Is there another name for "lower secondary school" in Vietnam? What is the duration of lower secondary schools in Vietnam?
Is there another name for "lower secondary school" in Vietnam?
According to Article 28 of the 2019 Education Law, the levels and ages of general education are as follows:
(1) The levels and ages of general education are specified as follows:
- Primary education is conducted over 05 school years, from the first grade to the end of the fifth grade. The age for entering the first grade is 06 years old, calculated based on the year.
- Lower secondary education is conducted over 04 school years, from the sixth grade to the end of the ninth grade. Students entering the sixth grade must have completed the primary education program. The age for entering the sixth grade is 11 years old, calculated based on the year.
- Upper secondary education is conducted over 03 school years, from the tenth grade to the end of the twelfth grade. Students entering the tenth grade must hold a lower secondary school diploma. The age for entering the tenth grade is 15 years old, calculated based on the year.
(2) Students who are allowed to skip grades or study at an age higher than the prescribed age in Clause 1 of this Article include:
- Students who skip grades due to early intellectual development.- Students who study at an age higher than the prescribed age in cases of repeating a grade, students in areas with extremely difficult socio-economic conditions, students of ethnic minorities, students with disabilities, students with physical or intellectual underdevelopment, orphans, students from poor households, students returning from abroad, and other cases as prescribed by law.
(3) General education is divided into the foundational education stage and the career-oriented education stage. The foundational education stage includes primary and lower secondary levels, while the career-oriented education stage is the upper secondary level. Students in vocational education institutions can study a certain amount of upper secondary cultural knowledge.
(4) The Minister of Education and Training prescribes the teaching and learning of Vietnamese for ethnic minority children before entering the first grade, the teaching of upper secondary cultural knowledge in vocational education institutions, and the cases specified in Clause 2 of this Article.
Based on the above provisions, lower secondary school (junior high school) is a level of education within Vietnam's education system, following primary education and preceding upper secondary education (senior high school).
Thus, a lower secondary school is also known as a "junior high school".
Is there another name for "lower secondary school" in Vietnam? What is the duration of lower secondary schools in Vietnam? (Image from the Internet)
What is the duration of lower secondary schools in Vietnam?
According to Clause 1, Article 28 of the 2019 Education Law, the levels and ages of general education are as follows:
Levels and ages of general education:
1. The levels and ages of general education are specified as follows:
a) Primary education is conducted over 05 school years, from the first grade to the end of the fifth grade. The age for entering the first grade is 06 years old, calculated based on the year;
b) Lower secondary education is conducted over 04 school years, from the sixth grade to the end of the ninth grade. Students entering the sixth grade must have completed the primary education program. The age for entering the sixth grade is 11 years old, calculated based on the year;
c) Upper secondary education is conducted over 03 school years, from the tenth grade to the end of the twelfth grade. Students entering the tenth grade must hold a lower secondary school diploma. The age for entering the tenth grade is 15 years old, calculated based on the year.
Thus, according to the above regulation, a lower secondary school will last 4 years (from the 6th to the 9th grade). Students entering the sixth grade are 11 years old, calculated based on the year.
What are conditions for certification of completion of the lower secondary school program in Vietnam?
According to Article 34 of the 2019 Education Law, which stipulates the certification of completion of primary, upper secondary education programs, and the awarding of lower secondary and upper secondary school diplomas:
(1) Students who complete the primary education program and meet the conditions prescribed by the Minister of Education and Training will have their academic records certified for completion of the primary education program by the school principal.
(2) Students who complete the lower secondary education program and meet the conditions prescribed by the Minister of Education and Training will be awarded a lower secondary school diploma by the head of the local education authority at the district level.
(3) Students who complete the upper secondary education program and meet the conditions prescribed by the Minister of Education and Training will be allowed to take the graduation exam. Those who meet the requirements will be awarded an upper secondary school diploma by the head of the local education authority at the provincial level.
(4) Students who complete the upper secondary education program, meet the conditions to take the exam prescribed by the Minister of Education and Training but do not take the exam or do not meet the requirements will be issued a certificate of completion of the general education program by the school principal.
(5) The certificate of completion of the general education program can be used to register for the upper secondary school diploma exam when needed or to pursue vocational education and to use in specific cases as prescribed by law.
(6) Students holding a lower secondary diploma and pursuing a secondary-level program in a vocational education institution, after studying and meeting the requirements for the upper secondary cultural knowledge amount as prescribed by the Minister of Education and Training, will be issued a certificate of completion of the upper secondary cultural knowledge amount by the head of the education institution.
(7) The certificate of completion of the upper secondary cultural knowledge amount is used to pursue higher levels of vocational education and in specific cases as prescribed by law.
Thus, the seven conditions above are the necessary conditions for certification of completion of the lower secondary school program.

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