What are the guidelines for preparing the briefest lesson "Cây sồi mùa đông" for 8th-grade students in Vietnam? What are the disciplinary measures against 8th-grade students making a mistake in Vietnam?

What are the guidelines for preparing the briefest lesson "Cây sồi mùa đông" for 8th-grade students in Vietnam?

What are the guidelines for preparing the briefest lesson "Cây sồi mùa đông" for 8th-grade students in Vietnam?

"Cây sồi mùa đông" recounts an afternoon when teacher Anna Vasilyevna walks with the boy Savushkin through the forest. Below are guidelines for preparing the briefest lesson "Cây sồi mùa đông" for 8th-grade students in Vietnam:

Guidelines for preparing the briefest lesson "Cây sồi mùa đông":

Question 1: Identify the topic and summarize the general content of the text.

Topic: The story revolves around the friendship between the boy Savushkin and teacher Anna Vasilyevna, showcasing Savushkin's care and affection for nature, particularly the winter oak and the animals in the forest.

General content: The story is about an afternoon when teacher Anna Vasilyevna walks with Savushkin through the forest to better understand why the boy is often late for school. The teacher unexpectedly discovers a magical world of nature she had never known before, and through this, she realizes Savushkin's special feelings for the trees and animals. Ultimately, she understands the reason behind Savushkin's tardiness and recognizes the great value of the small things in life.

Question 2: Identify some representative details that express the feelings Savushkin has for the oak and the animals in the forest. What character traits does this contribute to?

Some representative details expressing Savushkin's affection for nature:

Savushkin shows great care when covering the hedgehog with snow, tending to it as he would a friend.

The boy also cares for a frog and other animals in the forest; even if they are hibernating, he still shows love and respect for them.

Savushkin refers to the winter oak as an "old acquaintance" and treats the tree as if it were his friend.

This shows that Savushkin is a gentle, sensitive boy who loves and cares for nature and the animals around him. This character trait reveals that he is a compassionate person who tends to protect and care for the small and precious things in life.

Question 3: Why, at the end of the story, does Anna Vasilyevna suddenly understand that the most wonderful thing in this forest isn't the winter oak and calls Savushkin a "wonderful and mysterious citizen of the future"?

At the end of the story, Anna Vasilyevna realizes that the most wonderful thing isn't the winter oak - an image of natural strength and beauty, but Savushkin, a boy with a deep love for nature and animals, who is brave, sensitive, and full of potential. The teacher realizes that Savushkin himself is the "wonder" because he lives naturally, always caring for the forest creatures and having a deep understanding of the world around him. By calling Savushkin a "wonderful and mysterious citizen of the future," she expresses her admiration and awareness of a small but promising individual.

Question 4: What message does the author want to convey to the readers through this story?

The message the author wants to convey through the story is the appreciation and respect for nature, as well as the spiritual values that people can find in seemingly simple things. The story also emphasizes human care, love, and protection towards the natural world, as well as the recognition of good human qualities like kindness, sincerity, and unconditional love. It also encourages everyone to realize that the simple, small things are the most wonderful in life.

Note: The guidelines for preparing the briefest lesson "Cây sồi mùa đông" are for reference only!

Lesson Plan for "Winter Oak" Grade 8 - Shortest Version? How are 8th-grade students disciplined for violations?

What are the guidelines for preparing the briefest lesson "Cây sồi mùa đông" for 8th-grade students in Vietnam? What are the disciplinary measures against 8th-grade students making a mistake in Vietnam? (Image from the Internet)

What are the disciplinary measures against 8th-grade students making a mistake in Vietnam?

According to Clause 2, Article 38 of the lower secondary school, upper secondary school and multi-level school charter issued along with Circular 32/2020/TT-BGDDT, the disciplinary measures against 8th-grade students in Vietnam include:

- Give the student a reminder, directly support them in correcting their mistake.

- Reprimand the student, inform the student’s parent(s) to have the parent(s) cooperate in supporting the student in correcting their mistake.

- Suspend the student’s study at school for a definite period and take other correcting measures according to regulations from the Ministry of Education and Training.

What are the duties of 8th-grade students in Vietnam?

According to Article 34 of the lower secondary school, upper secondary school and multi-level school charter issued together with Circular 32/2020/TT-BGDDT, 8th-grade students in Vietnam have the following duties:

- Learn and train according to curricula and education plans of their schools.

- Respect their parents, officials, teachers and staff of their schools, and those older than them; maintain solidarity and mutual support in learning and training; conform to the charter and rules of their schools; and abide by the law.

- Take exercises and maintain personal hygiene.

- Participate in group activities of their schools and classes, Ho Chi Minh Young Pioneer Organization and Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union; help their families, join physical and social activities and environmental protection activities, and maintain traffic order and safety.

- Protect school and public property; contribute to fostering, preservation and enhancement of school traditions.

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