How to convert mixed numbers to fractions and convert fractions to mixed numbers according to grade 5 curriculum in Vietnam? How many periodic tests are there in grade 5 mathematics curriculum in Vietnam?
How to convert mixed numbers to fractions and convert fractions to mixed numbers according to grade 5 curriculum in Vietnam?
A fraction is a representation of two rational numbers, expressed as the ratio of two integers, while a mixed number is a combination of an integer and a fraction, with the integer part at the beginning of the mixed number, and the fractional part always being less than 1.
Below is a guide on how students can convert mixed numbers to fractions and fractions to mixed numbers:
1. How to Convert a Mixed Number to a Fraction
To convert a mixed number to a fraction, follow these steps:
Step 1: Multiply the integer part of the mixed number by the denominator.
Step 2: Add the result to the numerator.
Step 3: The result of the addition becomes the numerator of the fraction, while the denominator remains the same.
2. How to Convert a Fraction to a Mixed Number
To convert a fraction to a mixed number, follow these steps:
Step 1: Identify the numerator and the denominator of the fraction. If the numerator is greater than the denominator, you can perform this calculation. Otherwise, if the numerator is equal to or less than the denominator, the fraction cannot be converted to a mixed number.
Step 2: Divide the numerator by the denominator.
Step 3: The integer part of the division result will be the integer part of the mixed number.
Step 4: The remainder of the division will be the numerator of the mixed number.
Step 5: The denominator of the mixed number remains the same as that of the original fraction.
How to convert mixed numbers to fractions and convert fractions to mixed numbers according to grade 5 curriculum in Vietnam? How many periodic tests are there in grade 5 mathematics curriculum in Vietnam? (Image from the Internet)
What are general regulations on regular assessment for mathematics' results for grade 5 students in Vietnam?
Based on Clause 1, Article 6 of the Regulations on Primary School Student Assessment issued with Circular 27/2020/TT-BGDDT, the regular assessment for mathematics' results for grade 5 students is as follows:
- Teachers use flexible and appropriate assessment methods, mainly through verbal feedback to show students what is right and wrong and how to correct it; write comments in notebooks or on students' work when necessary, with specific measures to help promptly.
- Students self-assess and participate in assessing their peers' or group's work during the performance of learning tasks to improve their learning and performance.
- Parents exchange comments and assessments of students with teachers in appropriate forms and cooperate with teachers in motivating and helping students in their studies and practice.
How many periodic tests are there in grade 5 mathematics curriculum in Vietnam?
In Article 7 of the Regulations on Primary School Student Assessment issued with Circular 27/2020/TT-BGDDT:
Periodic Assessment
- Periodic assessment of the contents of subjects and educational activities:
a) At the middle of the first semester, the end of the first semester, the middle of the second semester, and the end of the school year, teachers rely on regular assessments and the required achievements, specific manifestations of the competence components of each subject, educational activity to evaluate students for each subject, educational activity according to the following levels:
- Excellent: meets all learning requirements and frequently shows specific manifestations of the competence components of the subject or educational activity;
- Satisfactory: meets learning requirements and shows specific manifestations of the competence components of the subject or educational activity;
- Unsatisfactory: fails to meet some learning requirements or fails to show specific manifestations of the competence components of the subject or educational activity.
b) At the end of the first semester and the end of the school year, for compulsory subjects: Vietnamese, Math, Foreign Language 1, History and Geography, Science, Information Technology, and Technology, there are periodic tests;
For grades 4 and 5, additional periodic tests for Vietnamese and Math are given at the middle of the first semester and the middle of the second semester.
c) Periodic test papers should be suitable to the required achievements and specific manifestations of the competence components of the subject, including questions, exercises designed according to the following levels:
- Level 1: Recognize, recall, or describe learned content and directly apply it to solve some familiar situations or problems in learning;
- Level 2: Connect, arrange some learned content to solve similar content-related problems;
- Level 3: Apply learned content to solve some new problems or give appropriate feedback in learning and life.
Thus, grade 5 mathematics curriculum has 4 periodic tests: at the middle of the first semester, the end of the first semester, the middle of the second semester, and the end of the second semester. The test papers are designed according to the following levels:
- Level 1: Recognize, recall, or describe learned content and directly apply it to solve some familiar situations or problems in learning;
- Level 2: Connect, arrange some learned content to solve similar content-related problems;
- Level 3: Apply learned content to solve some new problems or give appropriate feedback in learning and life.

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