15:14 | 20/08/2024

Is a Doctoral Degree Considered a Diploma within the National Education System in Vietnam?

What are types of diplomas of the national education system in Vietnam? Is a doctoral degree considered a diploma of the national education system in Vietnam?

Is a Doctoral Degree Considered a Diploma within the National Education System in Vietnam?

Based on Article 12 of the Education Law 2019:

Diploma, certificate

1. Diplomas of the national education system are issued to learners after graduation from a level of education or after completing an educational program and meeting the output standards of the corresponding level as prescribed in this Law.

2. Diplomas of the national education system include: lower secondary education diploma, upper secondary education diploma, intermediate vocational diploma, college diploma, bachelor's degree, master's degree, doctoral degree, and equivalent-level diplomas.

3. Certificates of the national education system are issued to learners to confirm the results of their studies after being trained and upgraded in academic or vocational proficiency or are issued to learners who take examinations to obtain certificates in accordance with regulations.

4. Diplomas and certificates issued by educational institutions of various types and forms of training within the national education system have the same legal validity.

5. The Government of Vietnam issues the system of higher education diplomas and prescribes equivalent-level diplomas for certain specialized training fields.

The doctoral degree is considered a credential of the national education system. In addition to the doctoral degree, other diplomas of the national education system include the lower secondary education diploma, upper secondary education diploma, intermediate vocational diploma, college diploma, bachelor's degree, master's degree, and equivalent-level diplomas.

Is a doctoral degree considered a credential under the national education system?

Is a Doctoral Degree Considered a Diploma within the National Education System in Vietnam? (Image from the Internet)

Who is responsible for publicly announcing the diploma system of the school in Vietnam?

Based on Article 60 of the Education Law 2019:

Duties and powers of the school

1. The school has the following duties and powers:

a) Publicly announce the objectives, programs, educational plans, conditions for ensuring educational quality, results of evaluation and accreditation of education quality, and the system of diplomas and certificates of the school;

b) Organize admissions, education, training, and scientific research, transfer the results of training and scientific research in accordance with functions, duties, and powers; certify or issue diplomas and certificates within its authority;

c) Proactively propose needs, participate in recruiting teachers and workers in public schools; manage and utilize teachers and workers; manage learners;

d) Mobilize, manage, and use resources according to legal regulations; build facilities according to standardization and modernization requirements;

dd) Coordinate with families, organizations, and individuals in educational activities; organize activities for teachers, workers, and learners to participate in social activities and serve the community.

2. The implementation of duties, organizational structure, personnel, and financial management of public schools are regulated as follows:

a) Preschools, lower secondary schools, and upper secondary schools implement democratic regulations within the school; they have the responsibility to be accountable to society, learners, and managing authorities; ensure the participation of learners, families, and society in school management. Management in public preschools and schools is implemented according to the Government of Vietnam regulations;

b) Vocational education institutions and higher education institutions exercise autonomy and accountability as prescribed in the Vocational Education Law, Higher Education Law, and other related legal regulations.

3. Private schools and non-public schools have autonomy and bear responsibility for the planning, development plans of the school, organizing educational activities, building and developing the teaching staff, mobilizing, using, and managing resources to achieve educational goals.


The school is responsible for publicly announcing the system of diplomas of the school, and also has the responsibility to certify or issue diplomas within its authority.

What are the rights of doctoral students regarding their doctoral degrees in Vietnam?

Based on Article 83 of the Education Law 2019:

Rights of learners

1. To receive education, learn to develop comprehensively and best exploit their potential.

2. To be respected; to have equal opportunities for education and learning; to develop talents, aptitudes, creativity, inventions; to receive complete information about their own learning and training.

3. To progress faster, shorten the time of program implementation, learn at an older age than the prescribed age, extend the learning time, repeat classes, and create conditions to follow educational programs according to legal regulations.

4. To learn in a safe and healthy educational environment.

5. To be issued diplomas, certificates, and confirmations after graduating from a level of education, training qualifications, and completing educational programs according to regulations.


PhD students have the right to be issued a doctoral degree after graduating from the corresponding level of education according to regulations.

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