How many heroes was honored in the Congress of Exemplary Heroes and Soldiers on May 1, 1952 in Vietnam?
How many heroes was honored in the Congress of Exemplary Heroes and Soldiers on May 1, 1952 in Vietnam?
May 1, 1952, marks a significant milestone in the history of Vietnam's revolution, denoting the event of the first National Patriotic Emulation Congress. This event was not just a ceremony of honor but also a great motivation, sparking the patriotism, enthusiasm for labor, and fighting spirit of our entire populace during the arduous resistance against the French.
How many heroes were honored at the Congress of Exemplary Heroes and Soldiers on May 1, 1952 in Vietnam? Why was this Congress important? |
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*Note: Information is for reference only./.
How many heroes was honored in the Congress of Exemplary Heroes and Soldiers on May 1, 1952 in Vietnam? (Image from Internet)
Are grade 12 students in Vietnam required to know about the Congress of Exemplary Heroes and Soldiers?
Based on Section 5 of the History course in the General Education Program issued with Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT, regulations about the curriculum content for grade 12 history are as follows:
The Resistance War Against the French Colonists (1945 - 1954)
Overview of the resistance war against the French colonists
- Historical background
- Main developments
The reasons for victory, position, and historical significance of the resistance against the French colonists in the historical progression of Vietnam
- Reasons for victory
- Position, historical significance
The Resistance War Against America, Saving the Nation (1954 - 1975)
Overview of the resistance war against America, saving the nation
- Historical background
- Main development stages
The reasons for victory, position, and historical significance of the resistance against America, saving the nation in the historical progression of Vietnam
- Reasons for victory
- Position, historical significance
Struggle to Protect the Homeland from April 1975 to Present
Overview of the struggle to protect the homeland from April 1975 to present
- Historical background
- Main developments
The Congress of Exemplary Heroes and Soldiers held on May 1, 1952, occurred during the resistance against the French 1945-1954, thus it is included in the grade 12 history curriculum and mentioned in this Congress.
Hence, grade 12 students might need to be aware of the Congress of Exemplary Heroes and Soldiers, as it is part of what will be studied in the curriculum.
What are the duties of grade 12 students in Vietnam?
Based on Article 34 of the Regulations on lower secondary schools, upper secondary schools, and schools with multiple educational levels issued by the Ministry of Education and Training with Circular 32/2020/TT-BGDDT, lower secondary students have specific duties as follows:
- Fulfill study and training tasks according to the school's program and educational plan.
- Respect parents, staff, teachers, employees of the school, and elders; show solidarity, help each other in studying and training; comply with the school's regulations and internal rules; adhere to the laws of the nation.
- Maintain physical fitness, and ensure personal hygiene.
- Participate in collective activities of the school, the class, the Ho Chi Minh Young Pioneer Organization, the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union; help the family, engage in labor and social activities, environmental protection activities, and follow traffic safety regulations.
- Preserve and protect the school's and public properties; contribute to building, protecting, and promoting the school's tradition.