Tran Nam Dung (Chief Editor), Khuc Thanh Chinh (Editor), Dinh Thi Xuan Dung, Nguyen Kinh Duc, Dinh Thi Kim Lan, Huynh Thi Kim Trang. Vietnam Education Publishing House
3 Mathematics 1 Dinh The Luc (Chief Editor), Phan Doan Thoai (Editor), Nguyen Phuong Anh, Nguyen Thi My, Nguyen Thi Bich Thuan. Vietnam Education Publishing House
4 Mathematics 1 Tran Dien Hien (Editor), Nguyen Dinh Khue, Dao Thai Lai, Nguyen Thuy Van. Vietnam Education Publishing House
5 Mathematics 1 Do Duc Thai (Chief Editor), Do Tien Dat (Editor), Nguyen Hoai Anh, Tran Thuy Nga, Nguyen Thi Thanh Son. University of Education Publishing House

List of Grade 1 Math Textbooks for 2024 Approved by the Ministry of Education and Training

List of Grade 1 Mathematics Textbooks for the Year 2024 Approved by the Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam (Image from Internet)

Objectives of teaching Nathematics to primary school students in Vietnam

According to subsection 2, Section 3 of the Mathematics Curriculum for general education issued together with Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT, the objectives that primary school students need to achieve in Mathematics are as follows:

- Contributing to the formation and development of Mathematicsematical capabilities with the following requirements: perform simple thinking operations; ask and answer questions when reasoning, solving simple problems; choose arithmetic operations and formulas to present, express (orally or written) contents, ideas, methods to solve problems; use Mathematicsematical language combined with ordinary language and body movements to express Mathematicsematical contents in simple situations; use simple tools and means to perform Mathematics learning tasks.

- Have initial, essential basic knowledge and skills in:

+ Numbers and calculations: Natural numbers, fractions, decimals, and operations on these sets of numbers.

+ Geometry and Measurement: Observe, recognize, describe shapes and features (at a visual level) of some flat and solid figures in practice; create some simple geometric models; calculate some geometric quantities; develop spatial imagination; solve simple practical problems related to Geometry and Measurement (with usual measurement units).

+ Statistics and Probability: Basic elements of statistics and probability; solve simple practical problems related to some elements of statistics and probability.

- Along with other subjects and educational activities such as: Ethics, Nature and Society, Experiential Activities, etc., contribute to providing students with initial understanding of some professions in society.

Specific content and learning outcomes for grade 1 Mathematics in Vietnam

The specific content and learning outcomes for Grade 1 Mathematics are stipulated in the Mathematics Curriculum for general education issued together with Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT. To be specific:

Content Details Expected Learning Outcomes
Natural Numbers    
Natural Numbers Counting, reading, writing numbers within 100 - Count, read, write numbers within 10; within 20; within 100.

- Recognize tens and units, round numbers to tens.
  Comparing numbers within 100 Recognize how to compare and order numbers within 100 (in groups of no more than 4 numbers).
Calculations with Natural Numbers Addition, subtraction - Recognize the meaning of addition and subtraction.

- Perform addition, subtraction (without carrying) for numbers within 100.

- Become familiar with performing calculations with two signs of addition and subtraction (from left to right).
  Mental calculations - Perform mental addition, subtraction within 10.

- Perform mental addition, subtraction with round numbers to tens.
  Practicing problem-solving related to addition, subtraction - Recognize the practical meaning of calculations (addition, subtraction) through pictures, drawings or practical situations.

- Recognize and write suitable calculations (addition, subtraction) with the answer to the word problem and calculate the correct result.
Visual Geometry    
Flat and Solid Figures Observing, recognizing shapes of some simple flat and solid figures - Recognize positions, orientation in space: above - below, right - left, front - back, in the middle.

- Identify square, circle, triangle, rectangle through the use of personal study tools or real objects.

- Identify cube, rectangular prism through the use of personal study tools or real objects.
  Practical assembling, arranging related to some simple flat and solid figures Recognize and perform assembling, arranging related to using personal study tools or real objects.
Measurement Symbols of quantity and units of measurement - Recognize "longer than," "shorter than."

- Recognize the unit of length: cm (centimeter); read and write the length within 100cm.

- Recognize that each week has 7 days and the names, order of days in the week.

- Recognize the correct time on the clock.
  Practice measuring quantity - Perform measuring and estimating length with self-conventional units (hand span, footsteps, etc.).

- Measure length with a straight ruler using the unit of cm.

- Read the correct time on the clock.

- Identify the day and date of the week when looking at the calendar (daily type).

- Solve some simple practical problems related to measuring length, reading the correct time, and looking at the calendar (daily type).
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