Has there been announcement on the start date of 2024 - 2025 school year for students of all levels in Vietnam?
What date is the start of 2024 - 2025 school year in Vietnam? When will the opening ceremony take place?
Recently, the Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam issued Decision 2045/QD-BGDDT in 2024 regarding the framework of the academic year 2024 - 2025 for preschool education, general education, and continuing education to be applied nationwide.
>> Download Decision 2045/QD-BGDDT in 2024: Download
Specifically, the framework of the academic year 2024 - 2025 for preschool education, general education, and continuing education to be applied nationwide is as follows:
(1). The earliest school start is one week before the opening ceremony. For first grade, the earliest school start is two weeks before the opening ceremony.
(2). The opening ceremony will be held on September 5, 2024.
(3). The first semester ends before January 18, 2025, and the academic year ends before May 31, 2025.
(4). Approval for completion of the primary education program and approval for middle school graduation before June 30, 2025.
(5). Completion of admissions for entry-level classes before July 31, 2025.
(6). The high school graduation exam in 2025 is scheduled to take place on June 26 and June 27, 2025.
(7). Other national exams will be organized according to the regulations and guidelines of the Ministry of Education and Training.
Early start time for students at all levels for the 2024 - 2025 academic year is August 29, 2024.
For first-grade students, the earliest start time is August 22, 2024.
The nationwide opening ceremony will be held on September 5, 2024.
Has there been announcement on the start date of 2024 - 2025 school year for students of all levels in Vietnam? (Image from the Internet)
What are the entry ages for each level of education in Vietnam?
Based on the provisions of Clause 1, Article 28 Education Law 2019, it is stipulated as follows:
Grade levels and ages in general education
1. The grade levels and ages in general education are stipulated as follows:
a) Primary education takes place over 5 years, from grade one to grade five. Students start first grade at the age of 6, calculated by year;
b) Middle school education takes place over 4 years, from grade six to grade nine. Students start sixth grade after completing primary education. Students start sixth grade at the age of 11, calculated by year;
c) High school education takes place over 3 years, from grade ten to grade twelve. Students start tenth grade after obtaining a middle school graduation certificate. Students start tenth grade at the age of 15, calculated by year.
Therefore, the typical ages of students at different levels are as follows:
- Primary: 6-10 years old;
- Middle school: 11-14 years old;
- High school: 15-17 years old.
What mandatory subjects must students at different levels learn?
According to Section 3 of the General Education Curriculum issued with Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT, the stipulation is as follows:
1. Basic Education Stage
1.1. Primary Level
a) Educational Content
Compulsory subjects and educational activities: Vietnamese; Mathematics; Ethics; Foreign Language 1 (in grades 3, 4, 5); Natural and Social Sciences (in grades 1, 2, 3); History and Geography (in grades 4, 5); Science (in grades 4, 5); Informatics and Technology (in grades 3, 4, 5); Physical Education; Art (Music, Fine Arts); Experiential Activities.
Elective subjects: Ethnic Minority Language, Foreign Language 1 (in grades 1, 2).
b) Educational Time
Conduct two sessions/day, with no more than 7 periods/day; each period lasts 35 minutes. Educational institutions that do not have the conditions to conduct two sessions/day will implement educational plans according to the guidelines of the Ministry of Education and Training.
1.2. Middle School Level
a) Educational Content
Compulsory subjects and educational activities: Literature; Mathematics; Foreign Language 1; Civic Education; History and Geography; Natural Sciences; Technology; Informatics; Physical Education; Art (Music, Fine Arts); Experiential Activities, Career Orientation; Local Education Content.
Elective subjects: Ethnic Minority Language, Foreign Language 2.
b) Educational Time
2. Career-Oriented Education Stage
2.1. Educational Content
Compulsory subjects and educational activities: Literature; Mathematics; Foreign Language 1; History; Physical Education; National Defense and Security Education; Experiential Activities, Career Orientation; Local Education Content.
Elective subjects: Geography, Economic and Legal Education, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Technology, Informatics, Music, Fine Arts.
Students select 4 electives from the list of elective subjects.
Mandatory subjects for students at different levels are as follows:
- Primary students: Vietnamese; Mathematics; Ethics; Foreign Language 1 (in grades 3, 4, 5); Natural and Social Sciences (in grades 1, 2, 3); History and Geography (in grades 4, 5); Science (in grades 4, 5); Informatics and Technology (in grades 3, 4, 5); Physical Education; Art (Music, Fine Arts).
- Middle school students: Literature; Mathematics; Foreign Language 1; Civic Education; History and Geography; Natural Sciences; Technology; Informatics; Physical Education; Art (Music, Fine Arts).
- High school students: Literature; Mathematics; Foreign Language 1; History; Physical Education; National Defense and Security Education.

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